WebNovelHalf Bros20.51%

Bros Before Games

Lee House

(Kevin Lee sitting on the couch and reading a book)

(Kevin hearing noises from Thomas room)

Kevin: What's going on up there?

(Kevin walking up the stairs and near the door)

Freddie: His killing me.

(Kevin pushes the door open)

Kevin: Stay away from my sons!

(Kevin seeing Thomas, Timmy, Freddie, and Mark playing a video game)

Thomas: Wow dad reminded me to call you when I locked out of my room.

Kevin: I heard screaming is everyone ok.

Timmy: We're ok dad, we just playing a video game.

Thomas: Not just any video game, his greatest game Game Corps has created, Versus Brawl.

Kevin: Then what was screaming for.

Mark: That's just Freddie complaining about losing for the hundred time.

Freddie: That's not true.

Timmy: No actually is the 123 time.

Kevin: Well, try to calm down boys is just a game.

(Kevin walks out of the room)

Thomas: Ok let's get back to it.

(Timmy clearing the level)

Thomas: Wow I didn't know you were so good with video games.

Mark: Yay I thought you were more interested in books.

Timmy: I am but just rest of the stuff I do I just use logic and reasoning to predict the boss attack patterns and solutions to game's challenges.

Thomas: Looks like calling you a brainiac is understatement (laughs).

(Freddie loses again)

Freddie: Stupid game. Why are we even playing this game you already finished it a month ago.

Thomas: I did I'm just getting in practice for the next Game Corps game. Versus Brawl 2.

(Freddie looking on his phone)

Timmy: Why do sound so excited? It's just second version of the game you already have.

Thomas: Is not, it has all the characters from this game but new ones too, better graphics, more special moves, and much more. I did extra work at the bowling alley so I can get the 300 dollars I need to buy it, this game is mine.

Freddie: Thomas is not $300 dollars.

Thomas: What!

Freddie: I just checked on the Game Corps website it is double that amount.

Thomas: What do you mean double.

Timmy: He means it's 300 times 2 which should be $600 hundred dollars.

Thomas: I don't know your king or captain obviously.

Mark: Relax Thomas I'm sure you can get the other 300 dollars.

Thomas: It comes out Friday, I can't last that long without seeing spoilers.

Freddie: Maybe you don't have to. Game Corps is having a competition at their store. If you guess the exact number of balls in the container you get free games for the next 5 years.

Thomas: Then let's go.

Mark: Come on Thomas no one actually wins those things.

Thomas: That's why all us are entering, so if one of us wins we can get the game, are you in.

Timmy: Well I'll already finish my school work for the next two weeks so I'm in.

Game Corps

(Everybody lining up for the competition)

Freddie: Wow there a lot of people here, I don't think we can win.

Thomas: Remind never ask you for encouragement.

(Timmy looking the container with the balls in it)

Timmy: Base on size it has to weigh more then the average human and the size of balls are the same size of pool ball.

Thomas: Earth to Timmy we remind you to breathe.

(The guys writing their guess for the balls)

(David Larry and Brandon James walking on stage)

(Both of them whispering)

Brandon: Are you sure this was a good idea sir, what if someone wins.

David: Relax James no video game nerd could possibly guess the exact number, but this will boost the popularity of our games and money.

(Speaking in the microphone)

David: Is such an honor to have so many loyal fans of our games. Now let's give back those pens so you can't change your answers.

(All the people giving back the pens)

David: Know the winning number is 12625.

(Everybody making sad noises)

Thomas: Dang it.

Freddie: My number isn't even close.

Mark: I told you guys no one wins these things.

David: Well don't feel bad everybody and there will be more things to see in the Game Corps carnival in two days.

Timmy: Excuse me, I guess the right number.

(Everybody shocked)

David: You what.

Timmy: 12625, that's the number I wrote down.

(David trying hide his disopited)

David: Congratulations young man, what's your name.

Thomas: Timmy Lee also known as my little brother, which means we share anything including the free games for the next 5 years.

Timmy: Half brothers but you can have the free games.

(David whispers)

David: You said no one could win.

Brandon: No one could, he must have cheated.

David: You have two days to prove it.

Next Day, Lee House

(Lee family sitting in the living room)

Thomas: Have I told you how much I loved your big brain?

Timmy: Until yesterday 34 times.

(Person knocking on the door)

Kevin: Who is that!

Isabelle: Let me check.

(Isabelle opening the door for David and Brandon)

David: Hello.

Thomas: You're David Larry the owner of Game Corps, what are you doing here?

David: To see the winner of our contest.

Brandon: You are bright kid Timmy Lee.

Isabelle: That's Timmy always the thinker.

Brandon: Yay before we created the contest the biggest brain of our company calculated it would be almost impossible for a tween to win.

Thomas: Looks like you need to fire your people.

David: Timmy I get, when I was your age broke some rules and did things I shouldn't have.

Isabelle: What are you implying?

David: Nothing but your son did something, by accident or purpose, it would be ok if he said it.

Timmy: Mr. Larry I always make sure I follow the rules.

Thomas: His right is the opposite of rule breaker. A unbreaker or fixer or something.

David: I would have to disagree with you.

Kevin: How dare you call my son a cheater, get out of our home and never come back.

David: Fine but until your son admits he cheated you won't get the free games.

Thomas: What.

(David and Brandon leaving)

Isabelle: Don't worry Timmy, we know you would never cheat.

Timmy: I'm fine mom but I'll be more worried about Thomas.

Thomas: No I'm fine, I'll just get another 300 dollars in the next 5 days.

Next Day, Street

(Thomas walking down the street)

Thomas: Ok I found a few pennies in the bottom of my shoe, which makes no cents(laughs) how come no once around when I make a good joke.

(Limbo drives in front of him)

(Window rolls down and Thomas sees David and Brandon)

Thomas: What do you two want?

David: Just to talk.

Thomas: No way dude, not after what you said to my little brother.

David: What if I said I have a plate of nachos.

Thomas: I would say I'm starving and those are not your cheese(laughs)

(Thomas goes in the the Limbo)

Brandon: Our online records of our games shows you're one of best players in the country.

David: Very impressive.

Thomas: Thanks but you didn't just ask me in here to tell me that.

David: You're smart to. It doesn't look good for our company if a regular tween wins a competition we created.

Thomas: Does it help that he solved a roblox cube when he was 4.

Brandon: Not that much.

David: Look we are not trying to make your brother a bad guy but some people who look online about what happened, they think that.

Thomas: They would?

Brandon: Yes, but you can stop that.

David: All you have to do is come to carnival tomorrow and say on stage your brother cheated. For a reward we will give you free access to any game, even the newest once. What do you say?

Night Time, Game Corps Carnival

(Thomas, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie)

Freddie: Wow, there are a lot of games here.

Mark: Maybe some you can win.

Thomas: Oh I really need to go to the bathroom.

Timmy: Didn't you go before we left.

Thomas: Well nature likes to make another call.

Mark: Too much information dude.

(Thomas walking away)

Timmy: He's been acting weird.

Freddie: You're just noticing that.

(Thomas walking up the stage)

(Timmy following him)

(David and Brandon walking up to him)

Brandon: Ok everything sent.

David: All you have to do is admit your brother cheated.

Thomas: I can't do this.

David: Remember what I said.

Thomas: I know what you said and it reminds of one of the villains in your video game.

David: If you don't do this you won't get any free games.

Thomas: I don't care about games if it means I sell out my brother. My brother is the smartest guy I know, he isn't a cheater.

Timmy: I agree.

(Timmy walking in view)

Thomas: Timmy I can explain.

Timmy: You don't have to Thomas, I heard you defend me. Ok David Larry I didn't cheat but if I say that I did will you stop messing with my family.

David: Yes, because it lets me sell my games to stupid kids like your brother and get more money.

(All of them hearing noise from behind the curtains)

(Curtain opens and see Mark, Freddie and a lot of angry people)

Brandon: Why are they so mad?

Timmy: It probably has to do with me having the microphone behind me.

David: Why you little.

Brandon: It looks like we have give him the free games just to make people keep buying our games.

David: Fine.

(David and Brandon leaving)

Thomas: I'm sorry I almost sold you out for a stupid video game.

Timmy: Yes almost but you didn't it and I'm lucky to have you as a half brother who sticks up for me.

Thomas: Thanks, it will be a long time if I buy any games from Game Corps.

Timmy: Like after Versus Brawl 2 comes out.

Thomas: Maybe before.