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Laughing Detective in Auto Theft

Freddie Family Auto Shop

(Thomas, Timmy, and Mark walking in)

Timmy: This is Freddie's family auto shop.

Mark: Yeah, be in here long enough you get use to smoke smell.

Thomas: Yay, the smokers in here use other end instead (laughs).

(Freddie walking in)

Freddie: Hey guys, glad you are here.

Mark: You seem happy today.

Freddie: That's because I been seeing someone for a while.

Thomas: A while that's the longest relationship you had with a girl (laughs).

Freddie: Come I really like this girl, I think she right one for me.

Timmy: Glad to hear it, most guys who date a lot of woman statically ironically end of alone in there lives.

Freddie: Here she comes.

(Vicky walks in)

Vicky: Hey Freddie.

Freddie: Nice to see ya. Vicky, these are my friends Thomas, Timmy, and Mark.

Vicky: Nice to meet you.

Mark: Same here.

Thomas: I guess you really like monkeys, because you caught ours (laughs).

Freddie: Dude.

Vicky: Is fine, I love that he is a genius with cars, I know nothing about them.

Freddie: If I was that good more people would come here instead of Car Pals, they new fancy auto shop up the street.

Timmy: You mean the one right there.

(Car Pal employee parking his car next the street)

Barry: Hello neighbors.

Freddie: Do you need repair on this car.

Barry: No I just wanted to say hello, we are both car repairmen, more than others.

Thomas: You can say that again, you more motor head then him (laughs).

Freddie: If you just here insult me then get out.

Barry: Hey I'm not one with bad reputation.

(Thomas, Timmy, and Mark confused)

Barry: And you might want to fix that junker next to you.

(Barry drives up)

Mark: What a jerk and what did you mean by bad reputation.

Freddie: Nothing he just a jerk.

Vicky: Just be the bigger man.

Freddie: Thanks.

Timmy: He was right about one thing you need work on this car.

Freddie: That's the first car grandfather worked on when he open here. It's be a family heirloom ever since.

Thomas: Is probably only heirloom that someone can't put on the shelf.

Vicky: I have to go Freddie.

Freddie: Where you going.

Vicky: Sorry, I'm still new here and I have to help my family unpack.

(Vicky leaves)

Mark: She seems cool.

Freddie: Yay, I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

Tomorrow, Freddie Family Auto Shop

(Freddie grandfather car stole)

Freddie: It's gone.

Thomas: What happened?

Freddie: I don't know I came in this morning and it's gone. 

Mark: How does someone steal a car without getting noticed?

Timmy: We have call the police.

Freddie: No cops. My parents left me in charge while they out of town. We need a professional.

Thomas: What are you saying.

Freddie: I'm saying I need the Laughing Detective.

Thomas: Let me call him.

(Thomas walks into the bathroom then walks out with his detective hat)

Thomas: Did some call the laughing detective.

Timmy: And don't forget about the Logical Sluff.

Mark: How did put on your hat without us noticing?

Thomas: No time for more questions before  solve the big one here.

Timmy: Agreed, Laughing Detective.

(Few minutes later)

(Thomas and Timmy looking around for clues)

Thomas: Interesting.

Freddie: What's interesting?

Thomas: There's no pieces of glass or metal on the ground.

Mark: What does that mean?

Timmy: He means who ever stole the car didn't break the locks or windows to get in here. They must have easy way to break in.

Thomas: Like a key.

Freddie: Well the only key is in…

(Freddie noticing his key is gone)

Freddie: Is gone!

Thomas: Where did last had it.

Freddie: Yesterday when… When that Barry came, he stole the car.

Timmy: Slow done we need clear evidence of his guilt.

Car Pals.

(Timmy, Thomas, Mark, and Freddie talking to Barry)

Barry: Since when did cops hire teenagers.

Thomas: You never to young to put criminals in their place.

Freddie: Just admit you stole the car, you scum bag.

Barry: I'm a scumbag, you may change your friend group but it doesn't change who are.

Mark: What are you babbling about?

Barry: Listen I don have time to chat with teenagers, I have customers who expect the cars to be done quickly.

Thomas: Yay, you do repair fast, maybe too fast.

Barry: What are you saying?

Timmy: I think my partner means that news story we saw a couple weeks ago about your company making faulty repairs that damaged cars more. Based on recent car breakdowns in town you are making them again.

(People hearing there conversation)

Barry: Ok what do you want?

Freddie: I want to admit you stole the car.

Barry: I was here working overtime, ask anyone.

Thomas: Look, we need to spread our search to someone else.

(Four of walk out of the building)

Freddie: We have to find it.

Thomas: Freddie, what does Barry keep talking about your bad history?

Freddie: Is nothing.

Timmy: You're lying, I can tell.

Mark: Your lied detector now.

Timmy: Not exactly, see I don't lie I can't tell when others do, based on their reactions and how long they take to answer.

Freddie: Fine, I tell you everything. Before I meant you guys I used to hangout with a gang and we did questionable stuff.

Mark: You were  a thug.

Freddie: No I didn't hurt people, me and guys just broke into businesses owned by jerks that were bullying people in our neighborhood and messed it up in their places to teach them a lesson. But a bunch of  went too far and try to steal guns from gun stores to teach them a real lesson. I told the cops what happened and all of them went to juvie.

Mark: Why didn't you tell us from this.

Freddie: Must people don't like to people with a past like mine.

Thomas: Well your not the only one who made stupid mistakes over years, you couldn't count how many times I got in trouble.

Timmy: 2026 times and counting.

Thomas: My point is we make mistakes and other stuff we're not proud of but if you make then hold you back you can never change.

Freddie: Thanks Thomas you real friend.

Mark: But what about the car we still don't know who took it.

Thomas: Maybe we do?

Abandoned Building

(Thomas, Mark, and Freddie opens the door)

(All three of them see Vicky near the car)

Freddie: Vicky!

Mark: What.

Vicky: How do you know it was me?

Thomas: My partner has the ability to tell who's lying or not and noticed you told a couple of lies when we met yesterday. About you parents being out of town and you not knowing stuff about cars but in fact you knew enough to start Freddie car and with the key you stole you could get in the auto shop.

Vicky: How did you know I hid it here?

Thomas: Because if how old classic like that couldn't go that far and this biggest place that could hide a car in this area.

Mark: Wow and I thought Timmy was the crazy smart one in your family.

Freddie: But why do I really care for you.

Vicky: Like you care for my brother.

Mark: What are you talking about?

Thomas: I'm not the only one with a sibling in the room. It seems like one of Freddie's old friends was the family of Vicky.

Vicky: That's right and you ruined his life by sending him to juvie.

Freddie: I just tried to do the right thing, I couldn't let them get those guns.

Thomas: I can understand doing anything for your sibling but revenge solves nothing and will definitely won't help your brother .

Vicky: But it helps cope with the pain.

(Vicky things come out)

Mark: I can probably take some of them down.

Vicky: You are not getting out of here with broken bones.

Thomas: That if you can see us. Now Logical Sluff.

(Timmy come out and pulls light switch turning everything dark)

(Thomas hitting all the thugs)

(Timmy turn light back off and all thugs knocked out)

Freddie: Wow, how did you see in the dark?

Thomas: A detective never gives up his secrets.

Timmy: That's magicians.

(Few minutes later)

(Cops taking Vicky and thugs in)

Freddie: If it means anything I didn't want to hurt you brother or you.

(Police take Vicky away)

Thomas: Detective work is a hard thing to do.

Freddie: Good thing I have one nearby.

(Thomas and Timmy taking of their hats)

Thomas: Now let's roll out (Laughs).

(All four of them drive of in the old car)