Chapter 2

"Hey Rose come help me take a look at this design. I feel like something is missing" mira said with a pencil between her lips and her sketch book in her hands.

Yeah rose echoed " I think I understand what you are saying. How about we loose the hands and give it a big bow behind starting from the waistline over the train of the dress"

"Yes yes , you're right" the both of them chuckled while looking at each other remembering the way the customer emphasized on the fact that she really loved bows.

"You know, I don't know how I completely forgot about the fact that the customer emphasized on bows. Thank you for reminding me" Mira said genuinely happy

"Youre welcome Mira" rose said holding her bosses hand you work very hard, it's only okay if sometimes someone else assists you with little things such as this, besides why do you have me here if I can't help you hmmm"

"Oh thank you my love", Mira said clutching her sketch book to her chest, relived that this was another thing she had resolved.


"Boss, Jaqueline the owner of Jaqueline fashion house Paris has asked to book an appointment with you"

What? " Mira asked looking at her overly dramatic personal assistant like she had finally gone crazy

Exasperated rose tried repeating herself "The owner of..."

"I heard you girl" Mira said cutting her off "don't play with me now are you serious"

Yes she insisted that she would want to come in and have a quick chat with you when she flies into town next week"

There was a pregnant pause.

"Mira, boss, mi…."

"Sorry rose, I zoned out there for a minute " Mira said in a small voice

"Okay rose , tell her Monday 12 noon works just fine for me and we'll be meeting here at the workshop of course send her the address and everything"

"Oh God" it was safe to say that mira was positively hyperventilating.

"Calm down ma, please have some water"

Rose said handing a glass of water to her boss who took it in with a big gulp

"What is my life…"

"I'm about to have a meeting with one of the greatest legends in fashion history".

Mira still couldn't believe it even though she confirmed that it was true, she could feel her heart beating so fast like it wanted to fly through her chest and her long sleeved lavender blouse out the window.

She could feel the sweat trickling down from her unruly Auburn curls and drenching her entire body.

"I need to call Tia, my phone my phone, where is it ?"

She found it in her back pocket of course

"Tia you would never believe this, the owner of Jaquelune fashion house Paris just called to book a meeting with me for next week, my life feels so surreal right now…"


It all seemed to come crashing in on Mira later on when she had closed the shop for the day. As she was on her settee beside the window with a warm mug of hot chocolate watching the rain fall.

From that little girl who was homeless, living In card board boxes with her beloved twins living off of food stamps. She never believed that she would one day relish the opportunity of working with albeit meeting the head of one of the biggest fashion houses in the world.

Truly life has not been fair to Mira but through God's help, she took the lemons that life had thrown at her and her siblings to create sweet lemonade.

From creating dream prom dresses for young girls to wedding gowns and now this, she couldn't be more grateful and anxious to see what Monday had in store for her.


Mira On face time with Tia Monday morning

"Yes baby, you got this girl"

"God has your back, I believe in you okay"

"I know" Mira said looking into the gorgeous blue eyes of her best friend "but I wish you were here with me you know"

"You're moral support and presence most especially would mean alot to me"

"I know darling but listen you know if I could I would but….."

"I knowww",Mira knew that her best friend had a wedding to oversee as an event planner and it just so happened to be today. "But it doesn't make it any easier "

"Don't worry, I'll fly in once I'm done here okay remember you got this"

"Help me send my greetings to that troublesome little girl vicky tell her I asked of her ok"

They both laughed, "now go get ready"

"Talk later love you"

"Love you too, good luck" Tia screamed through the phone before the line went dead.

"Okay" Mira said looking herself in the mirror and taking deep breaths

"You got this.


It had been a while since the phone call with tia,

It was now 11oclock exactly an hour to the scheduled meeting and alot of things were already fleeting through her Mira's mind and at some point she considered throwing in the towel and asking one of her staff to cover for her.

But she had to do this, she knew that there was definitely the aspect of business that meant dealing with challenges such as this, though she was in no way prepared at all

Of course she drank enough water, dressed down in her favourite black suit dress paired with cute little white heels, light make up and gold accessories to accentuate her skin .

Styling her curly hair in a ponytail with cute little frills and edges by the side with her feel good perfume.She knew she looked good enough to eat, she just needed the confidence to go with it though

With Vicky's help she was calm enough to eat a single muffin with some coffee just because she couldn't stomach any other thing and her worker and Vicky of course helped rearrange her workshop into a makeshift office complete with a cushion and side table by the left for relaxation and the office table with clientele seats

It was now 11:30, and Jaques had called to inform them that she would be there in ten minutes

Which was not good at all for Mira

"Ten minutes, oh God I thought I would have enough time to compose myself but …" Mira was officially in panick mode, beads of sweat already forming on her brow

"Okay sis calm down"

Vicky said

"I have not seen you fail in any single thing you set your mind to, your my hero",

Now chin up, vicky chided lifting Mira's chin up and looking straight into her eyes.

"Deep breaths

Innnnnnn...oooouuuut, innnnnn….oooouuuut, good girl you got this alright".

"Thank you baby", Mira said squeezing Vicky in a tight hug

"Can't breath",

"they'll soon be here, have to go love you"

Vicky said while backing away towards the door throwing kisses before muttering "you got thi" and finally shutting the door

Leaving Mira all to her thoughts again, "okay Mira you got this , you got this…" she recited to herself over and over again.

Now If only she could believe it