A Demon Queen's Greed

"Wuh?" Flaur blurted out, dumbfounded as I had just told her she would need to die. 

"Your Majesty, don't listen to his foolishness any longer, we must return our attention back to matters at hand," Stergos said as he gave me a death glare. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have worded it like that for the suspense," I admitted to them; it was hard not to.

"To put it simply, the plan is we would fake your death in order to get them to stop attacking and buy us enough time to escape and get back to Ars Goetia to rally more reinforcements." I explained. 

"Fake my... death? How?" Flaur's attention was piqued as she looked back at me. 

"We'll use the carriage, and put two dummies inside to represent you and Stergos,"

I grabbed a wooden caricature of a horse and began to run it down the defensive strait outlined on the map. 

"As you break the line, it'll look like you're abandoning the campsite; catching everyone's attention," 

Flaur watched me move the wooden horse with deep concern.

"And once we'd break the treeline, you would allow yourself to be attacked by the enemy; subsequently 'dying' in whatever attack they choose," I said as I flipped the horse over. 

"B-But, how would we even do that without harming either us?" Flaur said as she looked at Stergos. 

"This is a ridiculous plan, it would never work," Stergos chimed in angrily. 

"Just to ask, has Ervwin shown himself at the frontline as of yet?" I asked them. 

"No, he's stayed back since the beginning. He hasn't shown any signs he'd make a move himself anytime soon either, we're worried he'll take the initiative soon and break the line himself," Flaur explained. 

"Hmm, I predict he'll be making a move today, specifically, within an hour or so," 

"How can you be so sure? And why would it matter if he does show up?" Flaur asked. 

"To answer your question as to how I know, he's likely predicted that now would be the best time to take initiative now that troops have been exhausted enough to pull guards from the camp. It'd make the most sense to attack now, as you would be at your weakest at this stage," 

"And it matters that he attacks us because as I remember when he had attacked us the first time, that magic he used, that black fire with that ominous miasma... do you think if it'd hit the carriage, it would destroy it?" 

"You dare ask her Majesty to willingly destroy her royal carriage for such a foolhardy plan!?" Stergos snarled as he gnashed his teeth. 

"For the lives of all her troops out there, and a chance of victory if we manage to slip away-- then yes, I do dare to ask," I said as I leaned against the table. 

"Yes, the black fire that he uses, it's a forbidden magic called Drakenfire. Drakenfire can destroy even the obsidian-make of the carriage, it's power coming from the ancient dragons of the Lost Age" Flaur explained with a tight lip. 

"But your Majesty!--"

"It's okay, Stergos. I understand your apprehensiveness, but... I don't think we have any other choice at this point," Flaur said as she slumped her shoulders over. 

"Tell me, Ignis, who would drive the carriage then? I will not follow through with this plan if one of my men would be sacrificed," Flaur gazed at me staunchly. 

I felt her queenly resolution meet my eyes as she stared at me long and hard. This was the do or die moment, to take a high risk and hope for a high reward. 

They're desperate, and it's my job to make sure they live to see another day as their impromptu Strategist

"It would be me," I said as I motioned to myself. 

"You? I'm assuming this avatar of yours of course," 

"Exactly, all I'll need to see this through is a recognizable memento of Stergos and yours for them to identify, something hardy enough to survive the Drakenfire," I said as I watched them think on it. 

Stergos sighed as he rubbed at his temples, this must be a lot for even a battle maniac like him. Scheming is always such a tiring thing, no matter how good you may be at it. 

With a frown, from his coat jacket, he slowly revealed the grip of his Morningstar as it took its massive form.

"I still don't know how you do that, but, that'd be perfect," I said as I took note of it. 

As I turned back to Flaur, I saw that she was deep in thought; her face a weathering storm of emotions. 

Sometimes, a Strategist can act as their king's closest confidant, as they're in charge of ultimately what their lord must do; whether they like it or not.

I think I had to play that part for her, as this is all rides on her conviction to see this happen. 

"Your Majesty, Flaur Ars Goetia," I stated her full title as I knelt beside her, trying my best to ignore Stergos' glare. 

"Y-Yes, what is it?" Flaur responded somewhat scatterbrained, I must've derailed something in her mind. 

"What do you think matters the most in ruling a country," I asked her. 

"T-Thats... quite open-ended, Ignis," The sharp pupils in her eyes trembled as she looked at me. 

"It's meant to be, as it isn't an easy question; there are no 'right' answers to be given." 

"But, I do want to know what you think is 'right' in your book, as doing this, faking your death, it'll require all of you to make it happen; I won't do it unless you're ready to make a necessary sacrifice," 

"But I thought you said no one would die for me if we'd do this,"

"I did say that, and I'm following my promise," 

"But what I mean by that is that you're going to have to let go of what makes you the Demon Queen, at least for now; until we're safe enough to reclaim it back," I said as I pointed to the crown on her head. 

"N-No, you don't mean... sigh, I understand now, and yes, the crown would survive the Drakenflame; as it's inlaid with Dragonbone." Flaur's nervous demeanor softened as she straightened herself up. 

As Flaur removed the crown on her head, I saw her face run flush as she held it gingerly in her hands. She was just a girl, and she was holding the world in her hands. 

"To answer your question, on what matters the most... I... I believe it's the conviction of that who must rule," She said as she handed me the golden crown. 

Stergos remained deadly silent as he watched the trade-off, I saw a steadied sadness in his eyes as he did. 

"The conviction to place one's life above all others, to live on so that the country can," Flaur continued. 

"B-But,--" Flaur faltered as she held the crown atop of my hand, she wasn't letting go, "I don't think that's right, that's how my Father ruled, he chose to sacrifice the many to save the meaning of 'Ars Goetia'," Flaur then grabbed my wrist; as she wasn't hurting me, my wrist didn't fade away into mist. 

"Ignis..." Flaur looked straight at me, "If I had to choose, I would give up my life to save this country," She confessed as she finally let go of the crown into my hand. 

"But, if what you're saying is true, that there is a chance for us all to live and see tomorrow... then, do it, succeed my Strategist," She concluded as she let go of my wrist too. 

"That... was a good answer," I told Flaur, reminiscing a certain someone who had said the same thing.

The original Demon Queen, Ars Goetia, she didn't want others to sacrifice themselves for her either. She was as selfless as she was selfish, she wanted the whole world to keep living on even if she'd leave them behind. 

That Queen's greed was the reason why I tried so hard to make her dream come true, to help her live and see the day tomorrow. I didn't care that she was just a character in a video game, for all that it mattered, I was the only one left in the world who cared anymore; to fight for that victory screen, even in my futility. 

Even if it's been a thousand years in this world, her spirit still lives on through this girl.

"An ARS GOETIAN answer, mind you, hehe" Flaurs added in with a giggle as she gave a crooked smile, spurring me to usher them along to commence the plan.