WebNovelHalf Bros25.64%

Big Brains

Madison High School, Principal Brian Office

(Thomas and Timmy sitting outside the principal office)

Timmy: I can't believe you did something after psat testing.

Thomas: I didn't do anything and how don't you know we are here because of you.

Timmy: Because if I did something bad and not remember it is approximately 123 to 1.

(Kevin and Isabelle walking over)

Kevin: Thomas Lee what did you know.

Thomas: Nice dad.

(Brian opening the door)

Brian: All four of you come in please.

(All four of them walking in the principal office)

Brian: I wanted the whole family to be here to hear this.

Thomas: I can you start by saying I didn't do anything bad during the last testing.

Brian: He didn't do anything bad during testing, he actually got one of the highest scores in his class.

Thomas: I did?

Kevin: I'm really proud of you Thomas.

Timmy: Not surprising, despite Thomas immature joking and unorganized behavior his actual intelligence.

Thomas: I guess I have a big IQuip(laughs).

Isabelle: Then why do you want all of us here?

Brian: Because of Timmy, he got the highest score on psat in this school district.

Thomas: Awesome Timmy.

Isabelle: I'm so proud.

Kevin: You earned it.

Timmy: I thought I answered over 80% of the questions correctly but I didn't think I did that good.

Brian: You did better than good. The top boarding school what's you, High States University.

Kevin: High States University my father told he tried to get in better even the smart man like him couldn't get in.

Brian: The very same. So Timmy what do you say?

(Timmy thinking to himself)

Next Day, Lee House

(Timmy sitting on his bed)

(Kevin knocking on his door)

Timmy: Come in.

(Kevin walks in)

Kevin: So have you been thinking.

Timmy: That's a broad question. People think of millions of things everyday.

Kevin: I mean about going to the new school. You don't have to if you don't want to.

Timmy: Why wouldn't I want to go HSU, it is one of the best schools in the world and it could be really challenging.

Kevin: But for the next three days you will be away from home and if they like you will live there a few months. Being gone from your brother could be sad.

Timmy: Why would I be sad you brought him here so he would stop getting in trouble and stop being a jokester, and it mostly worked.

Thomas: I also brought him here for you, having a brother is a gift. But it is still your decision to go.

(A few hours later)

(Timmy on a bus going to HSU)

(Kevin, Isabelle, Mark, Freddie, and Thomas waving goodbye)

(Timmy and Thomas staring at each other until they out of view)

Kevin: Are you ok Thomas.

Thomas: Of course I'm and Timmy will get bored of that school soon enough.


(Walking in the large and clean hallway)

Timmy: Impressive.

Tour Guide: Yes, our floors are so clean you could eat of them.

Timmy: That wouldn't be a good idea because even if this are the cleanest floors in the world there are still a hundred people walking on it everyday.

Tour Guide: As smart and straight to point as they say.

Lance: If you ask me he's all talk.

(Lance and his two friends walking over)

Tour Guide: This Lance is one of our smartest students and captain of our fencing team.

Timmy: Fencing I always wanted to try that.

Lance: I wouldn't if I was you, you wouldn't last 5 seconds with me.

(Lance walking away)

(May walking up to Timmy)

May: Like you could see Lance is a school bully, outdated right. I'm May. Some people call me May May. Your Timmy Lee, did you go by Tim, I heard you skip grades I did too.

Tour Guide: This is May Heather, another of our top students here and as you see she quit the talker, if you could understand.

Timmy: I understood her perfectly, I'm used to stupider conversations with my half brother.

May: When you say half brother do you mean you have a different mom or dad. Or is some kind of sibling joke.

Timmy: The first one.

(Bell rings)

Tutor Guide: Class is about to start, May do you mind showing Timmy around.

May: On it. definitely this is a job for me. You got it.

(Timmy following May to science)

May: Don't worry this first class is rocket science, well it is rocket science but not serious rocket science. You know what I mean.

Timmy: Yes

Madison High School 

(Thomas, Mark, and Freddie in the cafeteria)

Freddie: Thomas you ok.

Thomas: Yes why wouldn't I be.

Mark: Well you haven't been yourself ever since Timmy left. 

Freddie: Yay, now you got no one to say your jokes are bad, immature, or illogical.

Thomas: First of all my jokes are awesome and I got more a lot of friends to hang out with.

(Thomas seeing Sarah walking past their table)

Thomas: Hey Sarah do you want to hang out sometime.

(Sarah blushes walks away)

Thomas: She must've not hear me.

Next Day, HSU

(Timmy dorm room)

(Timmy trying draw pictures for his book but failing)

(May knocking on the open door)

May: Knock knock, why should I even say knock knock to the open door. Oh what are written, those look bad, no offense.

Timmy: These are the characters of the book I created. I do the writing and my half brother does the drawings. He is really good at making art, making friends, and coming up with jokes that are actually good sometimes.

May: Sounds really like you miss your brother, why don't you go here then.

Timmy: Well this is a good school that could challenge me but I think the biggest challenge in my life is having a half brother, and a challenge I like.

Lance: Oh the baby misses his big brother.

(Lance and his friends walks in his dorm)

Lance: If you can last long without your brother holding your hand then you should leave.

May: Why don't get out here and now I think why are so mean? Do you have parent problems or something?

(Lance tries pushes May away but Timmy catches her)

Timmy: You ok.

May: Yes yes.

Timmy: I know most people would view this as sexiest or use this for an excuse this days but you would hit a girl.

May: I don't think is offensive at all.

Lance: To make the shatter box shut up then yes. What are you going to do about it.

Timmy: We'll take a page of a metaphoric book. I challenge you to bout aka a fence fight.

May: No crazy, insane, and stupid no offense.

Timmy: I think you confused me with my half brother.

Lance: Then your brother has to be the dumbest person on the planet, I've won 10 matches in the roll and what's in it for me when I win.

Timmy: If you win I'll leave this school, if I win you apologize to May.

Lance: Deal.

Night, Gym

(Timmy and Lance in fencing uniforms)

(May and Lance friends watching)

Lance: Let's do this.

(They pull out their swords and fight)

(Lance hits Timmy shoulder)

Lance: This is more fun than I thought.

(Timmy blocks Lance blows and hits his chest)

Lance: How did you…

Timmy: I'm a fast learner.

(Timmy keeps hitting Lance rapidly)

(Lance grabs his sword pushes down to the ground)

May: Hey you dirty unfair cheater.

(Teachers come in)

Teacher: What is going on here?

Lance: Nothing, we just having fun but it is over, right Timmy.

Timmy: Let me tell you something Lance I can't tell I lie. So we weren't having fun, we were fighting because Lance pushed May.

(Teachers shocked)

Timmy: And secondly it is not over.

(Timmy kicks Lance between legs)

Timmy: I also learned that from my half brother.

Next Day, Madison High School 

(Timmy sitting next to the lockers with Thomas, Mark, and Freddie)

Thomas: You got kicked out of school for giving a bully a taste of his own medicine, we really are brothers.

Timmy: Half brothers.

Mark: And what's with you two kicking dudes in the nuts.

Freddie: Other than it being funny.

Thomas: Admit you did because you miss me.

May: He actually did because of me.

(The guys seeing May)

Timmy: May what are doing here.

May: I go here now, my parents decided it would be better if I go to a regular school after what happened with Lance. Hey I'm May and you must be Thomas, Timmy half brother.

Thomas: Hey.

May: I like to see you four more especially Timmy, bye.

(May blushes then walks away)

Thomas: My brother has a girlfriend.

Timmy: She's just a friend who happens to be a girl.

Thomas: Is so funny when a guy doesn't know when a cute girl likes him.

(Sarah walking over)

Sarah: Thomas, if you still want to hangout we can meet in the smoothie place.

Thomas: Cool then less smooth over then (laughs)

(Sarah blushes then leaves)

Freddie: Maybe it is a genetic thing.

Mark: Or they're both equally clueless.