Chapter Sixteen



The phone rang, shifting our focus from Dera. I initially didn't want to pick up, but the persistence was extremely distracting, so I decided to pick up in order for peace to reign.

It was a very disturbing call; Mr. Edward professed his lunatic undying love for me, while claiming to have lost his mom. Did they think me a fool? A kind fool that was blind to all sorts of deceit and mockery? Just a few moments earlier, Dera had sang the same mournful song, claiming she had lost a dear friend. Her story was so convincing that my naive heart began to show some kindly pity towards her, thereby giving her a chance to conceal a deadly weapon in her black jacket.

No! I would not be a fool twice. Once was enough. I should atleast be allowed to condone one act of betrayal per day; two would be too much.

I didn't give an answer to his cock and bull story, as I ended the call. He should find someone else to brainwash. Why couldn't people be straightforward? Must they always try to be cunny? I pondered

"Who was it?" Stephanie asked, standing akimbo

I sighed "my boss" I replied, moving away from the phone and heading towards my bedroom

"Which? Mr. Edward?" Dera asked sheepishly.

Her questions helped in bringing me back to her case.

"Why were you in possession of the knife, at such a late hour?" I asked ignoring the question

She started sobbing again. What was really wrong with this Dera? Was she mentally ill? Was she trying to make a fool out of me again?

"I was going to commit suicide" she said, using her hands to shield her face from our view.

"Will you stop with all the pretense" Stephanie yelled, startling me as well as Dera

I needed to take things calmly

"Okay Dera, let's say you wanted to commit suicide. Why did your legs bring you to my house? Were you going to end your life in my house, in order to implicate me? I questioned, not finding her response to my question plausible.

"I wanted to apologise to you" She replied in a muffled voice, for her hands were still on her face

Astonished, I asked the reason

"I felt guilty, and didn't want to take the guilt to the grave" she answered while using the kerchief to wipe away her tears.

The quiet and observant Stephanie, stepped into the picture to continue the interrogation.

"Why then did you lie when I asked of what was in your jacket's pocket"

She shook her head pitifully "I didn't want you guys to stop me from going on with the act" she replied, still using the kerchief as a tear dryer

"I think you're lying. Your story doesn't add up. It sounds like some badly written children bedtime story" Stephanie said in an angry tone.

I on the other hand, fixated my glare on the floor, trying to determine if she was lying or not.

"I don't think she's lying" I voiced out, after a brief deliberation

"Roxanne!! This girl is a fox. She's a talented con artist. Can't you see it?" Stephanie screamed in horror

"She might be a psycho, but I have this feeling that she's telling the truth" I said still maintaining my protective stance

Stephanie raised and dropped her hands in frustration

"And how would you know that?" She asked

"From my instinct, I trust my instinct" i replied, settling down to give Dera a long motivational speech.


"The naive fool", I cursed silently as the cab driver drove me through the illuminated streets. I checked my wrist watch, and realized horrifically that it was few minutes to 10pm. I had indeed spent a considerable time in Roxanne's house, considering the fact that I had arrived there by half past 8. I almost counted the hour I spent in her house as wasted, but decided against it. I might not have succeeded in eliminating her, but I had come up with a plan of suppression. Atleast I knew her weakness. My tears were good softening agents, as they softened her heart.

I was so glad that I had a way of controlling her subtly. All I needed to do was to act weary and sad, and then she'll do my bidding. It turned out Roxanne wasn't as smart as I thought her to be. It would be easy to manipulate her. She should have listened to Stephanie her friend. The lady was certainly more intelligent and alert than she was.

Anyway, it was to my benefit, her idiocy was to be a source of my elevation and a source of her dowfall.

I alighted from the cab, paid the driver, and made my way to my door step. But there was a shadow looming around. Who was that? I thought fearfully. Funny how the thought of death frightened both the good and the evil ones in the society. I treaded carefully, not wanting to alert the alleged assassin of my approach.

Fortunately, the shadow belonged to Richard, my sex toy. I definitely wasn't in the mood for whatever love sermon he was going to preach.

"What are you doing here? I asked, juggling my keys. I wasn't sure I wanted his company, so I just stood there playing with my house key.

His handsome face lit up with a smile. He had a nice dentition, as everything was immaculate white. How I wished he had a handsome account balance too, I would've fallen head over heels. Sadly, my salary was by far higher than his.

"You haven't been picking my calls" he said, more like a question

"Really? Haven't I?" I asked, still juggling the keys and giving him a blank look.

He licked his lips, thereby allowing the light from the entrance bulb reflect on his pink lips

"I miss you" he said seductively.

If his seductive voice was supposed to turn me on, then he had failed woefully; for the only thing that could turn me on was money. Of course, aside from when I'm naturally horny

"Uhhm.. so you miss me, then what?" I questioned

"Why don't you give me a chance" he pleaded gently. His handsome face contorting in pain

"I still love you"

"You still love me?" I asked, pretending to be surprised. I definitely knew that Richard was head over heels in love with me.

"Yes Dera! I love you, and will die for you" he said, sounding like an animal in pain

I look disgustedly as he blurted out his feelings.

I scoffed "you love me?". How foolish could he be

"Look Richard I don't love you, don't spoil what we have together with the confession of your feelings. Whatever you feel for me, suppress it" I said making a move to open the door.

"I believe, you have feelings for me too" he said, shocking me the more with his stupidity.

"Is that so? Happy believing" I said just as my phone began to ring.

I picked up the call in a very elated mood. The caller happened to be Mr. Edward.

"Hello Sir" I said, using my most gracious voice

"Hello Dera. Can you come over to my house? I'm desperately in need of someone to talk to" he said in his rich manly tone.

Of course I will be there in a jiffy, I could fly there right I way, I thought excitedly

"Yes sir, I can"

"My address is...

"I know the address already"

The call ended.

"Who was that?" Annoying Richard asked

In reply, I gave him a handful of eyeing, before proceeding to unlock my door, in order to transfer my self into a makeup angel.

Richard made a move to follow after I had unlocked the door, but I couldn't contain my irritation any longer

"Will you vanish from my sight, you sorry idiot"