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Big Fake


(Kevin, Thomas, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie driving to the forest)

Kevin: Are you excited for our man's weekend, boys.

Thomas: If we're excited to be alone with bunch guys we would have different conversation, dad (laughs).

Freddie: Well I'm excited Mr. Lee, me and my dad would always go hunting up here. 

Timmy: I didn't know you hunt.

Freddie: Yay, I even brought his gun to.

Mark: Wait, you brought a gun.

Freddie: Relax I practiced with my dad.

Thomas: On what deer or girls, if it's the second one we won't have to worry (laughs).

Kevin: Relax Thomas this is not going be any hunting.

Timmy: I don't get hunting for sport. The one thing that humans and animals have in common is that hunt for food or protection from getting hunted, hunting for sport is just waste of time.

Thomas: I was going make a an overkill joke but at least we agree.

Freddie: We do eat what we hunt. We usual deer or rabbits.

Thomas: That's explains why we always find hair in sits of your car (laughs).

(Car drives into the forest)

Kevin: What in the world.

(All of see a bunch of people with Bigfoot signs)

Mark: Looks like a hippie party.

Freddie: Why are they here.

Thomas: Probably smell the flowers and weeds (laughs).

(All of them getting out the car)

(One of man walking over)

Kevin: Are you people camping here.

Watcher 1: No we here for Bigfoot.

All of them: Bigfoot?!

Watcher 1: Some of my fellow Bigfoot watchers here rumors he's in these woods. His big feet are in here somewhere.

Thomas: I'm guessing anybody's foot is bigger than your brain (laughs).

(Watcher 1 getting frustrated)

Mark: This is nuts.

Thomas: That's probably why people like you can't see Bigfoot, he's allergic to nuts (laughs).

Freddie: Timmy you pretty smart what do you think of all of this.

Timmy: Well that's probably a number of things in the world humans are not aware of but the chances are still low that Bigfoot exist or at least a campaign site. Since the Bigfoot legends are hundreds of years old, unless he can live longer than humans, then there would be only remains of Bigfoot.

Thomas: Yay, you only found a big foot bone.

(Thomas, Mark, and Freddie laughs)

Watcher 1: Well mock us none believers it is not the first time.

(Watcher 1 walks away)

Thomas: That's not a good thing.

Kevin: Boys!

Mark: Come on Mr. Lee everybody knows Bigfoot isn't real.

Kevin: I know but getting those guys angry at us will ruin our campaign trip.

Timmy: Don't worry dad we will go near those guys.

Freddie: You don't have convince us.

Kevin: Ok let's get this started.

Night, Camp 

(Kevin, Thomas, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie near camp fire and making S'mores)

Timmy: Melting marshmallows and chocolate on crackers I wonder how they first invented this.

Thomas: Probably by a guy with a sweet tooth or only one tooth with a diet like this (laughs).

(Bigfoot watchers making loud noises)

Mark: Those guys are starting to get on my nerves.

Kevin: Can't believe those people scared the fish away.

Thomas: I don't blame them. If I was fish and saw those weird guys I would play would play hockey to (laughs).

Freddie: Well we can try go hunting with my dad hunting rifle.

Thomas: I will probably be hunted by you then those guys.

Kevin: Come on boys this trip about spending time with old man and your friends.

(Bigfoot watchers making more noise)

Thomas: Well I'm about make friends of sheep in my tent, I have to help them count (laughs).

Kevin: Is getting late anyway. Good night.

(Everybody gets in their tent and fall asleep)


(Timmy getting out of his tent)

Timmy: Awake everybody is exactly 6:00.

(Mark half asleep)

Mark: Don't run away, Bigfoot fight me like a man.

Freddie: Do you have alarm clock in your head in you head or something.

Timmy: That would be biologically impossible.

Kevin: Timmy wake your brother.

Timmy: Thomas wake up.

(Timmy opens his tent but Thomas not there)

Timmy: Dad, Thomas is not in his tent.

Kevin: What!

Mark: He probably wondered around while were asleep.

(All four looking for Thomas)

(Freddie seeing a group of Bigfoot watchers circling around something)

Freddie: Guys look over there.

(Four of them go into a group)

Mark: What the.

(Giant foot print)

Kevin: What can make something like that.

Watcher 1: Bigfoot that's who.

(Timmy seeing a shoe near the foot print)

Timmy: Wait that's Thomas shoe.

Kevin: You right.

Freddie: Bigfoot ate Thomas.

Mark: No he didn't. Bigfoot isn't…

(Loud monster noises echos from the forest)

(Everybody freaked out)

Timmy: There's a logical explanation for that.

Watcher 1: And number 1 is Bigfoot is real.

Kevin: Can we focus on my lost child, you have to help me find him.

Watcher 1: Ok we help.

Kevin: You three stay here.

Freddie: Come on, I want to hunt Bigfoot.

(Loud noises repeat again)

Freddie: But it's better stay here.

(Kevin and watchers go into the forest)

(Few minutes later)

(Freddie holding his hunting rifle)

Mark: We put that down before you shot someone.

Freddie: You be thanking me if Bigfoot come out of woods.

Mark: Timmy can talk some sense into Freddie. Timmy.

Timmy: Sorry I was just thinking about Thomas.

Freddie: Don't worry he'll be fine.

Mark: Yay, probably laughing at us now and taking pictures of our faces with his phone.

Timmy: His phone I can track his phone.

Mark: Can you even get a single out here.

Timmy: There's a 80 to 20 percent chance I can't but it's only option.

(Timmy getting a single on Thomas phone)

Timmy: This way.

(Timmy, Mark, and Freddie running in the forest)

(Loud monster roar and giant shadowy finger)

Freddie: Get down.

(Freddie shots at the finger)

(All three of them see it's a weird looking tree)

Mark: I think he had enough, trigger happy.

Timmy: He's over there.

(All three them see Thomas phone near the cliff)

Timmy: This is his phone.

(Kevin and Bigfoot watchers follow them)

Kevin: Boys we heard gunshots, is everybody ok.

Mark: Timmy tried to find Thomas with his phone but…

Kevin: This can't be.

(Kevin hugging Timmy)

Mark: I can't believe his gone.

Freddie: I was even thinking of giving him my car on his 18th birthday.

Thomas: Really.

(Thomas behind all of them)

(Everybody shocked)

Kevin: My son.

Timmy: Brother.

(Kevin, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie hug Thomas)

Thomas: Wow I don't think this what dad meet by getting closer.

Mark: I knew you were alive.

Watcher 1: Where's Bigfoot.

Thomas: What are you talking about.

Freddie: We thought that Bigfoot ate you.

Thomas: Well he didn't. 

Kevin: Well did you go?

Thomas: Well with all this Bigfoot talk, I decided to play a little joke, or big joke (laughs).

All of them: What.

Mark: How?

Thomas: I used camping gear to make a large footprint.

Watcher 1: What about the noises.

Thomas: You would surprise on how much I can change my voice.

(Thomas making monster noises)

Watcher 1: I can't believe this. Let's leave.

(Watchers leave)

Mark: Well at least we don't have to listen to those guys.

Thomas: I can't believe you were so upset when you thought Bigfoot got me.

Timmy: I didn't tear up at all.

Kevin: I can't believe you made us worry, Thomas.

Thomas: Well I had to get rid of those guys for my new friend.

Mark: New friend?

(All of them seeing Bigfoot waving from distance)

Timmy: He looks youthful for a hundred year old creature.

Thomas: I guess you were right dad, camp is fun.