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The Story of the Lee Brothers

Narrator: In a land of mystery and amazement there were a bunch of different beings from lands with their own stories. These lands people were against each other and constantly fighting with each other until they came. Two brothers, from different fathers, would change the outcome of this world. One chaotic jokester and other an orderly intellect. This is their story.

Thomas: I wonder where you got that idea from.

Real life, Lee Home

(Timmy room)

Thomas: I never guess you would thank me, for doing pictures for the book, by putting me in you story.

Timmy: Disaster and Structure may have been inspired by us but their own original characters with their own unique personalities.

Thomas: Then why does Structure call Disaster his half brother like you do to me.

Timmy: He likes to be accurate with the name of his relationships.

(Isabelle opening door )

Isabelle: Boys, it is almost 10:00, you better get some rest for school tomorrow.

(Isabelle leaves)

Timmy: Mom's right we need to go to bed.

Thomas: Ah man,I have paper due tomorrow. Where I put it.

Timmy: I have it. You better leave it in my room so you won't lose it.

Thomas: How don't you know you won't lose it.

Timmy: I have an organization in my room. Why else do you think I have some much labeled binders?

Thomas: I just thought you were a bin head. (Laughs)

Timmy: That's not accurate.

Thomas: Still funny.

Timmy: Even less accurate.

Madison High School, Hallway

(Thomas walking hallway)

Timmy: Thomas, wait up.

(Timmy catching up to him)

Timmy: You move fast.

Thomas: That was because I am a cheetaher (laughs).

Timmy: Like a cheetah I get it. You forget your paper.

Thomas: No, I grabbed it from the red binder.

Timmy: No, I have your paper right here. 

Thomas: Well what did I get from the red binder?

Timmy: Well I kept my paper copies of my stories in the red binder next to my bed. Which means…

Thomas: Brain scrap (laughs), get it like scrap paper and brain fart.

Timmy: Yes clever, know we need to go.

Few minutes later, Office

(Timmy and Thomas entering the office)

Betty: Hey boys.

Timmy: Hey Betty, my half brother gave a paper to the history teacher that was a different paper and she said she gave it to you.

Betty: Yay, she has too many papers in her desk so she asked me to hold them for her.

Thomas: Do you have them?

Betty: Yes their right here.

Thomas: I told you bro easy clipy, get like paper clips.

(Timmy looking for his story)

Timmy: I can't find my paper and isn't this the next school calendar.

Betty: Oh my I must have mixed them up. I must have printed your paper instead.

Timmy: Please tell me you still have them.

Betty: Sorry I already send them out.

Thomas: Well that's…

Timmy: Unfortunate.

Thomas: I was going say blows but that works to.

Hallway, Lockers

(Timmy and Thomas next their lockers)

Thomas: I thought you were upset.

Timmy: I express my emotions differently then others so I don't get upset easily. But I still put a lock on the binders.

Thomas: Don't blame yourself.

Timmy: I don't, I blame you.

Thomas: Whoever is the cause of this, everything is fine. Who gets a paper copy of the calendar these days.

(Freddie and Mark walking over)

Freddie: Timmy, we need to talk about your book.

Thomas: Today is not my day.

Freddie: I can't believe you put a lame copy of me in your book.

Timmy: The blacksmith is a great builder and loyal ally of the main characters.

Freddie: When you say "ally" you mean the sidekick who gets kicked in the nuts every time he flirts with a woman.

Mark: That's my favorite part of your book.

Freddie: Of course you are happy your character is a material art master who kicks bad guy butt.

Mark: That is the most accurate part of your book.

Timmy: Actually he lost some fights because of his oversized ego.

Mark: You need work on characters.

Freddie: And how come the characters based on you two are super powerful Demigods. You even gave Thomas' character a hot vampire girlfriend.

Thomas: Really, cool.

(Sarah walking pass them while they talk)

Timmy: Actually that character is based on Sarah.

Thomas: Me and Sarah that interesting thought.

(Sarah blushes and walks away)

Timmy: I knew writing a book was a bad idea.

Thomas: Come on this is just some criticism, nothing bad is going to happen.

Brian(speaker): Timmy Lee to the office.

Thomas: I really should stop saying things out loud.

Principal Office

Brian: I read your book.

Timmy: I'm sorry principal Brian. I'll try to get rid of them.

Brian: Don't, is amazing.

Timmy: You like it.

Brian: I love it and I think some other students agree with me. Theirs  a school fair coming in a few min you could sell more copies of your book if you want.

Timmy: Yes sir, you can't tell but I excited and relieved.

Brian: I thought you had to pee.

End of the day, Outside 

(Timmy, Thomas, Freddie, and Mark)

Freddie: You know you are a good writer and the Blacksmith is pretty awesome.

Mark: Yay, he's a better version of you.

Timmy: Thanks, that means a lot.

Thomas: All part of my plan. I knew if grabbed your story and gave it to my teacher, everybody would like your story. 

Timmy: Was also part of your plan to get a F on your paper for not turning it in.

Thomas: Please tell me.

(Timmy gives Thomas his paper Thomas)

Thomas: I sell you guys in the next book.

(Thomas runs to class)