It was midway into the scheduled meeting between the two fashion designers when Jaques suddenly threw a question at mira

"Have you ever auctioned your designs at a fashion show?"

Bashfully she answered "no but uhm it's always been a dream of mine"

We'll I must say, your dream is quite the big one. Hmmm, let's see here" Jaques taught out loud, tapping an elegantly manicured red nailed finger on her chin

"You have something good going on here in New Jersey, great talent/skill, unique designs and a passion for the art which the world needs to see" She concluded with a coy smile on her matte red lips

"How about you become a part of the upcoming Paris annual fashion show, hosted by "yours truly"

She announced with a blinding white smile on her face and her blood red finger nails pointed at herself

"Really" mira whispered feeling the need to throw up but holding it in

"Are you serious?" She asked again still reeling from the shock of the suggestion

"Dead serious " Jaques replied sipping her cup of coffee casualty as if she had not just dropped a bomb

"But ...but..." Mira stammered weakly….. "I'll need models, make-up and costume managers and…"

"Not to worry my darling" Jaques quipped lightly cutting her off from her rambling "those are sorted already" she said rising from her chair with a poise only the French could carry

"All you need are your designs ready to go, my team will get back to you on the arrangements as per your travels "

"See you soon mira" Jaques said offering her hands for a soft but firm handshake, "and expect to hear from me " she quipped.

Walking off elegantly the sound of her white red bottomed heels clicking softly,filling the now silent office.

"And miss mira" Jaques said from her stance in front of the slightly opened door

"Yes" Mira replied absentmindedly

"Trust you'll do your best and make me proud, good luck" she quipped closing the door behind her with a soft click, the scent of her sweet perfume the only sign that she had been there moments ago

It all felt so surreal for mira,

Ever since she knew what it meant to work using her hands, she would sit at the windowsill in her room each and every night to draw dresses as flamboyant,colorful and regal as her mind would allow her too.

In a world of her own she would sit with her legs drawn up under her, her head resting on the window pane, while staring at the moon and stars in complete silence…. Dreaming about her dresses on beautiful runway models and a worthy applause from the audience as She would bow.

But open her eyes to discover, that they were just mere dreams of an ambitious little orphan who wouldn't even be spared a glance from strangers on the street on a normal day.

Now fast forward, 20years later,

Admist the shrill sounds of excitement which filtered out of roses office as the girls celebrated the announcement drinking and cheering.

Mira sat quietly in shock with her hands supporting her unruly curls from faking into her eyes, a misty far away look in her eyes and a silent whisper from her lips,

"A world of my own" she wispered to herself