Chapter Twenty



I walked down the street, heading straight to my humble abode. I had exhausted my argumentative bundle. Today was supposed to be a fine day free of trouble and drama, but the likes of Dera were always at a standby to spoil it.

Richard should have kept his trouble-prone self to his lane. My sole objective today had not been accomplished yet. Richard and his gang of ladies had taken care to shatter the plan

On reaching my doorpost, I took out my phone to check the time of my return; it was just 11:35am. What else would I do with the leftover time? Should I visit Stephanie? But no! I didn't like to invade privacy.

What could I do but take a siesta? I was sleeping more this days.

I opened the door to reveal my well arranged sitting room. I was a cleanliness freak.

I went straight to the fridge to check whatever edible was in existence, but decided against it. I had already eaten before leaving so there was no need to fill my stomach with anything.

I undressed, took a quick shower and collapsed into my soft and comfy bed. The weekend was almost coming to an end, for it was a Sunday and the next day was to be a Monday, where I'll have to be at NattCom company.

My mind wandered to Dera's matter. Just last week, Dera was caught in possession of a knife. And like a fool, I defended her believing in her innocence and honesty, forsaking the advice my dear friend was giving me. I had trusted her with all my heart, for her tears had found a place in .y heart to dwell

What if Dera wasn't innocent? What if her main aim for coming to my house that day was to eliminate? I would never know the answer, for I had in my usual naive way, dismissed her as an angel of light.

I didn't know when I drifted asleep, but I certainly knew when I woke. I woke with a start, someone was knocking on the door. Who was it? I wondered, checking my table clock to know the time, it was just an hour past midday. I wasn't expecting anyone, could it be Stephanie?

I stood up, put on my flip flop, and walked to the door, still putting on my big and long enough polo

I got to the door and opened it without looking through the keyhole; I stongly believed that the visitor was Stephanie, since she visited me around the same time the week before.

"Hi Rox"

Those were the last words I heard, as a heavy metal, silenced my reply.


"Is the building clear?" I asked, after the successful plan

"Clear of what?" Larry, one of Grandy's men questioned foolishly

"Clear of Cockroaches and rats, you idiot. Is the building clear of men and women, humans, children? Gosh anything that'll be an obstacle to our plan. I can't believe you couldn't make out the idea behind the simple sentence I made. You really have the IQ of a church rat" I said, feeling the heat of my anger rise to a crescendo

He scratched his head lunatically and replied

"There's no one boss"

"Good! Now you and Aniel are to carry her to the waiting van outside" I commanded, pointing to Larry and his thug looking friend

They both nodded lizardly, and proceeded to carry her. One person lifted her from her two hands, the other lifted her two legs, thereby revealing her nudity to himself.

It was a pity, she just had on a polo, and nothing else underneath. It will really be a great hassle at the hall, as everyone including the thugs will wish to taste her, due to the fact that she was half naked.

"Let's go" I commanded, leading the way.

We had successfully made it to the ground floor and were just about to use the exit door, when a middle aged voice stopped us

"What are you guys doing?" He asked, just behind us

"Sir we're..

"My friend collapsed, so we're taking her to the hospital" I replied, taking the stage fully from the uneducated thugs

"You're her friend? I don't think Roxane had any friends" he said suspiciously, not buying my fabricated lie

I smiled "we're co-workers, so we're pretty much acquainted with each other" I defended, wishing him away

But no he wont budge, he was ready to bombard me with questions

"But you said you were friends?"

"Yes sir I did. She's a co-worker, and also a friend of mine" I replied, wandering when he was going to end the question and answer session.

"So how did you know she had collapsed?" He continued with the prodding question

"She actually wasn't feeling well, so she called and informed me to come pick her up to the hospital" I answered

"So she called and you came with your thugs?" He questioned pointing to the thugs, who still had Roxanne in hand.

Oh God what was I going to say?

"Uhm... This happens frequently, so she called in order for me to prepare"

"Can i see your call history" he said begining an indept investigation on me

"Sure" I replied, bringing out my phone

Just when I was about to hand the phone over, a young girl of not more than twenty, called out to the man from the stairway

"Sweetheart, you're taking too much time" she said

"I'm coming dear, I'll be right there" he replied, leaving me to continue with the plan.

Thankfully, there was no other hurdle to face as all the occupants, were either indoors, or far away.


I watched as the thugs eyed the unconscious Roxanne lustily.

"Why can't we have her now?" Grandy asked, still fixating his eyes on the tits of the half naked Roxanne

"Have her? No! They'll be time for all that. I believe tomorrow will be fit for that" I replied

"Why can't we do it now that she's unconscious? She might not be able to take on five of us when conscious, she'll be in severe pain" Larry said pitifully

"That's the more reason, I want her to gain consciousness first. I want her to know that I am the reason she's being raped"

"Can't we wake her with a bucket of water?"

"No! I want her to wake naturally with a splitting headache, wonder where she is, get raped by the five of you, and finally get burnt alive"