WebNovelHalf Bros76.92%


Madison High School

(People putting up Halloween decorations)

Thomas: Is almost Halloween boys you know what that means.

Mark: Scary movies.

Freddie: Awesome times to pick up girls.

Timmy: Bad dental hygiene.

Thomas: I was going to say awesome time for costumes but those will work too. Is time for the half bros to go super.

Mark: What does that mean?

Timmy: Thomas is referring to me dressing up as Batman and him as Spider-Man. 

Freddie: Because they matches your personalities.

Timmy: Probably not since he wanted to be Batman.

Thomas: Hey everybody knows Batman is older than Spider-Man, so since I'm older that should be me.

Timmy: Your logic is sound but you're Batman accuracy is extremely low.

Thomas: Party Guanoer (laughs). Get it because Guano is bat poop.

Freddie: I can't believe that's not weirdest joke you told.

(All four of them seeing Sarah )

Mark: Watch out Thomas Sarah is walking over.

Timmy: So we are still friends with her or not.

Thomas: Of course we're still friends. She broke up with but still friends.

Mark: That's really cool of you Thomas.

Freddie: Especially with her new boyfriend.

Thomas: Her what?

Freddie: She started dating a guy called Trevor two weeks ago.

Thomas: What is this guy like.

Mark: What happened to being just friends.

Thomas: That's why I want make sure this guy is good for and not a loser.

Timmy: You can ask him yourself he's standing right behind you.

(Sarah and Trevor standing right behind Thomas)

Thomas: Hey I was just talking about you.

Sarah: Guys this is my new boyfriend, Trevor.

Trevor: Nice meet you guys. So you must be Thomas, Sarah's ex, I guess that's one good thing we have in common.

Thomas: I guess so.

Trevor: I wanted you and friends to go the Halloween party near Rusty Lounge.

Thomas: What's Rusty Lounge?

Sarah: It's a old Inn that people who was visiting town would stay.

Thomas: So hotels great grandfather.

Sarah: More like distant relative because one day people started to see ghosts.

Freddie: Can we go back to talking about costumes.

Sarah: Some saw lost friends and relatives or vengeful enemies from the past.

Mark: Why do you always know so much spooky stuff?

Thomas: It doesn't matter since ghosts aren't real. Mom even told me stupid ghost stories to help me sleep. 

Timmy: I agree. If there is a afterlife's and spirits really exist why would they aimlessly haunt the living.

Thomas: Maybe their boooard (laughs).

Trevor: Anyway were having the party a mile from the inn.

(Sarah and Trevor walking away)

Freddie: Please tell me we not going to that party.

Thomas: Of course not. We're checking into the inn, hey that rhymes.

Rusty Lounge, Night 

(Thomas, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie sitting in the main hall)

Mark: I had nightmares like this once.

Freddie: It was this bad.

Mark: I would rather be a nightmare than this place.

Timmy: You fear is unnecessary, there is no supernatural or anything around here. Is just an abandoned inn. I'm surprised the lights still working.

Thomas: You know what a good time for.

Freddie: To pack up and go home.

Thomas: No, scary stories.

Freddie: Isn't staying in a creepy inn enough for you.

Thomas: Nope. This story I got from my mother.

Mark: What's with your mom telling scary stories.

Thomas: She was unpredictable and fun person like me.

Mark: That's one way to describe your family.

Thomas: Thus story begins in town no for one thing.

Timmy: Crime?

Freddie: Psychopaths?

Mark: Undead?

Thomas: A toy factory.

Mark: I'm confused now.

Thomas: This toy factory created fantastic toys like toy planes that can fly as high the real thing, goop that could hold other toys, even x-ray glasses.

Freddie: I which they had that in this town.

Thomas: Maybe not since there last toy was the most dangerous one. It was a jack-in-the-box with the most unique song. Soon everyone in town bought it but just as fast as it was sold so was everyone one disappearance.

Freddie: What was in it.

Thomas: Nobody knows what toy was in it just the song that played before it came out. One day an investigator went to the toy factory to find the missing people. But when he went inside it was completely empty like no one was ever there. When he went to the basement he saw one jack in the box and heard the song, he wasn't seen again.

Timmy: That was a fascinating story.

Mark: That's one way to describe it.

Freddie: Creepy is good one.

(Lights goes out)

Mark: Today is getting better and better.

Timmy: I don't understand how lights going can be good.

(Lights come back on but Thomas is gone)

Mark: Where did Thomas go.

(All three of them see a jack in the box)

Freddie: Is that from his story?

Timmy: It can't be, I'll go check.

(Timmy going near Jack in the box)

(Thomas jumpscares them)

Thomas: I totally got you. You should see the look on your faces, even Timmy was scared.

Timmy: Not scared, just surprised.

Thomas: I'll take it.

Mark: Not cool dude, where did you get the jack in the box?

Thomas: A couple of days ago, I knew it would come in handy.

Freddie: How did get lights turn off.

Thomas: That was lucky chance.

Mark: You can't scare your friends like that Thomas.

Thomas: You're right I'm sorry don't worry I pay for new underwear (laughs).

(A hour later)

(Thomas to the others)

Thomas: Well the plumbing is super normal.

(Lights shut off)

Thomas: Ok guys I know I was kind of being jerk you don't have to prank me back.

Mark: It's not me.

Freddie: Or me.

Timmy: Looks like the lights are going out for good. Good thing I packed flashlights.

(Timmy getting the flash lights from the bag)

(Timmy feeling someone on his shoulder)

Timmy: I now you guys are scared but I turn the flashlights in 2 seconds.

Mark: I'm not touching you.

Freddie: Me either.

Thomas: Not me dude.

(Timmy turning flashlight and seeing a white ghost)

(All them freakout)

Freddie: Ghost!

Thomas: Let's spook away.

(All of them run away)

Timmy: They must be a logical explanation for all of this.

Mark: Less thinking more running.

(Thomas, Freddie, Mark go to right hallway)

(Timmy go to the left)

(Thomas, Freddie, and Mark stop and rest)

Mark: I think we lost him.

Freddie: And Timmy, you don't think the ghost got him.

Thomas: No, he's too smart for a ghost. We need to trap this spook.

Freddie: How?

Thomas: I don't like it but someone has to act like bait, is dangerous.

Freddie: That's really brave of you.

Thomas: Thanks for volunteering.

Freddie: What, it was your plan.

Thomas: Exactly I did plan part and now one of you got to do the rest.

Mark: Let's put it to a vote. All for Thomas for bait.

(Both of them put their hands up)

Thomas: You guys give democracy a bad name.

(Timmy getting lost in hallways)

Timmy: This is a unfortunate time for me to get lost.

(Timmy seeing a woman)

Timmy: What are you doing here.

Woman: I can say same to you, kid.

Timmy: Good point, I'm trying to find the main hall.

Woman: It's down the hall. Don't let the spooks bite.

Timmy: Thank you. You should get out of here too…

(Timmy turning and seeing the woman gone)

Timmy: This is a odd day.

(Main hall)

(Thomas standing near the rope trap)

Mark: Are sure this can catch a ghost.

Freddie: You have any other ideas.

Thomas: Come on ghost don't tell me you to blue to come out (laughs). Don't tell mean this place is even more dead than already is (laughs).

Mark: I think your jokes is scaring the ghosts away.

(Ghost floating behind Mark and Freddie)

Freddie: Freddie please tell me you're breathing on me.

Mark: No.

Freddie: Ok than run.

(Mark, Freddie, and Thomas run to the wall away from the wall)

Timmy: Hey undead human spirit.

(Ghost looks at Timmy)

Timmy: Your existence is illogical.

(Timmy throws his flashlights at the old chandelier chain, making fall on the ghost)

Thomas: Nice aim, eagle eye.

Timmy: Just simple logic and trajectory.

Mark: I can't believe we caught a ghost with a chandelier.

Timmy: Maybe because it isn't a ghost.

(Timmy taking the sheet of the owl)

Freddie: It was a owl the whole time.

Timmy: It's nest must be in this building and probably got stuck on sheets.

Freddie: Then why was it chasing us?

(Owl pecking the Thomas shirt)

Thomas: I think it wanted my candy bar. Here little guy, no hard feelings.

(Owl takes the candy and flys away)

(All of them walking out of the building)

Mark: Looks like that place wasn't haunted at all, which I already knew.

Freddie: Says the guy who was screaming.

Mark: How would you know you screamed harder than me?

Thomas: Well Timmy didn't scream at all.

Timmy: My fear response might be different but I was definitely confused by this situation.

Thomas: Well people fear what they understand, I guess all those ghost stories was people not knowing what they were seeing.

Timmy: The lady I saw in hallway wasn't scared.

Mark: There was someone in there.

Timmy: I didn't get her name, she did say don't let the spooks bite.

Thomas: What, my mother used to say that after she told her ghost stories to me.

Freddie: You don't think.

(All four of them looking at the building)

Timmy: This is a memorial Halloween.

Thomas, Mark, and Freddie: Agreed.