WebNovelHalf Bros53.85%

Dad vs Dad

Morning, Lee House

(Timmy, Mark, and Freddie sitting on the coach and eating breakfast)

Mark: Man I love your mom's cooking.

Freddie: Yeah makes us want skip breakfast from our homes.

Timmy: That explains why you two come over all the time.

(Thomas walks in the front door)

Thomas: Wow we should call you guys strays instead of friends (laughs).

Mark: Thomas where you been this early.

Thomas: I went to say good morning to Sarah. I wanted her face to be the first face for me to see.

Mark: Wow and thought you mom's muffins were sweet.

Timmy: Why are you so dirty.

Thomas: I had to climb her tree to get to her room and it's not easy. Now I know why squirrels climb trees, their nuts (laughs).

Freddie: Next time use gloves to get better grip.

(All three of them looking at Freddie)

Freddie: From girls I dated.

Thomas: Did those gloves include spy goggles?

Mark: Doesn't Sarah parents know you two are dating.

Thomas: They know it, they just try to forget it.

Freddie: Her parents don't like you.

Timmy: That's weird. May's parents love me. We always have long conversations, mostly them.

Mark: Well what do expect dude, you made out there daughter at prom where everybody watching.

Timmy: Mom and Dad had talk to you about that as well.

Thomas: That's it. Let's have her parents meet my parents.

Freddie, Mark, and Timmy: What?!

Thomas: Yay, if our parents meet each other they will see we're good for each other.

Freddie: That's sounds good, for a disaster.

Thomas: Well you would expect, most of your relationships end like that (laughs).

Timmy: The odds of this working is low but since you're my brother I will help you.

Thomas: Thanks bro.

Mark: Will we be there for support.

Freddie: And free food.

Thomas: Well you guys literally followed guts (laughs).

Tomorrow, Lee House

(Timmy, Thomas, and Kevin preparing the table)

Thomas: Are sure this our nicest plates.

Timmy: Well nicest place would be a plate that can hold any food and not fancy.

Kevin: Is fine son.

(Isabelle, Mark, and Freddie walking in)

Isabelle: Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

Mark: And tastes good.

Freddie: I wonder is taste tester is a job.

(Doorbell rings)

Thomas: Please tell me that's dinner bell.

Timmy: Is the doorbell. Go open it.

(Thomas opens door for Sarah and her parents)

Sarah: Hey Thomas.

Thomas: Nice to se Sarah. Is also nice to see you Mr and Mrs Smith.

Kate: Hello Lee.

Jeff: Is good to see you not on my tree.

Thomas: Better then on your daughter (nervous laugh).

(Kate and Jeff getting frustrated)

Thomas: Poor choice of words.

(Kevin walking over)

Kevin: Hello I'm Thomas's father, Kevin Lee. Nice to meet you.

Jeff: Same here, names Jeff Smith.

Kevin: Dinner almost ready, let's sit down.

Thomas: Yay, let's us all shut up and eat.

(Jeff and Kate getting frustrated)

Thomas: I can't tell by your looks you want me eat first.

(Few minutes later)

(All of them sitting down and eating)

Sarah: Amazing, I didn't know your step mom was such a great cook, Thomas.

Thomas: Well she puts me in yummy (laughs)

Isabelle: You falter me plus Mark and Freddie help me.

Kate: I thought you said Timmy was Thomas only brother.

Freddie: Were not but we became role models to them.

Timmy: If count overestimate martial arts and tricks of pick up woman role model advice.

(Both pair Parents surprised)

Thomas: Not the best time to be brutally honest, bro.

Kevin: So Thomas, you told us that he and your daughter have been dating.

Jeff: Unfortunately she told us the same thing.

Sarah: Dad, you told us you be nice.

Kate: Let's start of how you two knew you like each other.

Thomas: Is hard to say, we had a rough start but we became friends. It was only until prom night and she was in her dress that I knew I liked her.

Jeff: So you didn't understand our daughter feelings and only was interested in her when she was doled up for you.

Thomas: No Is not like that, plus I always think she's hot.

(All of them shocked)

Thomas: Did a penguin walk in because is freezing in here (nervous laughs).

Isabelle: Thomas and Timmy there's a pie in the oven why don't you two get it.

Timmy: That's one way to calm the situation down, by talking Thomas out of it.

(Thomas and Timmy walk into the kitchen)

Isabelle: I'm sorry about our son his just nervous because he likes your daughter so much.

Kevin: His a good kid.

Kate: We're not saying his not.

Jeff: Just has bad role models.

(Kevin and Isabelle surprised)

Mark: That's not good.

Freddie: You think.

Kevin: What's that supposed to mean?

Jeff: Nothing, I just heard something about your old wife and it seems like your son picked up bad habits of treating women.

(Kevin getting angry)

Freddie: Quick grab the knives.

Mark: The spoons to, they are more dangerous than you think.

(Timmy and Thomas walk in with the pie and put on the table)

Thomas: Who wants to feel pie holes (laughs).

Timmy: But you should wait 2 minutes and 35 seconds for it to cool down.

Kevin: At least I taught my son how to make friends and not treat people badly like you taught your daughter.

Jeff: At least I didn't taught my daughter how to be a fool like you two sons.

(Jeff and Kevin standing up and ready to fight)

Thomas: Dad wait

(Timmy, Thomas, Mark, and Freddie getting in front of them and stopping them from fighting)

Isabelle: Kevin, calm down.

Sarah: Dad!

Jeff: I'm sorry Sarah but I don't want you near him or his family.

(Jeff and Kate grabbing Sarah and about to walk out)

Sarah: Thomas!

Thomas: Wait, please don't go.

Jeff: Is to late, you don't deserves to be with my daughter.

Thomas: Of course I know I don't deserve her.

(All of them shocked)

Timmy: What are saying.

Thomas: You rightI don't deserve her because I'm just annoying loudmouth who gets in trouble all the time but despite that the most beautiful, kind, smartest girl, and one my best friends likes me. Because of that I will do anything to show I feel the same.

Sarah: You really mean that.

Thomas: I do.

Kevin: Wow I never hear you say something like that before. I'm really proud of you.

Isabelle: Me too.

Timmy: Me three.

Kate: Maybe we were wrong about you and your family.

Jeff: You not what we thought you were Thomas and I never seen Sarah this happy before she met her. I'm sorry that things got heated.

Kevin: It was my fault as well.

Sarah: Does that mean we can go out, dad.

Jeff: Yes, but don't ever break her heart, Thomas.

Thomas: Never. So now let's eat pie.

(All them turn around and see Mark and Freddie eat the pie)

Thomas: Wow I feel bad for your toilets in few hours (laughs).