
"Woah, that was weird," I sputtered as I returned to my body in the cell-cage. 

The plan had been a success, as in my silvery mist, I had heard that Ervwin would be leaving to reconvene with Baron Valefor at their castle. But it troubled me to hear that their next step would be to lay seige to the capital, and soon at that. 

"You're back, I'm so glad!" Ashari exclaimed as she saw that I had reanimated myself. 

"That I am, sorry to have kept you in the dark about what's going on so far, but please, bare with me a bit longer," I looked down at my cuffs, "Go to the Queen and tell her that Ervwin has taken the bait; she'll know what to do next," 

"O-Okay, you owe me an explanation after all of this!" Ashari said as she stuck her tongue out at me as she left the tent running. 

"Phew," I muttered, letting the situation sink in. 

I can't believe that actually worked, haha. 

Even though [Will of the Strategist] meant I was using an invulnerable avatar, I still felt the effects of the black fire engulf me as it scorched everything else away. 

It felt cold to the touch, an unnatural feeling from something that was burning. 

I hope I'd never feel it on my skin in person. 

Suddenly, the tent flap was opened to reveal Flaur running in. 

"I-Ignis!" She cried, latching her hands onto the cage's bars. 

"I've bought us time, the plan worked," I told her with a smile. 

Flaur fell to her knees as she stifled a sob. 

"I... thank you," Flaur sputtered out as she gave me a teary-eyed smile. 

"We're not in the clear yet, we still have to rally the royal corps and get all of us out of here and beeline it to the capital," I explained. 

"But, first things first--" I motioned to the cage and the iron cuffs set on me. 

"Y-Yes! You're right, Stergos!" Flaur shouted as from behind the tent flap came Stergos. 

Instead of his usual stern demeanor, he looked a little relieved seeing me in the cage. Silently, he opened the cage door and undid my cuffs. 

I felt my strength return as the heavy iron cuffs fell off of me. And as I left the cage, I felt myself feel lighter than before. 

"Is this cage magic-restricting?" I asked, curious. 

"Yes, we had to put you in it... for that," Flaur answered. 

"Wise," I remarked. 

That makes me wonder, how was I able to use [Will of the Strategist] if my magic was being restricted? My best guess is that because it's labeled as an [Ability] and not a spell; but the logic behind that was murky. 

Whatever it may be, I'm just glad I was able to use it. 

"Now, let's get going. How far is the frontline from the camp, we have to act fast before the guards desert!" I explained, putting my mind back on track. 

"We could've used the carriage's steeds, but with their escape, it would take us twenty minutes or so to get there on foot," Flaur explained. 

In theory, I could run with Flaur in tow there very quickly. But, I was worried about the physics of that and whether or not she could survive the difference. 

From the lip of the tent, Ashari poked her head in; a cheery smile plastered on her face. 

"I have good news! Tiki has returned!" She exclaimed. 

"Tiki?" Flaur asked, confused. 

"Perfect! Hitch her up to one of the spare wagons here, we don't have time to spare!" I commanded as we all hurried out of the tent. 


Using one of the cargo wagons available in the camp, we hitched Tiki up to it as she began to lead us out to the broken frontline. 

Within five or so minutes and thanks to Tiki's incredible speed, we got to the royal corps at the strait. 

As we approached, we caught some bewildered stares as they saw Flaur standing in the wagon. I can imagine how confused they must be, what if she was a Durga come back to haunt them? 

"Y-Your Majesty!?" One guard yelled, catching the attention of some other troops as they whipped their heads to face us. 

As more and more of them caught wind of our entrance, they began to pool over to where we were slowing down to. 

This sea of black-armored men, from the outside they all looked like a menacing bunch; a black cloud. 

But as they removed their helmets, all we saw were teary-eyed concerned middle-aged men with salt-pepper hair.

One man from the bunch spoke up, he was Reeskris; the one who had reported to Flaur when I had manifested. 

"Your Majesty!" He shouted as he knelt before her, she began to descend from the wagon. 

"Reeskris, I'm glad you're well..." Flaur looked out at her men, her lip was quivering as she struggled to speak. 

"Bogard, Hyal, Kiryl, Numax, Port, Xanark--" 

To my surprise, she began to name every single one of them as she looked at their tired faces. 

To think she'd memorize them all... 

"--Jult, Oprenal,... wait, where is-.." Flaur directed her attention to the scorched pile just ahead where the dugout was. 

"N-No..." She began to walk forward, her men followed suit as we trailed from behind. Stergos circled around the group as he kept a watchful eye on the forest line. 

As Flaur arrived at the scorched pile, she saw that it had the remains of a corpse fizzled into the ashes. I couldn't see her face from where I was, but, I didn't need to; I knew what she was going through right now. 

"Exbin... I'm sorry for putting you through this," Flaur muttered as she gave a deep bow to the charred corpse. 

As she finished her mourning, she turned around to address the royal corp. 

"I must apologize to you all, as I have set out a plan without informing you first; forgive me," 

Flaur gave a deep bow directed to them all as her torso went fully horizontal. Some of the royal guard looked uncomfortable as they watched her lower herself to them. 

"It was not my intention to do so, but for the sake of all of our lives... I had to include you all in our scheme," She explained as she slowly began to raise her head. 

"We have successfully fooled the enemy into believing that the Demon Queen has perished in a failed escape,"

Some of the royal guard took a step back in surprise as they heard this revelation. 

"And for all intents and purposes, she will remain dead until we have taken our retreat back to Ars Goetia," She said as she fully got upright. 

"I will answer any and all questions once we arrive at the capital, as for now, we must make haste to escape while they're still under the suggestion of my apparent 'death'" 

Flaur's glum mood suddenly faded away as she grit her teeth and clenched her fists; a fury burning in her eye. 

"We shall return once we're prepared, and we shall take our revenge for the death of Exbin!" She hissed as she raised her fist into the air. 

"For Exbin!" 

"For Exbin!"

"Glory to Ars Goetia!!" 

The royal guards shouted with frenzy, their roar echoing in the woods. 

With their hope restored and a new drive given to them, we all began to return to the camp.

As we returned to the wagon, Flaur poked my side to gain my attention as Ashari and Stergos were busy re-harnessing Tiki. 

"Was... was that praiseworthy of a Queen?" She asked, a flickering hope in her eye. 

"Yes, as your impromptu Strategist, I believe you did quite well," I reassured her as I helped her board onto the wagon. 

"This may not have been the victory you were hoping for..." I looked out at the open plain leading out from the forest, "But, this is just the beginning," 

Flaur gave me a fleeting crooked smile as she then turned her head back to the front. 

I felt the surge of hope grow in me as I realized something. 

I had just saved the Demon Queen.