CH 4

It had been almost a week since Jaques, the entrepreneurial Business mogul and supermodel showed up at Mira's little studio in Manhattan offering her  the proposition of a lifetime.

Mira knew that the stakes were up against her, she knew she was going up against fashion designers that were way out her league 

So the pressure came crashing down on her  to this point with Mira laying with her back on the floor of her office on the plush white Italian rug that was gotten for her by rose in a loose fitting jumper and yellow t-shirt a pencil behind her ear,her lip between her teeth and a drawing book on her legs.


Over the past weeks I have tried to find inspiration from everything and anything I could think of, I have tried newspapers, magazines, a look at my designs over the years, other designs from great designers and still nothing. I will be expected to craft 10 designs all in the space of two weeks talk about pressure….

That was how tia found Mira lamenting to herself pitifully on her office floor and decided to take action

"Alright chop chop"… tia quipped as she sauntered into Mira's office in full glory.

"We're going out"…. She added for emphasis 

"Who?" … Mira askednot sure what her crazy friend was on about

"You heard me ….. I said we are …"

I heard you the first time  actually…Mira groaned holding her head in her hands

"But I'm in no mood for going out love maybe some other time. I have deadlines to beat and 10 designs to….."

"Shhh When have I ever asked for your permission or opinion to do something lady…." Tia asked with her hands on her hips hovering above Mira's form like an irritated school mistress about to doll out punishments

"You've been holed up in here for almost a week now, what has it helped huh…. "

"Tia i know but I've been …." 

"Shush up lady I don't want to hear it, not one word from you again, you better get up off that floor or so help me God I will drag your ass up and you best believe that I'm not joking."

Mira was not a stranger to her best friends threats or the fact that she was freakishly strong for a 5foot6 blonde who looked like she weighed nothing and had no doubts about the fact that she could drag her 190 pound chubby ass where she needed it  to go.

"You know this is bullying right and an intrusion on privacy..." Mira began

"okay okay I'm up, I'm up" she screamed at rose who was already trying to pull her up just like she had threatened.

"I'm up silly girl, you happy now…" Mira said to a triumphant rose and her victory smile 

"Where are we going to anyway…" Mira asked her  friend

"Well that's for me to know and you to find out and enjoy"

"Oh my lord...". Mira said exasperated 

"Tia seriously I don't have the time or the mental capacity for this right now…" Mira said with her arms folded.

"That's honestly non of my business girl…." Tia said leaving Mira gobsmacked 

"Well That rude …. That really hurt me  rose.. "Mira said pouting

"Okay good, let's get going then I promise you won't regret it"….. tiasaid in an excited voice completely ignoring her grumbling friend

"I hope not ….."Mira said giving in, really because she didn't have a choice 


"A coffee shop, really tia is that the best you could come up with " Mira questioned with an incredulous tone..."you brought me all the way from work just for coffee, I deserve better honestly"

"Oh shut up, you know this is just what you need right now space plus rumour has it that they have the best coffee in town and I've created the space that you need by booking us a private booth by the far end of the cafe which I'm sure you'll love…" tia said with a proud smile on her face 

"Alright alright we've already come this far… "Mira said in a teasing dissatisfied tone.

"Oh Tia no need to pout"… Mira said tugging her friend into a tight hug.

" I love it this is exactly what I need right now…" she exclaimed 

"I'm so excited…. "Come on she said while dragging tiaalong….. "the fun is about to begin…."


Sitted at their booth Mira had already begun to sketch earnestly, the sights and sounds in the cafe more than enough inspiration. The aromatic smell of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of laughter over scones, muffins and brownies… she would sketch and take a minute to take it all in and repeat the same process over and over again.

"I'm so glad I took you up on this offer tia", Mira said after a while you are really "a life saver, I can boldly say that I have a rough sketch for my first design already."

"Thank you so much for dragging me out of the house without you this wouldn't have been possible…." Mira said thanking her best friend for always being her back bone and support.

"You're welcome my love…. And besides what are best friends good for if not to drag their friends around however they want …" she said laughing mischievously

"You're evil"….. Mira said laughing along at the silly antics of her friend.


Soon enough it was time to go ,

"Excuse me", Mira said…to the cashier at the front desk who had his back turned to them  "I would like to pay for the coffee and get some muffins to go thank you."

"Okay cutie, just a minute and I'll be right with you" the man replied in a velvety smooth deep voice which Mira longed to listen to over and over again 

But was she hearing things or did this man just call her cute he hadn't even turned to see her yet he called her cute well…

She brushed it off, opting instead to admire the stranger's physique  from the back the man was very tall 6"4 perhaps,tanned smooth Olive skin with a splattering of hair, curly Auburn hair from what she could see from beneath his cap and well endowed with muscles so tight that you could see through the white shirt he wore.

Then suddenly he turned to attend to them and everything stopped... Mira could swear on her life that she had never seen eyes that shade of green in her life or lips so beautifully carved, was it impossible for someone to be this handsome and charming at the same time.

 Then he smiled.

Mira could not tell if it was the smile that came with such a blinding force or his eyes that captivated her so much so that she forgot the reason why she was standing in front of him in the first place…

"Uhmmm….. yeah I'm I'm Mira and this is my friend rose we would like to pay for our coffee orders and a takeout of two brownies and two cupcakes thank you"

Mira mentally patted herself on the back… good job Mira you managed to say that without making a fool yourself.

Why he rung up the order, she stood in awkward silence till he spoke 

"Don't worry ladies the coffee is on me plus the brownies and cucakes too, enjoy." He finished handing them the brown paper bag

"I have taken care of your orders it's on the house" he said again

. "But" Mira started

"No buts please allow me to do this it would make my day"…. He said charmingly with a smile

"Well then how can I say no, thank you kind sir…" Mira courtesyed and he did the same with a bow as they both burst out laughing.

So he cleared his throat, 

"I saw you with a sketchbook drawing?"


"Yes it's for work, a fashion show in a few weeks….my first one actually" Mira said excited to tell anyone about the news

"Well I hope everything goes well for you cutie…. I'll be rooting for you I know you'll do great."

"Thank you so much I really appreciate this, you know everything"….. Mira said while lifting up the brown paper bag awkwardly "God bless you"

"But we have to go now" she said backing away slowly while dragging tia along, "till some other time…" Mira quipped finally and nearly jumping out of  out of the cafe door in her haste.

with Tia hot on her heels…

Finally outside Mira felt she could breathe 

"Mira what happened…"

 Tia asked stopping her right in her tracks by standing in front of her on the side walk. 

"I don't know one minute I was fine conversing with him and in the next I just freaked out… Mira said truthfully I couldn't do it anymore his eyes were too intimidating and intense for me, I just couldn't…."

"So you ran…" Tia said blandly earning a harsh glare from Mira. 

" Okay okay I mean, I understand he is very good looking".

Mira sighed heavily…"Very"

"But in your haste you forgot to ask for his number or his name at least…." Rose said

"Oh my God not his number but at least his name…."  she turned to go back but looking through the window realized  that he wasn't at the counter anymore….

"Don't worry" rose said assuring her friend… "you'll do that next time you come back here okay the cafe isn't running" 

"Off to our next adventure…."She said smiling brightly while linking her arm with Mira's

"Ughhh isn't this adventure enough for one day"…. Mira said almost crying 

"No, I'll see you get inspiration for at least three designs before the day is over okay" she said smiling

"Now let's roll, in style of course" Tia said laughing