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Brothers Part 2

Lee House

(Mark and Freddie knocking on the door)

(Isabelle opens the door)

Freddie: Hello Mrs. Lee.

Isabelle: Hey boys are you here for Thomas and Timmy.

Mark: Yes we wanted to see how those two were doing after their fight two days ago.

Isabelle: I haven't seen them talking to each other. Me and Kevin are worried.

Freddie: This is worst then I thought, then can end up getting worse soon.

Mark: Maybe we can help.

Freddie: How they won't talk to each other.

Mark: Yay each other but if I talk to Timmy and you talk to Thomas they might realize how dumb their being.

Freddie: That surprisingly good plan.

Mark: Of course I came up with it.

Madison High School, Library 

(Timmy and Mark sitting down)

Mark: So Alex took your place on the SEG team.

Timmy: Correct and he checked out all the books I was studying.

Mark: Sorry dude it sounds like it sucks.

Timmy: It's not your fault it's Thomas.

Mark: Listen Timmy I know you were really focused on these but Thomas really tried to protect your notes.

Timmy: By eating sloppy next to it.

Mark: Well his version of trying but he still tried and what going to do be mad at him forever.

Timmy: I'm not mad, I just refuse to speak to him.

Mark: That's not better dude.

Art Club

(Thomas painting something while talking to Freddie)

Freddie: Thomas I know Timmy is an interesting person to get along with.

Thomas: That's one way to describe a unemotional smarty pants.

Freddie: But he doesn't mean to be mean on purpose he just doesn't understand how other people's emotions and how they react.

Thomas: Like people making mistakes, he acts like I did it on purpose he evenly blamed me for all the crazy stuff happened to him.

Freddie: Well at least most.

Thomas: Maybe half but I always helped when he needed me.

Freddie: Well both of you are kind of acting like jerks.

Thomas: You must be talking about someone else because I'm perfectly calm.

(Freddie seeing Thomas painting shooting flames at of villagers)

Freddie: Yeah I can see.

Thomas: I guess you can see the roar of the flames(laughs).

Lee House

(Thomas and Freddie sitting on the couch talking to each other)

(Mark and Timmy walking in)

Thomas: Freddie tell Timmy I'm not talking to him.

Timmy: Mark tell Thomas since he talking about me he still technically talking to me.

Thomas: Well your technically a jerk.

Freddie: Stop this you two, this ends now.

Mark: Yeah just apologize already.

Timmy: You heard him Thomas apologies.

Thomas: Me for what?

Timmy: Like ruining my chances to be in SEG.

Mark: That is not what I meant.

Freddie: Can on Thomas you older brother here try to be the better person.

Thomas: Tell that Timmy he thinks he better then me.

Timmy: What.

Thomas: Come on Timmy you clearly think you better then me. Dad knows it, the kids at school knows it, and I know it.

Timmy: Thomas that got be the stupidest thing you ever said.

Thomas: Huh?

Timmy: Thomas you are the most unpredictable person I know, you always seem to joke at the most stressful situations, and never afraid to speak out to the people who could beat you up. I wish I could do that stuff. If anything else your then me.

Thomas: You really think that about me.

Timmy: Of course your my older half brother I look up to you. 

Thomas: In more ways then one, sorry bad timing.

Timmy: It wasn't that bad for you.

Thomas and Timmy: I'm sorry.

(Freddie trying hold back his tears)

Mark: You must be a mess watching tv dramas.

Timmy: I can't believe we got on each other's throats just because you spoiled mustard on my notes.

Thomas: Mustard? I had ketchup on my hot dog.

Freddie: Then how did Thomas mess up your notes then.

Mark: He didn't but Alex did. Didn't you say Alex took you spot on your team.

Thomas: And we were distracted when he fell.

Timmy: He must have hired someone to ruin my notes and make Thomas take the fall.

Freddie: That little rat planned all this so he could take Timmy spot on the team.

Mark: Then let's teach that guy a lesson.

Thomas: Don't violence would only make us the bad guys.

Freddie: Well we got to tell principal Brian what he did.

Timmy: No we don't haveevidence of what he did.

Mark: So we going let that little jerk win.

(Timmy phone getting a text from May)

Timmy: Is May.

Thomas: Oh you to have each other's numbers.

Timmy: Of course we're on the same team. She put a lot unnecessary emojis but I understand what she says. The other girl got sick and their spot is open for me.

Thomas: That's great, not for girl I hope she feels better, but you be on the team again.

Timmy: But I don't have my notes and SEG is tomorrow.

Thomas: Yes you do I spent the last two days trying to recreate them, having photographic memory helps.

Timmy: You did that while you were still angry at me.

Thomas: What aren't half bros for.

Mark: Half Bros that sounds cool.

Thomas: Now let's study. That sounded cooler in my head.

Tomorrow, Madison High School

(SEG Competition)

(Thomas, Mark, Freddie, Kevin, and Isabelle sitting in the crowd sitting in the crowd)

(Alex and Timmy going through the questions)

Announcer: Final question. What is atomic number iron?

(Alex trying to think)

(Timmy hits the buzzer)

Announcer: Timmy Lee your up.

Timmy: 26.

Announcer: That is correct. Madison High wins.

(Everybody cheering)

(Timmy walking down the steps to Thomas)

Thomas: That was awesome.

Timmy: I couldn't do it without you.

Alex: Isn't that sickening sweet.

Timmy: Back off Alex we know what you did to get on the team.

Alex: So what if you know I messed up your notes and almost got us lost by default. I still technically won and got away with it.

Recorder: "So what if you know I messed up your notes and almost got us lost by default."

Alex: What was that?

Thomas: Just my little square friend here recording what you said. And if you are going to do something crazy like this again I'll give this to the principal.

Alex: I can't believe I got outsmarted by this fool again.

Timmy: Of course he's my brother.

Thomas: Did you just can me your brother.

Timmy: Of course that you are and should start saying it.

Thomas: Come here big brain.

(Thomas playfully nogies Timmy)