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Mother Secrets

Lee Home

(Mark and Freddie in the car)

Mark: Guys hurry up.

(Mark honking Freddie horn)

Freddie: How can you be impatient when you're not driving?

Mark: I have Karate practice today and you know I love that almost as much as you love your car.

Freddie: Really that much.

(Thomas and Timmy walking outside)

Thomas: Keep your pants on guys we're coming. Or should I say hood (laughs).

Timmy: I think that would technically be a hat since is on the front of the car.

Thomas: You must want to be a taxi driver because you have your cabby hat on (laughs).

(Isabelle and Kevin walking out)

Kevin: Just reminding you Thomas I will pick you up from your job and then Timmy from the library.

Isabelle: You almost forget your lunches.

Timmy: Thank you mom.

Thomas: Thanks mom, love you.

(Thomas and Timmy walking to Freddie's car)

(Freddie driving of)

Mark: You know Thomas, you a nice guy.

Thomas: Most guys I know usually don't stay nice around me to long.

Mark: I mean it, I don't know a lot of people who's ok with his stepmom. Especially how your dad ends things with your mom.

Thomas: Well I was a little upset with him for a while but I know he regretted it and still tried to be a good dad. I think my mom would have forgiven him.

Freddie: You have a heart of gold.

Thomas: Then let's get a heart surgery and sell it (laughs).

Timmy: That scenario is life threatening in many ways. 

(Car following Freddie's car)

(Hours later)

Joy Bowl

(Thomas walking to Julie)

Thomas: Julie I took out the trash. Plus I evicted the rat family.

Julie: Great job. You're almost done today so you can take a break.

Thomas: Great, I am good at breaking literally and metaphorically (laughs).

(Thomas sits down and relax)

(Stranger walks up to Thomas)

Stranger: Hello there.

Thomas: Sorry dude I'm on my break.

Stranger: No, I need to talk to you.

(Kevin walks in)

Kevin: Ok Thomas let's go. Who are you?

Stranger: Hello Mr. Lee.

Kevin: How do you know my name? Wait, I recognize your voice.

(Kevin realizes something)

Kevin: Stay away my son.

(Kevin grabs Thomas and leaves)

Thomas: Dad what's the problem?

Lee Home

(Lee family sitting in the living room)

Thomas: Dad, are you going to explain your major freak out.

Timmy: You have been acting strange when you're going home.

Kevin: I'm sorry.

Thomas: Do you know that guy?

Kevin: Yes and no.

Timmy: That is unclear and impossible.

Kevin: Thomas, you know I meant Isabelle at my job while me and your mother were still together.

Thomas: Yes, why bringing it up.

Kevin: But I never explain why you decide to cheat on your mother with her. Me and Isabelle were out of town for my job and you, were too young to remember, was staying over you uncle Lex.

Thomas: Where are you going with this?

Kevin: You're mother was supposedly staying at the house alone but when I called and checked on her I heard a man's voice, a man that sounded similar to a stranger today.

Thomas: What?

Kevin: When I confronted your mother she totally lied to my face. I was heartbroken and Isabelle was the only person I could talk about it with. One thing leads to another…

Thomas: First of gross and secondly are you saying you only cheated because mom cheated on your first.

Kevin: It doesn't justify what I did but yes.

Timmy: Why didn't you tell me or Thomas about this.

Isabelle: We didn't want to burden either of you with this.

Thomas: I can't believe this.

Next Day, Lee Home

(Thomas, Timmy, Freddie, and Mark in Thomas room)

Freddie: That crazy dude.

Thomas: That's an understatement.

Timmy: It was an unpredictable situation, Thomas.

Thomas: Which my mom caused.

Mark: You forgave your dad and he might have been chaotic like you

Thomas: That's the difference: she not only lied to dad but also me, I would definitely nlr cheat to the person I loved. I don't know what I can think about her now.

(All four them hearing back door open)

Freddie: Why did one of your parents go in the back door?

Timmy: They already came home an hour ago. Mark: Then let's find out who is it then.

(Mark runs down stairs)

Freddie: Wait Mark it might be dangerous.

(All three of them following him)

(All three of them seeing Mark holding down the stranger)

Timmy: For the intruder.

(Kevin and Isabelle walk down)

Kevin: You!

Stranger: I just came to talk.

Thomas: Talk about how you help my mom cheat on my dad.

Stranger: Just listen to what I say. Is not like I can do anything.

Mark: He's right I got him in a good lock.

Bob: My name is Bob Peter.

Kevin: Bob Peter? I heard that name before.

Bob: Yes, me and Thomas mother were close friends in high school and college.

Freddie: Well Mr. Lee at least she didn't cheat on you with a random guy.

Bob: We didn't do anything together. I always viewed her as a sister.

Thomas: Then why did my mom lie about you being at our house.

Bob: A couple years ago while walking home from at night I viewed a bank robbery. All the other people were scared or too injured to testify so it was up to me to put the culprits they caught in jail for good.

Isabelle: I heard of that a couple years ago.

Freddie: I think my dad talked about that to.

Bob: Unfortunately for my own safety I was put in the witness protection program and moved out of town. I can't even use my real name anymore if I don't want those criminals' friends getting revenge on me.

Mark: Can get off him now I kind feel bad for him.

Kevin: Yes.

(Mark lets Bob up)

Bob: I couldn't take the loneliness and had to see a friendly face, so I went to see your mother. It is just what I needed and helped get through so many years. But I made her promise me she wouldn't tell anyone that I was there for my and her safety.

Thomas: That's why she lied to protect us.

Kevin: Then it really was my fault, I ruined our marriage.

Bob: I would have reacted the same way in your position. That's why I came here to apologize for ruining your family.

Thomas: You didn't ruin anything you just couldn't stand being alone anymore. I couldn't imagine living without friends or family.

Kevin: Me either son.

(Lee family hug)

Bob: Mom always viewed her friend as family too.

Thomas: Well that's kind of stupid.

Timmy: Agreed.

Mark: Cold dude.

Thomas: No I mean family is there when you are born you have to earn good friends.

Timmy: Which in some cases friends are better than family.

(Freddie cries a little)

Mark: You can let it out.

(Mark and Freddie joins the hug).