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Dungeons and Fools

Lee House

(Timmy and May walking in)

(Timmy and May watching Thomas and Mark stand in their toes)

May: Do you guys do all the time, Timmy do you guys do all the time, or am I assuming.

Timmy: Not particularly no.

(Mark and Freddie fall on the floor)

Mark: Dang it.

Thomas: I win again, now both of you have to do what I say for a whole day. Think of jokes for me to use.

Freddie: They should call you bowling ball because you own a roll.

Mark: The game is the hole.

Thomas: (laughs), that's bad so it's funny.

Timmy: You guys are playing trade or slave.

May: What's that?

Timmy: It's a game me and Thomas invented when he first got here. One of makes a up a challenge for both of us to do and the loser has to either do whatever the winner says or give up one of objects.

Thomas: That's how I lost my airhorn.

Timmy: It was probably the best thing I did in the last few years.

Mark: Thomas told us about it after school.

Freddie: After he beat the school's toughest football player in arm wrestling.

May: Wow you did that?

Freddie: He did distract him with a weird question.

Thomas: Hey paying attention is import in arm wrestling plus am I only one who wonders why we call it football when the rest of the world call soccer football, all those injuries in head most knocked out their sense (laughs), especially when I got his football helmet.

Mark: I thought you two were going to the movies.

May: Apparently we got there to early and they kicked us out.

Freddie: They can do that?

May: Well me and Timmy did get the manager mad with our questions.

Mark: What did you guys say.

Timmy: May asks a bunch of questions of the movies and I question the logic of having the previous for the schedule time of the movie.

Thomas: Don't worry Freddie and Mark will stand in line for the next week tickets.

Freddie: What, says who?

Thomas: Me aka the winner and your boss.

Mark: Why did you say we will be his slaves.

Freddie: Because Thomas could've got my car.

Thomas: Then I will really drive you crazy (laughs).

May: Can I play?

Thomas:Of course but since is my turn to choose the game. The game will be saying your name the fastest.

Timmy: The chances of beating May in anything talking is 000000.1%

Thomas: If it is saying your first and last name backwards.

May: This might tough.

(May failing to say her name backwards)

Thomas: Too bad. My turn.

(Thomas saying his name backwards)

Mark: You're unstoppable today.

May: Well what do you want me to do.

Thomas: Take off your shirt.

(All of them shocked)

Thomas: (laughs), The look on your faces. Is fine May your don't have to do anything.

Freddie: How is that fair, we have to your slaves while May is free.

Thomas: Because she is nice and like a little sister to me.

May: Thanks Thomas that's really nice of you.

Thomas: Plus beating one more prove my greatness.

Mark: You now you are a sore winner.

Thomas: That's funny I don't feel hurt when I win (laughs).

Freddie: He means you can be a jerk when you win.

Thomas: I am in in it for the fun and I didn't complain when Timmy beat me.

Timmy: Well that is true you good loser but you can do too much when you win.

Thomas: Are talking about the victory dance I'm about to do.

(Thomas doing break dancing)

Mark: Is just getting better and better.

Timmy: I thought you were getting annoyed.

Mark: I was being an ironic mister literal.

Timmy: What the point in that.

Freddie: I have a hard time who is the more annoying brother.

(Thomas finished his dance)

Thomas: Well what do you think.

(All of them hearing thunder)

(Powering going out)

Thomas: You could've just say you didn't like it.

(Few minutes later, in the dark)

(Timmy getting flash lights)

Timmy: Here, so we can see.

Freddie: Why did you have so many flashlights?

Timmy: Is only logical to have equipment for any situations especially in your own him.

Thomas: We should call you the Tim kit (laughs).

May: I think is cute you prepared for anything, have I told you that.

Timmy: 374 times this month.

Mark: If you done with this love feast what are going to do in the dark and no power.

Timmy: Well while getting the flashlights I found this sticking out of the closet.

(Timmy putting the role playing board game on the table)

Freddie: Is it a board game?

May: Kind of. Is a role playing game with knights and dragons. It has imagination, specific characters, and one person tells the story. 

Thomas: How did you play this game so much?

May: I played these types of games a lot at my old school.

Mark: Sounds complicated.

Thomas: That's because you don't want to lose again. I'm going win this game.

May: You work together for all of you to win. I'll be the storyteller and one to pick the characters.

Freddie: We can't pick our own characters.

May: Don't you worry I'll be fair and choose characters that fit you personality.

(May opens the board game and put out the cards)

May: For Freddie you are going to be a wise and powerful wizard.

Freddie: Cool but do you mean wiz as smart or old.

May: For Mark your going to ba strong and brave barbarian.

Mark: I hope I'm one of the handsome barbarians.

May: For Timmy your a brave and handsome royal knight skilled in archery and in swordsmanship.

Timmy: Interesting character.

Mark: I smell favoritism.

May: I'm only going by personalities. Finally Thomas, you're character is special.

Thomas: Let me guess am I a dragon rider, demon hunter, a king.

May: A jester.

Thomas: I want a second opinion.

Timmy: Well that does sound like your personality. You can act like a fool.

Mark: What's wrong afraid you won't win.

Thomas: I just don't want to but of fool (laughs).

Freddie: You question why you're the jester.

May: Ok let's go into the store.

(May describe the story)

May: Your kingdom heat was stolen from a evil lava giant. To stop it your four adventures have venture deep in a lava cave to stop him.

(All four characters near entrance lava cave)

Mark: Is so hot and we're not even inside yet.

Thomas: If you can't stand the heat stay out the cave (laughs).

Timmy: Freddie can you cast a spell to keep us cool.

Freddie: Can I do that.

May: Yes but how effective and how long it depends on the number you role.

(Freddie roles a 17)

May: Your cooling spell will last until the end of the game.

Freddie: Cool.

Thomas: In more ways than one (laughs).

May: Before all four of go into the cave they were attacked by giant fire bats.

Mark: What the heck is that?

(Fire bats fly out the cave)

Timmy: Those I'm guessing.

May: Quick attack.

Mark: Ok I use my gauntlets and hit them to the ground.

(Mark roles a 3)

May: You're attacked is to slow and misses. Fire bats spit fire at you.

Mark: That stings and gross.

Timmy: Do we have any abilities to slow them down.

Thomas: I have a move called taunt.

Freddie: Well that is your specialty, use it.

(Thomas roles a 15 taunt)

Thomas: Cool a 15. What happens now.

May: Your taunt ability draws all the bats to you.

Thomas: What.

(Fire bats attack Thomas)

Timmy: This our chance.

(All three of them attack the fire bats)

May: The fire bats retreat. Your path is clear.

Mark: That's was cool.

Thomas: The opposite actually. Anyone want grilled jester (laughs).

(All four them go in the cave)

May: Your four go deeper and deeper until you reach the lava giant castle.

Freddie: Alright.

Mark: We made it.

May: Only to find a giant magma lake between it.

Mark: I thought it was called lava.

Timmy: Actually since we're underground it should be called magma not lava.

Freddie: What's the difference?

Timmy: How hot it is.

Thomas: Well at least we're going to cook evenly.

Timmy: I have an idea.

(Timmy roles a 14)

(Timmy shoots a arrow at a stalactite)

Timmy: May can we swing over magma.

May: If role a 10 or higher.

Timmy: Ok I'll go first.

(Timmy roles a 11 and swing over the magma unharmed)

(Mark roles a 13 and swing over the magma unharmed)

(Freddie roles a 10 and swing over the magma unharmed)

Thomas: Ok let's clear this.

(Thomas roles a 8 and gets slightly burned over it)

Mark: Wow I didn't know jester were so flammable.

Thomas: You can say that again.

May: The four of you go into the castle. You entered lava giant throne room.

(All four them seeing a empty throne)

Thomas: Maybe this is the wrong castle.

(Lava giant comes out of the ground)

Thomas: I guess this guy isn't a friendly giant.

Freddie: Quick attack.

(Freddie roles a 14 for a giant rock spell)

(Mark roles a 17 for daggers throwing)

(Timmy roles a 16 for arrows shooting)

May: You attacks does nothing to it molten hot body.

Mark: We can't touch thing.

Thomas: We can't maybe weapons can. Timmy can use your bow to shoot swords as arrow.

Timmy:Yes, but weight will reduce the distance.

Thomas: Not if Mark throws you.

Freddie: We still can't damage that thing.

Thomas: We can't but his sword can if use cool spell on it. I'll use what have in my jester.

Thomas: Hey you make dormant volcanos look tough.

(Lava giant getting made and drops its guard)

(Thomas roles a 25 and throw a colorful smoke bomb that blocks lava giant vision)

(Freddie roles a 15 and cast a spell on Timmy's sword)

(Mark roles a 14 throws Timmy)

(Timmy roles a 22 and shoots his sword in the lava giants heart)

(Lava crumbles to dust)

May: The lava giant is slain your king heat is restored.

Mark: That was really cool.

Freddie: You can say that again.

Timmy: This was very fasting experience.

Thomas: If you mean awesome then yes. I even had fun when I got burned.

Freddie: I guess you can enjoy games even when you lose.

Thomas: This day is looking up.

(All of them hearing more thunder)

Thomas: You can agree at least once today.