WebNovelHalf Bros58.97%

Chaotic Fair

Madison Highschool, Parking Lot

(School Fair)

Freddie: The school fair, where students can show off the skills and things they learned from school.

Thomas: Sounds like a recycling fair instead (laughs). Seriously this sounds fun, especially with Timmy showing his book.

Mark: What is the name of book anyway?

Timmy: Misadventures of Chaos and Order brothers.

Freddie: You probably need to work shop the name.

Timmy: Well Thomas and me can go over it at my station. He promised to help me today.

Thomas: Yay, you can count on me bro.

Timmy: I'll go set it up.

(Timmy walking over his station)

(Thomas getting a call from Sarah)

Thomas: My honey bear is calling me, I wonder if she is warning me it is almost winter (laughs).

(Thomas answers his phone)

Thomas: Hey Sarah.

Sarah: Hey where are?

Thomas: At fair why you ask.

Sarah: Because you promised you would help me show my paintings today. Don't you remember you promised to help me.

(Thomas shocked)

Thomas: Of course I'll be there in a minute. I messed up.

Mark: Be more clear.

Thomas: I promised Sarah and Timmy I help them today.

Freddie: Who are you going to choose?

Thomas: I don't know. Timmy is my brother and I'm role model for him.

Mark: That's the best joke he made today.

Thomas: But Sarah is my girlfriend and my best friend.

Freddie and Mark: I thought I was your best friend. You what, jinx.

Thomas: Guys what I'm going?

Freddie: There's nothing you can do, you can't be two places at once.

Thomas: Maybe I can.

(Few minutes later)

(Thomas at Sarah station)

(People looking at Sarah paintings)

Thomas: Don't be to confused art is all about imagination and compassion, stuff I hope you guys have (laughs).

(People getting interested) 

Sarah: I'm really glad you could make it.

Thomas: Of course you are my girlfriend, nothing else matters today.

(Freddie walks over)

Freddie: Hey Thomas.

Thomas: Hey Freddie how you…

(Thomas fakes stomach pains)

Sarah: Thomas, you ok.

Thomas: It's something I ate. Freddie can take my place for a few minutes.

Freddie: You got it.

(Freddie and Thomas winking at each other without Sarah noticing)

(Thomas walking towards Timmy's station)

Thomas: Mark, did keep Timmy busy.

Mark: Yes we went over different martial arts in the world and there origins, he asked a lot of questions I didn't know.

Timmy: Thomas, Mark told me dad called you.

Thomas: Yay, he just checking up on us. He gives helicopter parenting to next level or next height (laughs).

(Man walks over)

Man: I got question about your characters.

Timmy: Is it the dialogue or designs, if it's the second one ask my brother.

Thomas: Call me paint man (laughs).

Man: Well the designs and pictures are amazing but what I'm really interesting in dialogue and how you came up with the ideas.

Timmy: Well that's long story.

(Timmy talking to man)

Mark: This might be your chance.

Thomas: Ok.

(Thomas goes to Sarah station)

Sarah: Thomas, you feeling better.

Thomas: Yes, when nature calls you have to answer (laughs).

Freddie: How do you have a girlfriend and I don't?

Sarah: A lot people like my art.

Thomas: Of course you awesome artist and lot of people agree.

Timmy: Which includes me.

(Timmy and Mark behind Thomas)

Thomas: Timmy I can explain.

Timmy: That you try to be at Sarah and me station at same time.

Thomas: How did you figure it out?

Timmy: Mark is a bad liar.

Mark: Hey is not my fault that one my friends is smartest person in the world.

Timmy: Thomas, I'm completely fine for you to stay at Sarah for today.

Thomas: Are sure.

Timmy: Of course you help me a lot on my story and I know you will be there when I really need you.

Thomas: We will always be together.

Timmy: Logical that will be impossible but thanks.

Sarah: You really are miracle brothers.

Timmy: That's good name for my book. You really lucky Thomas.

Thomas: More then you know.