WebNovelHalf Bros35.90%

Laughing Detective in Bowling Conspiracy

Joy Bowl

(Thomas and Timmy walking over to Julie Andrew)

Thomas: Juile I clean the bowling balls and now they're clean enough to eat of them.

Timmy: My brothers's humor, despite how good it was, would be impossible in two ways. First one is because any plate with slip off. Second is you have the size of an ant to eat in them.

Thomas: Sounds like we can second business of making ant restaurants (laughs).

Julie: Is so sweet that you are hanging out with your brother while he is working, Timmy.

Timmy: Well recently I figured out my brother isn't the fool I used to think  he is. I should do the stuff he does.

Thomas: Like pranking and making awesome jokes.

Timmy: Not all of them.

(Freddie and Mark walking over)

Thomas: Hey guys what took so long.

Timmy: Agreed my calculations showed with Freddie new car you would have gotten here sooner.

Mark: Well you didn't calculate Freddie going crazy over his car. He moved slower than a turtle.

Thomas: You shouldn't dangle a leaf over a head to make him go faster or for Freddie case a girl wearing a leaf costume (laughs).

Freddie: Make fun me all you want you don't have a car to look after. The payments are killing me, if one dent get on that car I'm ruined.

Thomas: What's that thing over your neck, Julie.

Julie: Is my mother necklace. She would be her 65th birthday today.

Timmy: I'm very sorry for your lost.

Julie: Is fine, I have this to remember her by.

Freddie: Are those real diamonds?

Julie: Yes.

Thomas: Wow when someone call you money bags there being literal (laughs).

Timmy: You should probably put it somewhere safe so no one can steal it.

Julie: Good idea.

(Julie walks into her office)

Freddie: If I had a necklace like that I could pay off all my parents forever.

Mark: If that had I would be able buy my own car so I wouldn't ride with you.

Thomas: If you done talking about stealing my boss necklace there's a lane set for you. I have to fix  lemon soda machine, you know, saying you can't bowl without breaking lemon soda.

Timmy: Good try on your adaptation of metaphor.

(Few hours later)

(Thomas and Timmy sitting down)

Thomas: I'm surprised you relaxing with me.

Timmy: Well is good take a break once a day. 

(Dirty Eric Matthew walks past them)

Timmy: Isn't Eric Matthew, the man who tried to tire this place down. I heard he lost all his money, what is he doing here?

Thomas: Oh Julie felt bad for him so she let him play here.

Timmy: I know is not good hold a grudge but isn't that being too trusting.

Thomas: Come on Julie is adult she can handle herself.

(Julie screams and run out her office)

(Everybody gathers around)

(May runs next Timmy)

Timmy: May I didn't know you like bowling.

May: Yay, I sure sure do.

Thomas: Are you ok?

May: I just drank 5 lemon sodas and I really need the ladies room.

Freddie: Julie why did you scream.

Julie: My mother's necklace is stolen.

(Everybody shocked)

Mark: Wait, are you sure it is stolen.

Julie: Yes, I put right on my desk before I went to get the closing sign. When I came back it was gone.

Freddie: We got to call the cops.

Thomas: No this isn't for job for the cops, but it is job for Laughing Detective

(Thomas put on his Laughing Detective hat)

May, Eric, and Julie: Who?

Freddie: Long story.

Thomas: I will solve this case.

Timmy: Especially with me helping you.

Thomas: Sorry kid this isn't a job for amatur.

Timmy: But I'm not a amateur I am the Logical Sleuth.

(Timmy puts on a small hat)

Timmy:  I use my intellect to put in criminals and mad men away.

Thomas: Liking the energy. Fine let's do this partner.

(Few minutes later)

(Eric, Freddie, Mark, May, and Julie sitting in a circle)

(Thomas and Timmy walking over)

Thomas: Ok people you are our suspects.

Mark: Why us.

Timmy: Because Julie office is opposite of the building so it would be impossible for anyone to get in here and take it without being noticed.

Thomas: And Julie's window is always locked so no one could get in that way. So could only be one person in this building.

Freddie: I think we all know who did it.

Mark: Yay, Eric is one who has bad history with Julie.

Eric: How dare you.

Thomas: They do have a point. In my experience the culprit always has some sort of history with the victim. 

Timmy: Or we could logically presume since his financial problem he planned to seal necklace for a lot of money.

Thomas: That's make sense but boring.

Eric: I wouldn't do that to Julie, she was nice to me after I lost my money.

Thomas: So you have no motive for being here.

Eric: No, I was going to ask her if I could get a job here.

Julie: Of course you can.

Thomas: He's telling the truth, when put in many crooks I have you can tell it in their eyes.

Timmy: Plus neither his pants or shirt has any pockets to put the necklace in.

Julie: So who did it?

Timmy: Well the idea of someone stealing it for financial makes logical sense.

Thomas: And the first people who talk about how much it was worth were you two.

(Thomas points at Mark and Freddie)

Freddie: Us.

Mark: Why me Freddie is the one who was talking about his car payments.

Freddie: I would never steal, especially from a pretty woman.

Thomas: Save your flirting, I saw you go outside.

Timmy: And you did say you could pick any lock. Which means you could have pick Julie window lock and stole her necklace.

Thomas: Mark was probably in on it. I saw him talking to Julie right before her necklace was stolen.

Julie: Oh Mark was just asking me was there a lighter balls for him to use.

Mark: In my offense throwing bowling balls can get tiring.

Freddie: And I wasn't outside to pick her window.

Thomas: What were you doing out there then.

Freddie: I don't like using public bathrooms so sometimes I go outside.

(Everybody grossed out)

Freddie: Oh come on Thomas you told me you do it to.

Thomas: On trees not on side walks.

May: Can we talk about something else I really need to go.

Timmy: Ok let's talk about how some  can drink 5 lemon sodas without using the bathroom before all of this happens. You incredible smart girl May.

(May blushes)

Timmy: You could find a way to break into her office and pretend to pee so no one could think of you.

May: The reason I waited so long to use the bathroom because I heard a scary noise outside.

Mark: Don't be afraid Freddie has that effect with all women.

Freddie: Not cool dude.

Thomas: Logical Sleuth can talk to alone, please.

(Thomas and Timmy walks to the side of the room)

Thomas: Aren't you being hard on them.

Timmy: I only following logic, there only people left in building so it has to be one of them.

Thomas: I get that but don't forget there still our friends.

Timmy: Your right, I just thought I should act more like you.

Thomas: That's stupid idea. We work better when we oppose our ideas and learn from each other

Timmy: You're right. Now let's put our heads together and figure out.

(Both of them looking around the building and suspects)

(Both of them noticing something)

Timmy: You have an idea, Laughing Detective.

Thomas: Yay, do you, Logical Sleuth.

Timmy: Of course.


(Everybody next to the dumpster)

Timmy: Ok we figured who stole Julie necklace and how they did it.

Thomas: Since no one could go into office through the door or window they could only way in there, the vent.

Mark: No human being could go in a vent that small.

Thomas: Yes no human.

(Thomas opens the dumpster and see a raccoon with Julie necklace)

Julie: My necklace.

Freddie: Wait so raccoon stole it.

Timmy: Yes, like rats raccoon's leave in the dumpster and sometimes steal human items. Which explains what May heard. Sorry accused you.

May: Is fine I'm just glad I can finally use the bathroom. 

(May runs to bathroom)

Timmy: Mark would you call animal control please.

Mark: On it.

Thomas: I put away a lot of mask crooks but no one as hairy as you.

Julie: Thankyou you two.

Timmy: No thanks needed. So what do we do now Laughing Detective.

Thomas: I think we deserve a break, Logical Sleuth.