The Black Witch's Gambit II

The air rippled in the ensuing battle happening before our very eyes. Flaur and I craned our necks and kept our eyes trained on the rapid movement that Ashari and Stergos were committing as they traded blows. 

Ashari was graceful, even though she was out of her desert element, she still sifted around the rocky dirt with an elegance that made it seem like she was walking on water. Her silver spear jabbed at the space that Stergos would narrowly dodge as he kept a defensive stance while maintaining pressure on Ashari. 

"Hup, hup!" Stergos grunted as he shot some precise strikes aiming at Ashari's arms; he was trying to disarm her. 

"No, you don't!" She shouted as she twirled her spear in a diverting trick, making Stergos' fists glide against the cool metal and not her arms. 

I shot a glance at Flaur who was witnessing the duel thus far and to my surprise, she looked deadly serious as she kept her eyes fixed on the two. 

"What do you think, your Majesty? Who do you think will win?" I casually asked, the result of the duel was still too early to guess at this point.

"Stergos," She plainly stated without batting an eye. 

"What makes you so sure?" I asked her again, curious as to where her confidence was coming from. 

But just as it looked like she was about to answer me, I suddenly heard a loud clang of what sounded like metal being struck; Ashari was disarmed.

"Damn!" Ashari cursed as she watched her silver spear fly out of the clearing, if she were to grab it she would be disqualified. 

Stergos lowered his leg from a high-kick position, I had just missed him perform it. 

"You rely far too much on brute strength, Princess Ashari," Stergos chided as he readied himself back into his usual boxer stance.

"Don't think you've won just yet!" Ashari howled as she took on what looked like a low grappling pose, I hadn't seen her use this yet; it must be only meant for last-ditch combat.

"Come, let me teach you your folly," Stergos cooly goaded as he beckoned Ashari to come to him. 

Ashari let out an exasperated huff as she charged at Stergos, she was aiming right for his legs. She was fast, frighteningly so as she lunged at his knees like a mad bull; but Stergos didn't budge as he waited for her to make contact. 

"Duel over! Stergos is the winner!!" Flaur cheered as within a split-second, Ashari was lying flat on her back on the outside of the clearing; a few feet away from Flaur and me. 

"I-I'm seeing double," Ashari groaned as she looked a shade greener than usual, she had been spun with her own inertia as Stergos had outmaneuvered her; it was a solid defeat.

Stergos wiped off his gloves as he walked over to Ashari, offering her hand to get up. 

"Well done, Princess Ashari. You have a natural talent for combat, but it is still yet to be polished to its fullest potential," He noted as he lifted her up with ease. 

"I-Ignis, hold me," Ashari asked for me as she let go of Stergos' hand. She looked like she was about to stumble headfirst into the tree; I caught her just in time. 

"You're alright, you did well!" I congratulated her, the fact that she lasted that long against that monstrous butler was achievement enough in my book. 

"T-Thank you, guhh," She said as she rested her dizzy head on my shoulder. 

"Wonderful! How ARS GOETIAN of a duel that was if I do say so myself, kyaha," Flaur laughed as she gave her thought. 

"I qualify you to be a part of the main offensive, Princess Ashari, if that so piques your interest. I know it's much to ask a House's princess to put her life on the line, but if you help me in this endeavor, I will promise you a direct seat in contacting the remaining friendly Houses that I have ties to," Flaur proposed.

"T-That's wonder-f-ful your Majesty, I-I accept-- just need a minute?" Ashari said in befuddlement as she finally relented to just lie down up against the tree. 

"Music to my ears!" Flaur cheered with a devilish grin; she was looking at me now.

It was my turn now to face Stergos. After having witnessed his ability against Ervwin, and now against Ashari; my confidence in leaving a favorable impression was plummeting. 

I'm aware of my strength, but how good is being strong when you're up against a monster like Stergos? For all I know, my strength could've been a fluke; a one-time thing having woken up then. 

I felt my chest hum with unease as I felt Flaur finger poke my arm. 

"Hello? Are you ready, Ignis? Stergos is waiting for you~" Flaur cooed as she pointed over to Stergos patiently waiting for me to take the opposite end of the ring. 

"A-Are you sure we should be dueling so soon? He just fought Ashari, if anything, he must be a little winded, no?" I nervously asked. 

"Do not mind me, Sir Ignis. I am in perfect condition for the second duel," Stergos chimed in from afar as Flaur only gave a mischievous smile.

"Now now, is that cold feet that I'm sensing?" She mocked as she shuffled further back into her seat. 

"No, I'm... I'm good to go," I confirmed with her, knowing that I've just signed off on my death warrant. 

"Good! Now let's get dueling!" She giggled as she motioned for me to head along.

Crap, crap, crap. 

This is the closest I've felt to fear since coming to this world. It felt claustrophobic being stuck in this open ring with Stergos, I was standing off against a combat freak wearing a butler suit. 

Think... I have to rely on my pain tolerance and the fact that they don't know what I'm capable of. Whether I win or not, I must give a good impression; no matter the cost. 

"Ready," I said with feigned confidence as I walked over to my side of the clearing.