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Art of Love

Madison High School, Cafeteria 

(Thomas, Timmy, Freddie, and Mark sitting down eating)

Thomas: I love sloppy Joe's.

(Kids in the back laughing)

Thomas: Why are they laughing, I didn't even use my best sloppy Joe joke.

Mark: It might has something to do with what you and Sarah did at prom last week.

Timmy: You me kiss.

Freddie: I wouldn't say they just kiss.

Timmy: Can we, seeing my brother kissing a girl strangely makes me feel sick.

Mark: I felt the same way when I saw my grandparents kiss.

Thomas: Well it happened so fast. One minute we had fun talking, then we smiled at each other, and then went up and had tongue wrestling match. Her tongue cheated (nervous laughing).

Timmy: One more word and my gastrointestinal system will release my nutrients the wrong way.

Freddie: What?

Thomas: Just say throw up, dude. Who would have thought Sarah liked me.

Freddie: Raise your head if you knew that.

(Freddie and Mark raise their hands)

Thomas: Well you two should work at the news station during the night shift.

Mark: I don't get it.

Timmy: He means you two were too late to tell him about Sarah liking him. Then compared it to other meanings of late meaning night like night shift like news station.

Freddie: You two need a translator.

Mark: Were sorry Thomas. Have you talked to Sarah?

Thomas: No, I think the best thing for us is to stay as far apart until this blow over.

(Principal Brian speaking on the speaker)

Brian: Thomas Lee and Sarah Smith to office.

Thomas: I really should say the opposite of what I want.

Principal Office 

(Thomas walks in the office seeing Principal Brian and Sarah)

Thomas: Hey Sarah how it going.

Sarah: Everything's fine.

Brian: We need to talk to you two.

Thomas: Listen principal Brian what me and Sarah did, what's an accident it will never happen again.

Sarah: You thought it was bad.

Thomas: No I don't mean it was bad bad but not the right place or time.

(Sarah and Thomas blushes)

Brian: Slow down you two that's not why we wanted to talk to you.

Sarah: We?

(Mrs. Alex walks in)

Thomas: Mrs. Alex, what's going on?

Mrs. Alex: Well national art society, what's to see what schools have the best art potional. 

Brian: It would get more attention to our school. 

Thomas: So you want me and Sarah to make different art projects.

Mrs. Alex: Not exactly. Since you both are my best students I want you two to work together.

(Thomas and Sarah shocked)

Brian: What do you say?

Thomas: Is it too late to say we have writers blocked or in this case artists blocked (nervous laughter).

Art Room

(Thomas and Sarah sitting down)

Thomas: Ok let's get this art ball on the roll (laughs).

Sarah: Ok should we do a sculpture or painting.

Thomas: Painting sounds good. I'll grab the paint cans.

Sarah: No, I got them.

(Both them reach to paint cans only to touch each other's hand)

(Both of them blush)

Thomas: Well they should make hand licenses (nervous laugh).

Sarah: Let's do a sculpture instead.

Thomas: That's fine. I think we can make a monkey out of wood.

Sarah: How about an all black werewolf with moon eyes.

Thomas: What was wrong with my idea?

Sarah: Nothing but this is a big project we have to think bigger.

Thomas: Well Sarah I don't think I just do.

Sarah: Does that include kissing me without knowing how I would feel about it.

Thomas: What no I…

Sarah: Just forget this was a bad idea.

(Sarah about to walk away)

Thomas: Wait Sarah can we just talk.

Sarah: Fine let's talk. The truth is Thomas for a while I liked you more than anybody else.

Thomas: Really me.

Sarah: Is it that surprising that I would feel this way to you?

Thomas: Not just you anybody. Before I came here I didn't have a lot or any friends, so it would make sense no girl would like me.

Sarah: Don't say that about yourself. You are kind, loyal, and protective to everybody you love.

Thomas: And you are the smartest, prettiest person I know.

(Two of them about to kiss)

Sarah: Stop.

Thomas: Oh sorry I thought you wanted to kiss.

Sarah: No, I thought of an idea for our sculpture.

(Sarah whispered in his ear)

Thomas: And we could add other stuff on the sides like…

(Two them working on it)

Next Day

Madison High School, Outside 

(Art Society and other students looking art Thomas and Sarah sculpture of red black heart with toons and gremlins)

Mrs. Alex: They are impressed and so am I.

Thomas: I couldn't have done it without my gothic queen.

Sarah: Well you help my comedic cutie.

Mark: Now I think I'm getting sick.

Timmy: I'm getting used to it.