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Treasure Fever

Town Park

(Thomas, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie standings in group of people)

Thomas: Wow haven't see this much people since I painted the school bus red at my old school.

Mark: Why did you…

Timmy: Don't ask it just leads to a bad joke.

Thomas: You mean good joke. But why are we here?

Freddie: The treasure hunt, keep up.

Thomas: Treasure?

Timmy: Is annually treasure hunt to find an old container that belonged to one the town founders.

Thomas: Cool is it  field with gold or diamonds?

Timmy: Nobody knows and the only clue to find is that map of the town up there.

Thomas: Quick take a picture.

Freddie: Too late I already did, move faster you two.

Mark: Sorry, Freddie has been trying to find the treasure since he was kid.

Freddie: Not just me my father, grandfather, and even great grandfather have been trying for years and todays the day I find it.

Thomas: Sounds like your family needs to find different thing to do on holidays(laughs).

Freddie: This isn't funny. It was Mark idea to bring you twot here so don't slow us down.

Thomas: Wow.

Mark: Yay he goes crazy this hunts. 

Timmy: Sounds he got gold fever.

Thomas: I think you mean treasure fever (laughs).

Alex: I see your clever jokes matches a worm thought process.

(Alex walking over with two big guys)

Thomas: Hey Alex we haven't see you since tried fram my brother.

Alex: It's good to see you lee brothers and your two little sidekicks too.

Mark: The only side kicks here will be from me to you if you do any dirty tricks this time.

Alex: I only planning to win this with my to gentlemen I hired to help me.

Thomas: Did also pay them to listen to fake accent.

Alex: Sticks and stones gentlemen.

(Alex walks away)

Freddie: Ok we definitely have wins now.

Timmy: Agreed, and I know just the place to start.


(Four of them reading)

Thomas: Do you want a leaf while you read book worm.

Freddie: How is this going to help us find the treasure?

Timmy: You said the treasure belonged to one of the town finders right.

Mark: Yeah so?

Timmy: So if anything about the treasure it should be in the book of our town history.

Mark: Dude we have 5 minutes before the library close and that is over a hundred pages, you can't possibly find anything about…

Timmy: Find it.

Thomas: Your speed reader or should I say a flash reader(laughs).

Freddie: No time for jokes what does it say.

Timmy: It just a map of the town and square near the side.

Freddie: It kind of matches the map. Quick take a picture of it.

Timmy: We can't take pictures of books, is one rules in here.

Freddie: Come on we just need a picture and what happens if we do.

(The big librarian right behind him)

Timmy: I guess you were to loud.

(Librarian throws all four of them out)

Freddie: Dang it, now we are never going to find the treasure.

Thomas: Maybe not,I got a good look of the picture. Timmy give me a pen, paper, and Freddie phone of the picture.

(Thomas writing a copy of the map and symbol)

Thomas: Done.

Freddie: Amazing.

Mark: Yay dude, I didn't know you had a photographic memory.

Thomas: The better thing to ask is why does Timmy  have a pen and paper on hand.

Timmy: Is nothing wrong about being prepared.

Mark: Wait I think I recognize that building, is the old clock tower.

Freddie: I know a shortcut known let's go.

Clock Tower  

(Four of them near the old Clockwork)

Thomas: Why is everything border up.

Timmy: It's closed because safety problems.

(Freddie ripping the borders of)

Thomas: Freddie what are you doing?

Freddie: Trying to get in so we can find the treasure.

Timmy: Is illegal to break into a condemned building.

Freddie: Well they should have thought of that when their treasure in there. So stop complaining and help take this down.

Mark: No you been a giant jerk every time you try to find the treasure and we not helping you until act yourself.

Thomas: You acting crazy.

Timmy: Agreed.

(Thomas, Timmy, and Mark walking away)

Freddie: Fine who needs you three anyway. More treasure for myself.

(Freddie take all boards from the door)

Freddie: You be mine soon.

Alex: I was just about to say the same thing.

(Alex and his two thugs behind Freddie)

Alex: Thanks for helping me find the treasure. Gentleman thank him.

(Alex thugs grabs Freddie and time him up)

Freddie: Your cheater, the treasure is mine.

Alex: No is mine. Take out the trash gentlemen.

(Two thugs throw Freddie in the dumpster)

(All three of them go in the clock tower)

(Freddie trying get free)

Freddie: If that little rat gets the his dirty little paws on my treasure I'm going to…

(Freddie hearing angry voice echo in the dumpster)

Freddie: do I really sound that crazy. I sound even worse then Alex and now my friends even abandoned me.

Mark: Don't act over dramatic.

(Mark, Thomas, and Timmy opening the dumpster)

Thomas: Wow Freddie you stink more ways than one today (laughs).

Freddie: Guys I thought you left.

Timmy: We weren't to far away when we heard Alex and his thugs do this to you.

Freddie: I'm so sorry guys my family been looking so long people have been making fun of us and I thought if I finally find it they would stop. 

Thomas: Is ok Freddie.

Mark: Yay we all get crazy in something's.

Timmy: Like you thinking you unbeatable in martial arts.

Mark: I haven't lost yet. But now let's free you and get that treasure from Alex.

Clock Tower 

(The guys seeing Alex and thugs looking for the treasure)

Alex: Move faster you buffoons.

Timmy: Alex therapy for his anger.

Thomas: And lot more stuff.

Mark: They going find the treasure.

Freddie: Maybe not. Do you guys remember the history lesson last week.

Timmy: You mean the history lesson all three of you sleep through.

Freddie: Well before I fell asleep I remember the part about how some old buildings have a secret apartment for emergency.

Timmy: Yay, I remember that it should be one in the thickest wall, like the one at end of this wall.

(Four searching the wall)

Freddie: I found a latch. Now pull.

(All four of them opening it and seeing a small container)

Thomas: We found it.

Alex: No I found it.

(Alex and his thugs behind him)

Freddie: Again have you ever heard of fair play.

Alex: All fair in love and war my enemy. Get them.

(Thugs about to attack them)

(Mark grabs their hands and throws them to the ground)

Mark: You were saying.

(Two thugs run away from Mark)

Thomas: I guess the bigger they are the fastest they run away (laughs).

(Alex grabs a piece of wood)

Freddie: Alex what do think you're doing.

Alex: Give me the treasure now.

(Alex tries to hit them with piece of wood but they evade and he hits the wall)

(The wall begins to crack and the ceiling begins to fall apart)

Freddie: It's falling apart, we have to leave now.

(Thomas grabs Alex by his shirt collar)

Alex: What are you doing.

Thomas: Saving your life.

(All five of them runs out before the clock tower falls apart)

Thomas: Wow usually when something false apart it is my fault.

Alex: The treasurer is gone.

Timmy: You do realize you wouldn't be able to complain about the treasurer if my half brother didn't save your life.

Thomas: Yay, you owe me a life debt.

Alex: You lucky I value life debts, let just agree to not mention anything about what happened tonight.

All of them: Agreed

(Alex walks away)

Thomas: Freddie.

Freddie: I know you're going to say, if I haven't acted crazy we would still have a clock tower. Trust me I would never ever act crazy again.

Thomas: Good but I was going to say I grabbed the treasure before the building collapsed.

(Container in Thomas hand)

Mark: Amazing.

Freddie: No way.

Timmy: That was an unlikely outcome.

Thomas: I have fast hands. Now let's open it.

(All four them opening the container)

Timmy: Unexpected.

Morning, Town Hall

(All four them standing next to Mayor Steve)

Mayor Steve: I would like to thank all four of these boys for finding the knife of one founder with his and others names on them. This day will be remembered for years to come.

Thomas: So what going do now you found treasure.

(Girls waving at Freddie)

Freddie: I have a few ideas.

Mark: Looks like old Freddie is back.

Timmy: For better or worse.