The Black Witch's Gambit I

After some more details such as supply logistics and discussions over potential plans, Ashari and I were dismissed to rest; this had become an overnight ordeal for us. 

"We'll discuss some more tomorrow morning, but for now, please get some rest. I'll be here if you need anything," Flaur said as she bid us goodnight, she looked tired but tried her best to not show it. 

As we left the tent, the walk back to our shared tent felt a little tense. Even though the revelation that I wasn't a Demon had been smoothed over by the need to prioritize other things; I could still feel the air become thin between Ashari and me. 

I braved a glance at her. 

"I'm sorry," I said to her, catching her attention.

"For what?" She asked, genuinely perplexed. 

"For... for lying to you. And to your tribe," I began to try and explain, but she interrupted me with an empathetic raise of her hand. 

"Please, Ignis. I do not care that you're not a Demon. You could've been a Human for all I care, but the fact remains the same; you're my savior," She smirked, her eyes looked wise. 

"If it were not for you, we would've lost it all," She reminded me, slumping her shoulders as she looked up at the night sky and the Fractured Moon. 

"Still, I think it's a serious thing to lie about one's identity," I added. I felt a tinge of guilt stab me as I was still omitting the fact that I am a Human; just not from this world. 

"Mm, that is true. But, from the conversation that we had with that surprisingly shrewd Queen-- even you do not know what or who you are," 

"I suppose I can relate. Up until now, I had believed that the Zepar was still a part of a great collective of powerful Houses; that we were kinsmen under Ars Goetia," Ashari slowed down, her feet dragging into the dirt. 

"But, with this new truth, that we're the last of the great Houses; it has shaken my soul to its very core. To think that our isolationism has been both a blessing and a curse," She clinched her fists into a knuckle white.

"We have both lost our identity and now, it is our duty to find it anew for ourselves," She said with a fiery conviction in her voice as she quickened her step; outpacing mine.

I watched her silently as she moved ahead, as there was nothing else left to say.


The following day we were summoned back to Flaur, but this time, we met in a small clearing away from the campsite; she was there with Stergos. 

She wasn't wearing her usual uniform and instead wore what looked like Pajamas. It had the design of little devils on a grey and black pin-stripe design; it was cute.

"Good morning you two," She greeted us as she let out a small yawn. 

"It's noon now, your Majesty," Stergos corrected her, but she only shrugged. 

"Good morning," Ashari and I greeted back, playing along with her internal clock. 

"After last night, I've come up with a necessary step that needs to be done before any major move is made against Valefor and Ervwin," She said as she groggily rubbed her eyes; she must be a heavy sleeper. 

"And what could that be, your Majesty?" I asked her. 

Flaur puffed up her chest, her pajama blouse was made of very thin cloth that hardly kept anything from the imagination--

"*Staaaarrrreeee~*" Ashari began to pout angrily as she caught me gawking at Flaur's ballistics, why was she staring daggers at me!?

Flaur then pointed up to the sky and raised her voice. 

"We will have a mock duel to gauge your combat strength, KYAHAHA!!!" She declared as she laughed into the noon-- I mean morning air. 

"Mock duel? With who?" Ashari was the first to ask, but I could tell this had piqued her warrior's heart. 

"Stergos of course!" Flaur said as she motioned over to Stergos, he gave a small polite bow in return to us. 

I thought back then about CoE's design. The strategist was an invisible role, meaning that you never interacted with the battlefield firsthand but always from the backline; safe away from any kind of danger. 

But, being who I am now, there was no incentive to dictate what my role was for Flaur; she must think I'm some kind of warrior per my looks. 

Maybe I'll use this as a chance to gain some leverage. If I put on a good enough show against Stergos, I could champion a council role for Flaur. 

"What are the rules?" I went ahead and asked Flaur. 

"They are simple-- as this is a mock duel, mortal blows are not allowed. This is simply to test where you are on the combat scale, and to see how best I can effectively use you in the upcoming battle. The first to be thrown out of the clearing and onto the grass loses," She explained as she snapped her fingers; Stergos carted out a wooden box from behind the tree that she was standing by. 

From the box, there were a handful of weapons to choose from: a long sword, spear, mace, and what looked like a magic staff. 

I stared at the magic staff, it was a simple wooden pole with a transfixed gem at its end; this was really scratching my fantasy itch. 

"Can I use my tribe's traditional spear?" Ashari asked, her spear had been confiscated by Stergos when we had entered the camp.

"Of course, Stergos?" Flaur asked Stergos, and from within his coat; he revealed the silver spear. How the hell was he doing that!?

Stergos suddenly flung the spear at Ashari, it whipped the air into a boom from his sheer strength. 

But Ashari gracefully caught it as she used the inertia from the catch to spin herself into a combat stance. 

"It seems like Stergos wants to duel you first, Princess Ashari," Flaur giggled as she sat down on a simple chair set for her under the tree. 

"I'm honored, shall we start?" Ashari cooly asked as she stomped the ground with her spear; she was ready. 

Stergos silently took a step forward, dusting off his black coat as he readied his gloved fists; he took on what I could best describe as a boxer's stance. 

"You mock me, Sir. I know you have a weapon to use," Ashari hissed as she dug her foot into the edge of the clearing; she looked like she was about to lunge forward with the silver spear. 

"My body is a weapon, Princess Ashari. Do not mistake this as a slight against your character," Stergos explained as he readied himself at the other edge of the clearing. 

Flaur beckoned me over to where she was, she was about to call the duel. 

"Let the duel... begin!" She clapped, signaling the start of the fight.