WebNovelHalf Bros97.44%

Yappy Birthday

Madison High School, Art Room 

(Thomas and Sarah painting together)

Thomas: Were done.

Sarah: We really made mess of the floor though.

Thomas: Well I guess we made to pieces today (laughs).

Sarah: I hope we get to see May today.

Thomas: Why?

Sarah: Don't you know it is her birthday today.

Thomas: No way, good thing we finished painting we give her one of her pieces. 

Sarah: Good idea. Still surprised Timmy didn't tell you it was May birthday. You don't think he forgot?

Thomas: No way, my brother's memory is like a super computer's and like one you hit him when he says something wrong (laughs).

Hall way

(May walking down the hall)

(Thomas, Freddie, and Mark catching)

Thomas: Guys who's small, talks a lot, and birthday today.

May: Me, it's me right, of course it's me.

Mark: Happy Birthday May.

Freddie: Here's your gift.

May: Thank you.

(May opens Freddie's gift and sea a paper)

May: 3 Coupons for a drive with Freddie.

Mark: Don't tell me your to cheap for a real gift

Freddie: I'm not a butler unless is a emergency don't call me get somewhere.

Thomas: Are you enjoying your birthday, May.

May: Well I don't know what my parents planing but you're three are a good sign.

Mark: Didd Timmy, call you a happy birthday.

May: I meet him twice today but he didn't say anything. 

Thomas: He knows this is important to you, he would never forget that.

May: Yay your right. Sometimes I think when I speak then I make mistakes, which causes more mistakes. Do you know what I mean.

Freddie: You lost me.

School Library 

(Timmy sitting down)

(Thomas, Freddie, and Mark walk over)

Freddie: What's up.

(Timmy looking up)

Timmy: Nothing.

Mark: What are you doing.

Timmy: Planning out my daily schedule.

Mark: For this week?

Timmy: For the next 10 years.

Thomas: You might need a new alarm bro, it we break from all times it goes off ( laughs).

Timmy: Don't worry by removing unnecessary activity I can plan for my future with no difficulties.

Thomas: Speaking of the future, are you forgetting something important bro.

Timmy: Oh yes, your shift at Joy Ball is moved to 5:00PM today.

Thomas: Thanks but I'm talking about May's birthday.

Timmy: Oh I don't need to worry about that.

Mark: What do you mean?

Timmy: I mean, other than measuring the year your born the whole celebration is a waste of time.

Freddie: Come on dude don't tell me you're parents never celebrated your birthday.

Timmy: They did and other than learning the shapes balloons can make, it wasn't that informative.

Thomas: Can on bro you seriously not going do anything for your girlfriend's birthday.

Timmy: Don't worry brother everything will go as planned today.

(Timmy walks away)

Freddie: Wow and people say I'm bad with women.

Lee Home 

(Thomas, Freddie, and Mark sitting down)

Mark: So who's telling May?

Thomas: Not me.

Freddie: It's your brother's fault.

Thomas: So it's automatically my responsibility to tell his girlfriend that he doesn't want to celebrate her birthday.

(Mark and Freddie looking behind Thomas)

Thomas: She's standing behind isn't she.

(Sarah and May standing behind him)

Thomas: You know this isn't the first time this happened to me.

Sarah: I brought May over to see Timmy.

Mark: He isn't here.

Thomas: Listen May Timmy doesn't mean any harm he's just…

May: Logical I know. Is what I love about him but sometimes I wonder if he feels the same about me.

Thomas: Well my shift at bowling ally was moved we can all go together if we want.

Sarah: You should spend your birthday with friends.

May: Ok.

Freddie: Your can even use gift for me now. The rest of you have to pay.

Thomas: You must be part taxi.

Joy Ball

(All of them walking in)

Thomas: Why is everything dark.

(Lights turn on)

(A bunch of people)


Timmy: Surprise.

Thomas: Wow I wonder if people see this at work all the time.

May: Timmy what's going on.

Timmy: Is your party May.

May: But Thomas told me you weren't celebrating my birthday.

Timmy: No, I said everything we're taking care of. I been planning this with your parents for months. Freddie: But I thought you never lie.

Timmy: I didn't I just didn't use words that meant it clear what it meant. It was you who made your own presumption.

Mark: I knew the whole time.

Sarah: You did?

Mark: Not totally.

Thomas: That's why you hinted about schedule at work, it was where the party was.

Timmy: Exactly brother. 

May: But I thought you thought parties waste of time.

Timmy: I do but I know you like them since I care about you. It's only logical that I ry to make yours the best I can.

(May crying from happiness)

Timmy: Oh did I do something wrong.

May: No, you did everything right. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

(May and Timmy hug)

Thomas: That's my little brother for you, one of a kind catch.

Sarah: What are you than.

Thomas: Your catch of the day (laughs).

Sarah: I wouldn't haven't any other way.

(Sarah kiss Thomas chick)