Chapter Seventeen




She didn't even console me, I surely made a mistake by falling in love with her. I just couldn't imagine how foolish I must have sounded. She probably passed me for a psychiatric patient; for she ended the call without saying a word to me.

In my desperation, I had called Dera. Trust me, if I was in my right state of mind, I wouldn't have invited her.

I took a casual look at my elegantly furnished bedroom. My sprawled tie and shoes contrasted the well arranged room. I got up to arrange the room in preparation for Dera's coming, then realized that Dera had no business in my room. She was to sit in the parlour to offer her words of consolation.

I stood from my bed, and headed to the bathroom; Dera needn't see me in my disorganized state.

Just when I had undressed and wrapped my towel round my waist, the doorbell rang, followed by a knock.

Was she here already? How could she be that fast?

I had no choice than to go open the door in my half nude body.

"Hello Dera" I greeted taking in her make up filled face.

But she didn't reply, she just stood, staring with her mouth wide open

She drooled uncontrollably, taking in my packs and broad chest. I quickly hurried back to my room, realising the dangerous thoughts swimming through her mind.

I couldn't allow such dirty thoughts blur the pain of my mother's death. Her sick face was still embroidered in my mind. Just how far could death go? I brooded, while dressing up.

Dera had dressed in a skimpy sleeveless gown; she dressed like an outright prostitute. If anyone were to come in, she could be passed as my paid whore.

Few moments later, I emerged from my room dressed in black polo and trousers; which served as a sign of my mourning.

"Sir! You needed me here?" Dera asked as she adjusted her bodice.

Was she trying to seduce me? I pondered, scratching my hair thereby dishevelling the already combed hair

"Oh! About that, i lost my mom few hours ago, so I needed someone to talk to" i said uncertainly, not certain if the sexually aroused environment was suitable for consolation.

"And how may I serve you?" She replied, giving her chest and shoulders a little shake

"Geez no! I said I needed someone to talk to, someone to help me sail through this hard time" I cleared the air, not wanting to lay a soil for Dera's advances to thrive.

"Well, then talk to me, I'm all ears. I'm here for you, trust me" she said

There was absolutely nothing to trust about Dera. I knew her different colors

"Uhmm...okay..... I'm so down and I.."

"Why don't I give your spirit a gentle lift? I can cheer you up. I'm a qualified cheerleader" she said as she made her way to the mini-bar in my sitting room. I cursed under my breath, as I noticed her heels. Who the fuck wears heels at such a late hour. I checked my watch and shook my head slightly at the racing clock. The time was 10.25pm, three hours from the time my mom took her last breath.

I watched helplessly as she cat walked down to the counter, poured out wine into two glasses, and walked bossily back to where I sat.

"Here's yours" she said, bending low enough for me to see her milky twin towers. I quickly diverted my gaze, not ready to entertain sexual advances from anyone.

I took the glass of wine on the glass table, and gulped it down thirstily.

"So what can I do for you?" She asked

Her question met me unprepared, for my brain was stark blank.

What could she do for me? I realized to my horror that Dera was nothing but trouble. She had no value to give out.

I cursed my stupidity. What could Dera possibly do for me?

"I can ...." She trailed off as she bit her lower lip seductively and opened her legs wide for lusty breeze to pass through.

Junior was kicking furiously, threatening to burst open into the lust filled air

"What are you doing?" I asked confusedly. The mixture of mourning and lust had shifted my brain to a far corner.

"You mean you don't want to ..." She said, trailing off on the last vocabulary. The legs were spread even wider, inviting my desperate eyes to take a look.

I was going through a lot, yet all Dera could think of was sex? Was that a proper way to console someone?

"Dera! I think that's enough!" I commanded sternly. But Junior and Dera wouldn't listen. The bulge in my trousers was expanding dangerously

"What's enough?" She asked, feigning ignorance

"Whatever you're doing" I said, looking away from the pink panties and unconcealed breast

"And what would that be?" She questioned again while biting her middle finger in addition to the other seductive styles she was displaying.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked weakly. The demon was hitting close to home

"Of course not! I'm just trying to cheer you up" she replied, still maintaining her seductress stance.

"But how? Can this also be counted as a consolation?" I asked, pointing at her open legs and half open chest.

"Like I said earlier, I want to give your spirit a gentle lift" She defended

"I think we've done enough consolation today, please I will like you to take your leave" I commanded

"But what about Junior Mr. Edward?"

"Who's Junior Mr. Edward?" I asked

"The little man in your trouser" She replied, giving out a cunny smile.

I looked down at my trousers, and noticed in trepidation that junior had risen upright. It was pointing directly to the direction Dera was sitting.

"It's nothing. I don't even know what it is" I babbled, not knowing the right words to use for an exoneration.

It had been three years since I last had an intercourse.

"No sir! I think you definitely know what it is" she said standing up from her seat

"Please take your leave!" I commanded, feeling weak and helpless