Chapter Nineteen



"Are you feeling better now?" I asked, still letting my hands lay on his chest.

He smiled shyly before replying "I feel much better. Thank you, and sorry for the stress"

"Oh it's nothing" I said waving my hand.

Then I sighted Selena and Dera walking towards us. They looked frighteningly furious. What did they want from me?

My experience in the past one week, had been the best; for Dera became surprisingly friendlier and closer to me.

"Hi Dera. How are you doing" I greeted jovially just as they approached the library's balcony.

"I was doing fine untill I sighted your ugly and whorey face" Dera replied bitterly, taking me aback

I stared at Selena then back to Dera in horror. What was she talking about?

"Dera what's wrong? Why are you here" Richard asked, shocking me the more at his familiarity with Dera

"Everything is wrong Richard, everything" Selena said, squeezing her face like a chimpanzee.

Everything was just so confusing and surprising. So, the three of them knew each other?

"I don't understand. Where is this coming from? And why are you coming at me?" I asked

"I'm coming at you due to your unsteady bitchy ass. Who the heck do you think you are? You monstrous idiotic prostitute!" Dera thundered angrily

My jaw dropped In shock at the carefully articulated insult

"What's my offense?" I questioned, holding tight to my chair while taking a brief glance at the quiet Richard

"Being born" Selena replied

"Can I atleast know my offense?" I asked again, ignoring Selena's unwitting answer

Dera scoffed and roared loudly "Your offense is that you always open your legs for other people's boyfriend"

The librarian came outside, obviously distracted by Dera's lion roar

"Please can you take the argument somewhere else? You're distracting the readers"

"Okay ma!" I said taking my leave. I had no energy to argue with Dera the Chameleon and Selena the second in command.

Dera definitely knew how to change colours expertly well. She could be balck, white, purple, and yellow at anytime and anywhere. I was beginning to know her true colours.

"Where are you heading to?" Richard asked stupidly, halting me midway between the gate and the balcony

I struggled difficultly to hold my self from shoving the novel in my hands into his tiny mouth. He was a true definition of the word "coward". He was surely a toy in human form

"Are you leaving without him?" Selena asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes like a lizard

I turned, took a quick survey of the trio, and walked into the less crowded streets. It was better to leave mad people to themselves.

"Come back here you orphanage dump" Dera shouted behind me, talking short strides in order to catch up with me.

Were all her goodness and kindness to me a farce? The last five days had been a merry to me as I had no physical enemies. Everyone was kind to me except the CEO. The CEO took care to avoid me, coz he was embarrassed with what had transpired between us the week before. He kinda looked sad in his office, but I was too occupied with my friendship with Dera and Selena, that I didn't give a secobd thought to his solemn face.

Though Tarella was a bit distant, she did add some of her sophisticated vibes to our meetings .

I didn't even bother to look back at the ongoing scene that was drawing everyone's attention to the library. I marched forward like a soldier, and never looked back.


I watched helplessly as Roxanne walked out the library's gate quietly. I was powerless in comparison to the two tigresses that walked in the gate. My feelings for Dera had suddenly evaporated.

I was aware that Selena had a giant crush on me and that she was desperate to date me. She had made countless advances, even boldly telling me that she wanted us to make out.

I was still in my street of thought, when I felt a cold liquid trickle down from my hair to my toes. This scene took place just outside the library's gate

"Oh my God!!!" I shouted in shock.

"Oh my God!!" Dera mimicked, giving out a wicked smile as she poured out the water on her water bottle on me.

As soon as the water in Dera's hands finished, Selena handed another to her.

Together they baptized me in the street, drenching me from head to toe thereby making me an eyesore to the passersby.

"Next time, you won't dare talk or sit with Roxanne" Dera warned sternly

"But why shouldn't I sit nor take with her?" I questioned

"Because I said so" She replied sharply, ordering Selena to take my wallet from my pocket

"Now let's see how well you can fly" Selena smiled wrily, before trailing behind Dera

I stood there in the street, penniless and in a sorry state; I felt like a wet homeless rat.


"What time do you want us to abduct her" Grandy asked, startling me

"I'll communicate the time to you. The deed has to be done today" I replied, taking a seat on the only available chair in the large hall. The hall had served many purposes. It had killed, raped and beaten a lot of victims. It was a bloody ground where abductees were kept.

"Okay boss." he said submissively. Of course they had no choice but to submit to me. They knew how far I could go to buy submission and respect.

"You can go! I'll phone you by 6pm to communicate the time" I concluded, dismissing him.

I sat alone in the hall, taking in the chains lying sprawled in the floor, the cobwebbed corners and the different sizes of plank in the room.

The hall was hungry for a soul that would be beaten and tortured for it was two months since there was an abductee in the hall. Someone had angered me gravely, thereby warranting a cruel punishment.

I took out my cigarette and lit it.

I needed something to keep me level headed.

Then she walked by. Why was she back so early? She wasn't supposed to return untill 3pm.

I pondered deeply. Could we possibly abduct her in the afternoon instead of the proposed nighttime?

The plan was for her to return by three, take her siesta, and wake up in our hall of painful record. If she returned now, it definitely meant that her siesta won't span till 6pm therefore making it near impossible for plan A to work out.

It was now very necessary for plan B to come into the picture. I picked up my phone, and dialled Grandy's phone number.

"Hello Grandy! Gather the men, we hit this afternoon"

"Ain't it too early?" He asked

"No! It's now or never"