A Walk Down Memory Lane

CH 5

"To be or not to be" Tia said with her two hands spread in front of her 

The girls had gotten to the end of the sidewalk leading to the cafe when Tia decided that the only way to move forward was for Mira to make the choice

"So pretty girl" Mira said with an impish smile on her face, "you get to choose one out of two options available for you in order for us to know our next stop"

"It's your excitement and determination for me, liiiike" Mira said laughing at her friends antics

"Anyway I choose this one"...., Mira said trying to touch Tia's right hand, before she pulled it back quickly

"Hey" Mia yelled "I thought you said I had one out of two options" she said still confused

"Yes I know i said that but I don't make the rules now chop chop, we haven't got all day"

"Alright" Mira sighed exasperated already 

"I'll go with this one," she said, touching Tia's left hand.

"Okay, the park it is" Tia exclaimed happily 

"But wait , hold on a second Tia we never discussed going to the park"  Mira said still in confusion 

"Well to bad" Tia said with a one-sided shrug  "I don't make the rules" she exclaimed laughing and dragging a crumbling Mira along.


It was a typical sunny day at the central city park, the clouds puffy, bright and blue, the sounds of children laughing and playing tag, irritated mother's yelling at unruly children, the smell of freshly trimmed grass and trees, aroma of hotdogs and home cooked meals...…

It all brought back feelings of nausea for Mira who began to reflect on the past, it wasn't up to 17years ago when her 16 yr old self would bring the twins when they were just three  for a stroll in the very same park, such memories never really faded away….

"Mira… mira" Tia yelled, startling mira

"Huh, you know I can hear you you don't need to scream" Mira said massaging her ears with her palms

"Ughhh, I doubt that" Mira said with her hands on her hips,"because I've been calling you but you were far away in another world. What were you thinking about Tia asked?"

By now the two friends were seated casually on an empty swing set big enough for adults, overlooking the park.

"Well" Mira began reflectively

 "I was just thinking you know of how the seasons changed and how time seems to fly by without you realizing it. Not to long ago I was just 16…" Mira said with a far away look on her face

"Trust into the world of single parenthood"

by the cruel hands of faith, wondering how I would survive the crushing weight of responsibilities that threatened to drown me…" she said quietly with her head resting on the side handle of the swing.

"I would pick up leftovers from the locals and spare change to provide food and sustenance for the twins and for myself. It was tough the constant harassment" she said with venom in her voice

" from male strangers and relatives alike, the near abuse situations and the days of persistent hunger that lingered till I kept asking myself when it would all end… "she sniffed a lone tear slipping passed her eyelids down her beautiful freckled face.

"You know I thought there was no life for me anymore I was living for the twins which I didn't regret. They were my whole world and my purpose for living."

"Until I met you" she said turning her face towards Tia while wiling her eyes with the back of her palms, stretching her hand out for her to hold.

"On my eighteenth birthday, you changed my life in this very same park when you offered me your jacket, juice pack and burger." Mira said laughing through her tears at the find memory 

"You know I wondered if you were an angel, you sure looked like one to me honestly" she said with a warm smile

"And from that day I would come to expect you here every week with the same things and the twins were never left out. Everything changed and  I saw hope when I saw nothing at all . You made it all possible…. Thank you sis for not looking away" 

"Thank you for being more than a friend and sister…. I love you" mira said with raw emotion in her eyes

"I love you too Mira…." Tia said sniffing while wiling her eyes and nose as well 

"God I have makeup on, you will ruin it for me."

"I don't want to cry…, don't cry Tia , dont cry. Tia said to herself in between deep breaths and fanning her eyes"

Drawing laughter from Mira.


The skies where still clear and it had been a while since the ladies had the intense emotional conversation,both now so hungry were now snacking on their brownies and muffins with chocolate shakes which they had bought from the park

When suddenly Tia turned to Mira with a sinister smile on her face

"What now"… Mira asked her crazy friend why are you looking at me like that.

"Don't think I've forgotten what happened at the coffee shop this morning…" Tia said with saprkling eyes what was that all about any way 

"What of all the talk of I'm not interested in a relationship blah blah blah…"Tia said making funny faces 

"This girl you're impossible" mira said laughing

"That doesn't change the subject…" Tia said in defense of herself

"Well, my opinions about relationships for me have not changed but…. Coffee shop guy can be an exception to the rules" Mira said coyly

"Did you see his hair, his eyes, that body… ahh I got goosebumps just looking at him" she said with a sigh

"I was charmed but it's useless to harbor such fantasies you know, I would never be able to take on a man like that…"

"Oh please", Tia said excitedly "your in love and that's all that matters leave all the handling to God okay"

"Who said I was in love…" Mira said with a shocked look on her face. "Tia I never said…." Tia started but stopped when she felt a rug on her jeans .

Looking down she saw a small baby girl with the most adorable smile and dimples. "Awwn She is so cute".

Mira lifted her up in her arms and turned her to face Tia , " she is so cute isn't she".

"Yeah she is" Tia replied smiling

"Hey little girl" Mira cooed to the baby in her arms "where is your mama hmm, you lose your way. Let's see if we can find her okay…"

"Oh Sophia there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you"  I'm so sorry the young frantic mother exclaimed gently  taking Sophia from Mira's hands. Mira didn't need to worry because the resemblance between the both of them undeniable

"It's okay mama, toddlers can be a lot to deal with at times. I had two of my own so I know how it was" Mira said and they all shared a laugh.

"It can be chaotic at times, but I promise you will be all worth it in the end" mira said warmly


It was now 7pm and the girls were back in the house after a long day preparing dinner.

"Though you won't admit it" Tia began while mixing the salad dressing "you had fun today, didn't you…" she teasingly asks Mira who was trying to but failing to hide her smile.

"I did I won't lie you know and I got two rough sketches already for two designs, so that's two down and eight to go, but I just have a week left" Mira saidworriedly

"Which is almost a week" Tia said, "it's more than enough time,I have faith in you tia said I know you can do it"

"But what if I can't make it all on "… Mira Said

"No no" Tia said cutting her off  "there will be no negative comments"

"Every hurdle put before you has been to bring out the best version of you and everything you've faced up until now you've overcome, so this too shall pass in glory okay…."

"You're strong and resilient I know it, the twins know it, the whole world does too and I think it's time you see it" Tia said plating the food

"Yes ma what would I do without you…." Mira said smiling fondly 

"Nothing actually, food is ready let me get Vicky…" Tia said as she started making her way up the stairs and Mira she said turning to face her friend again "get prepared we go again tomorrow"

"To where, again…"Mira exclaimed trying to understand her friend 

"Shhhh… Tia replied before walking up the stairs with a wide smile, it's  will be surprise…"