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You Wish

Ally, Dumpster

(Thomas, Timmy, Freddie, and Mark going through a dumpster)

Mark: This is so gross.

Thomas: Believe me I've done grosser.

Freddie: Why are we doing this again?

Thomas: I need to get materials for my new art project.

Freddie: But why the dumpster.

Thomas: You won't believe what people throw away.

Timmy: His right more then half of what people throw away are still usable minus the rotten food and other waste.

Thomas: Well one man's trash is another man's treasure or in this case art (laughs).

(Alex walking by)

Alex: Well it seems you four have found a new home, how are the rats treating you.

Thomas: Well they dirty with rent (laughs). Sup Alex long time no see.

Timmy: Exactly 34 days seen last interaction, what have you been doing.

Alex: Don't act like we're friends after you brother out shines me SEG and you record my conversation on stupid tape recorder.

Freddie: Just sounds like karma to me dude.

Mark: I don't think you call him dude.

Alex: What does that mean.

Timmy: They probably talking how sneaky personality and way is speaking is not what most people call manly.

Thomas: Or a human being 

(Thomas, Mark, and Freddie laugh)

Alex: First my birds throw away and now this.

Thomas: If it makes you feel any better most people would fly away from if they could (laughs).

Alex: You and others who mock me will regret it soon.

(Alex walks away)

Freddie: His all talk.

Thomas: What's this.

(Thomas finding a weird looking bottle)

Freddie: It's weird.

Mark: What is it this?

Timmy: Looks weird shaped bottle or container, most be a mistake in is construction.

Thomas: You mean one of a kind. Perfect for my sculpture.

(Four of them walk away)

(Alex watching them)

Alex: I find something embarrassing on you two.

Lee House

(All four of them sitting on coach)

(Thomas looking at the bottle )

Thomas: This really cool looking.

(Freddie grabs the bottle from Thomas)

Freddie: Careful you might break it and I won't let me going a dumpster be for nothing.

Thomas: Well you guys didn't have to come.

Mark: Well Timmy said you might be upset.

Thomas: Why?

Timmy: Well it is same month you mother died I thought you be sad.

Thomas: Don't worry everybody kick bucket everyday you most people just watch where they step (laughs).

(Freddie stomach growls)

Thomas: Sounds like you have a storm in gut.

Freddie: Sorry I haven't had anything to eat all day. I wish we could have a dozen free pizzas delivered.

(Bottle shines a little)

(Some knocks on the door)

Timmy: Who could that be?

(Timmy opens the door for the pizza guy)

Pizza Guy: A dozen free pizzas for Freddie.

Freddie: What?

(Pizza guy give the pizza and leaves)

Thomas: Awesome free pizza.

Freddie: Wait Thomas even though my stomach telling me to eat this, something not right.

Mark: Is something wrong with toppings.

Timmy: No, he means right after he said he wanted pizza the pizza guy was there. It doesn't make sense.

G: That would be my work.

(Bottle flies out of Freddie hands and in the air)

(Smoke come out of it)

(Tall female genie appears)

G: Call me G, the genie.

Thomas: Does G stand for giant (laughs).

(G laughs)

G: You're funny.

Freddie: More like gorgeous.

G: I like you guys

Mark: Can we focus on genie in this room? I thought you guys were just made up.

G: You humans wouldn't believe how many things you think is fake are real.

Timmy: Fascinating so you immortal magical being that grant any wish you hear.

G: Correct!

Timmy: I have 1234 questions.

Mark: Didn't hear what she said, she can grant anything we want.

Freddie: Anything we want.

Thomas: You going wish for girls in bikinis aren't you.

Freddie: Probably my second wish.

Timmy: Wait if the first wish that means there's only two left.

G: Well not for the three of you. 

Freddie : What do you mean I thought you guys only grant three wishes.

G: Well genie are are weird and unpredictable, they change every hundred years. Now the rule is there 1 wish for each person.

Freddie: Wait that means I wasted my wish on pizza.

Thomas: If you won't eat it I…

Freddie: Stay away from my magic pizza.

Mark: So guys what are we going to wish for.

Timmy: Well my wish would knowledge based, havin a book about everything about the universe.

Thomas: First of all boring and secondly I don't think you brain has enough room for the universe worth of knowledge.

Mark: What are you going to wish for?

Thomas: I don't know a trampoline.

Freddie: Seriously a trampoline.

Thomas: What I get bored easily. My attention span is jumpy (laughs).

(Mark grabs the bottle from Freddie)

Mark: Then let me show you how it is done. G, I wish everyone on earth knew I'm one of greatest black belts alive.

G: As you wish.

(G grants Mark wish)

(Freddie checks his phone)

Freddie : Wow, I just got news alert about people talking about Mark. They say you your best fighter alive.

Mark: Finally people now how great I am.

(Black belt knocks the door down)

Thomas: That some knock.

Black Belt: Mark, fight me.

(Black belt and Mark fight)

(Mark knocks him out)

Mark: That's was hard.

Timmy: I would catch you breath fast if I was you.

(Martial artist ready to fight Mark)

Freddie: What are we going to do?

Timmy: Well humans and animals both have to choose to fight or flight response.

Thomas: So let's chicken out then.

(All four them run away)

(Alex watches from the window)


(Thomas, Timmy, Mark, Freddie, and G hiding inside)

Mark: What was that!

G: You're wish.

Freddie: I'm pretty sure Mark just asked known across the world not to be a punching bag.

Thomas: Yay, his not kind of a dummy (laughs).

Mark: This is not what I wish for.

Timmy: Actually it is.

Thomas: What are we talking about, bro.

Timmy: Based on your wish and legends about wishes there is some kind of connection between words  and state of mind.

Mark: Are you following this?

Freddie: Not at all.

Timmy: I'm saying your thoughts have to be clear when you say the wish or else the wish can become random.

G: Wow you smartest wisher I even meant.

Thomas: Too bad you can ask for more wishes.

G: Actually you can do that.

Freddie: What, are there any real rules for you guys. 

G: It's more like warnings.

Thomas: Wow and people call me random.

Timmy: We need more information. I wish I had a book of genie rules.

G: You got it.

(G summons a book of genie rules in Timmy hands)

Thomas: Talk about fast service (laughs).

Freddie: Finally we have clear instructions. Mark put that on the top shelf while Timmy read this.

Mark: Consider it done.

(Mark puts the bottle on top shelf)

(G goes back in the bottle)

(Four of them walk away)

(Alex come out from behind)

(Few minutes later)

Freddie: What do you find, Timmy.

Timmy: Is like G said the rules are more warning then actually restrictions.

Mark: So we can wish for anything.

Timmy: Exactly.

Thomas: Sound like wishing star is out business (laughs)

Mark: Wait Thomas if we can wish for anything maybe we can wish you mom back to life.

Thomas: What!

Timmy: There are no rules about wishing someone back to life.

Freddie: You heard that.

Thomas: Wow, slow down.

Timmy: Don't you want to see your mother.

Thomas: I do but death is natural and you can't really stop it. Plus I accepted my mom being gone and it is not like my life is sad. I have a brother, a father, a stepmother, a hot girlfriend, and two best friends. I have a good life and I don't need anything else.

(Mark cries a little)

Freddie: Who's crier now.

Timmy: Your right Thomas our lives don't need wishes to make our lives exciting or fun, I have you for that.

Thomas: And you wouldn't wish to change it (laughs).

Freddie: Yay, let's get hide that bottle.

(Loud noise)

Mark: What was that?

(Four of them see Alex flying on a pterodactyl)

Thomas: Wow that is terrible (laughs).

(Few minutes later)

(Alex and G flys over street on his pterodactyl)

Alex: I wish those bikers motorcycles were baby bikes.

(G turns bikers bikes into bicycles)

Alex: I wish that restaurant was overrun with rats.

(G summons rats into the restaurant)

Alex: I wish that hot dog vendors had frozen hot dogs.

(G freezes the hot dogs)

Alex: I guess vengeance is a dish best served cold (evil laughs) Thomas Lee isn't the only one with a sense of humor.

G: Alex, is this kind of getting out of hand.

Alex: Quiet there are still people who wronged me.

(Alex flies to Madison high school)

(Freddie, Mark, Thomas, and Timmy follow them in Freddie's car)

Mark: Timmy, please tell me something in the book that says how stop a crazy guy with a genie.

Timmy: Unfortunately no.

Freddie: How can we stop him?

Thom: Don't forget we are still dealing with Alex and who gets under his skin the most.

Freddie: You two.

Thomas: Exactly.

Madison High school

(Alex pterodactyl lands on roof)

(Students and teachers run out of fear)

Alex: Yes, you should all regret knowing Alex Murphy.

Thomas: They regretted knowing before the pterodactyl.

(Alex seeing Freddie, Mark, Thomas, and Timmy on the ground)

Freddie: You need to stop this now.

Mark: You've gone crazy.

Alex: Crazy or powerful!

Thomas: Well it looks like you got a new bird and like the old one it has more brains than you (laughs).

(Alex getting angry)

Alex: How about you getting a closer look.

(Alex pterodactyl flies toured them)

(Timmy throws a rock at the pterodactyl eye making it lose control and crash)

Mark: Cool Timmy, how you know it would work.

Timmy: Well based on its shape and how it flies I calculated the right place to throw it to make fall.

Freddie: Remind never to get on your bad side.

(Alex grabs the bottle and gets up)

Alex: You think you're so smart do you?

Thomas: Well even if I was stupid person on earth who would still be smarter than you.

(Alex getting madder)

(G comes out of the bottle)

Alex: Don't understand the power I have.

Thomas: Do you, you can do practically anything but still getting butt kicked by a 13 year old.

Timmy: 14 in 6 months.

(Alex getting even more frustrated)

Thomas: You couldn't even beat him if wish he would dye.

Alex: Oh really. G I wish Timmy Lee would dye.

G: I must do what you wish.

(G shoots a magic blast at Timmy and crest smoke)

Freddie: No

Mark: Thomas what have you done?

Alex: Killed his own brother, ironic isn't it.

(Smoke clears and Timmy with blonde hair)

Timmy: This odd look.

Alex: No, I said kill him.

Thomas: No he asked him to dye, like hair dye.

G: He's correct. Good work Thomas.

Alex: That wasn't what I mean…

(Timmy throw a rock at Alex hand making him drop the bottle)

(Mark and Freddie grabs Alex)

Alex: No, I was so close to making people respect me.

Timmy: Respect you did all this for respect, what a waste of time.

Alex: What do you mean?

Thomas: My little brother means that don't waste you time getting back and thinking of what people think of because what really matters is what you own opinion of yourself.

(Alex reflecting)

Freddie: You two should be a therapist.

Thomas: Maybe most people call us psycho (laughs).

(Thomas grabs the bottle)

G: You still haven't made your wish, Thomas.

Thomas: I wish we didn't find this bottle and no one else would use it for bad ever again.

G: Are you sure

Timmy: I seconded that.

Mark: I'm third.

Freddie: Fourth for me, before that could I get your number.

(G kiss Freddie on his chick)

G: As you wish.

(G reverse time to this morning)


Freddie: His all talk.

Mark: Guys I don't think there's anything interesting in here.

Thomas: Well there's another dumpster up the street.

Freddie: I really need a shower after this.

(Four of them walks away)

Thomas: Doesn't this seem familiar.

Timmy: I think that's deja vu and me too.

Thomas: Maybe it is a brother thing.

(G flying in the sky)