Secret Treasure

CH 5

The heat intensified,Mira acknowledged as she stared at the blank white pages of her sketch book in horror. 

A day had passed since Tia and her had gone to the park together and she had taken the time to put the two designs that she got to work and they turned out so beautifully but the fact still remained that she was still two designs into ten and she had 6days to Paris fashion week.

Staring at her designs Mira was glad that she had begun designing but she also recognised that she needed speed and wisdom too

staring out of her favourite window spot in her room over looking the city, Mira prayed quietly "Lord help me, I need you now more than ever" 


It was a brand new day unlike any other

Tia had definitely not forgotten the fact that she promised to take her friend on a little voyage just like they had done the day before.

She knew her friend was barely on crunch time as it were but her motivation was to see that she gets her  inspired enough to design even more dresses by the end of the day.

"Mira I hope you are not still on that bed" Tia yelled from outside Mira's bedroom door at exactly 7:45Am

"I told you we would be going somewhere today and  for your sake I hope you are getting ready"

When she heard nothing from Mira who she knew was in her room ignoring her.

"Mirabella treasure Deniz, I am giving you twenty…. In fact fifteen minutes to get your ass up from that bed and get dressed because we are going out today even if I have to drag you" 

"Oh You know I'm not bluphing, 10mintues" Tia yelled once more 'or so help me God I will…..'Tia complained while going down the stairs


As always Mira knew that Tia would keep to her words and she eventually dragged herself up from her bed, took her bath and dressed in a pair of form fitting light blue jeans from shien, a cute button downwhite blouse from forever 21 and a pair of  brown sandals she left her room in record time for breakfast with both tia and Vicky who had a lazy day off.

"Listen" Tia said after 5minutes of driving in silence, they had left the house not up to 20 minutes ago in Tia's blood red Mercedes convertible, 

"I know this is the last thing you want and I know that you've been very busy, barely even getting any rest and but just trust me that you won't regret this…."Tia said with a pout on her beautiful dimpled cheeks as they sped down road  "I promise"

Mira looked at her long and hard before laughing, "okay" she said still laughing because she just couldn't stay mad at her friend for long. 

"Good I'm glad we got that out of the way 

now stop sulking and look out the window for a change. The sun is up, the weather Is good, we're alive and it's a brand new day, and a season to create designs and rejoice." Tia said as she laughed and cheered loud enough that the doves gathered by the side of the road to pick grains flew off.


They had been driving for quite sometime when the route they took began to lead to an unfamiliar territory.

"Tiiiiaaaa", Mira said in unease while turning sideways to glare at her impulsive and sometimes crazy friend 

"where again did you say we were going and what are we doing here in this part of town"

Mira said gazing backward suspiciously at the large gate they just went through and the long drive way through what looked like acres and acres of land 

"Well since you so desperately need answers this is an abandoned estate," Tia said in triumph like she had just cracked some age long code 

Mira face palmed herself then said, "Tia I already know that, what I want to know is what we are doing and why we are here…"Mira said at the verge of a mental breakdown

"Questions, questions, Questions… "Tia tssks knowing that it would get on Mira's nerves "however can we get the answers"

"Tia if you don't give me a plausible answer in the next two minutes I'm turning this car around myself and I'm leaving"

"Pshhh, please like you know your way out," Tia said smiling deviously at her friend

"Tiiiiaaaa", Mia yelled in exasperation ready to chew Tia's head off if need be

"Okay fine fine this is an old abandoned estate that belonged to my family specifically my grandfather."

"Really" mira said eyeing the well tended gravel driveway with a beautiful cobblestone fountain 

"Well insurance makes sure that this estate gets taken care off but it looks to me clearly that they've been doing more of a good job than that…."

"Well never mind in we goooo," Tia yelled excitedly as she parked abruptly facing large wide stairs while dragging an astonished Mira along.

The drive thru lead straight to the giant front doors of a beautifully designed palace of a home the walls a white paint with two magnificent pillars artistically structured in front of the home to give it a grandose look

In all it was beautiful Mira mused and they hadn't even gone in

Mira knew that Tia's family came from centuries of old money and that her friend was rich but  this was a massive confirmation of that fact and the most beautiful structure she had ever seen

Green marble stone steps lead up to the front double doors of the house where Tia put in a key and in two turns pushed the doors open


It seemed that the outer part of the house would do the insides no justice, Mira could swear that in her entire life she had seen nothing so beautiful.

Artistically designed  grey marble tiles littered the floor of the house to her right and left . A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling illuminating the wide hall in bright light. The walls the same Color as the outer part of the house. Mira could see two huge floor to ceiling windows covered by intricately designed upholstery and in front of her , a little way into the house stood a spiral staircase leading upstairs.

Mira felt like she couldn't breathe. She was surrounded by ethereal beauty and she couldn't believe something like this existed.

Tia smiled  seeing the star struck look in her friends eyes. 

"You look like your jaw would drop and your eyes may pop out at any minute." Tia said still smiling,"I knew you would love it."

Mira felt like she was in world of her own she payed no attention to her  friend as she walked quietly up to the red upholstery and fingered beautiful red linen silk that felt like butter in her hands. It looked to have the drawings of elephants and peacocks the details on the rims intricate gold all around. Mira appreciated the effort it took  to perfect the designs and wasted no time at all in drawing out her sketch book to put pencil to sketchbook….


Two hours since their arrival at the palatial house, Tia and Mira found themselves  comfortably seated in  the garden at the backyard which was also very well tended and beautifully designed with tropical colourful flowers of different types and roses which were Mira's favourite.

 It was truly a sight to behold. Mira could not believe that there would be a structure like this situated here that no one knew about.

A beautiful clean pool adorned the middle of the yard begging for a dip. The sun glistening on the surface of the pool gave it the illusion of a shimmering  mirror, the serenity of the atmosphere overwhelmed mira and tia as well who didn't know how far her brother had gone into renovating the house and this was how the two girls found themselves seated on the beautiful set of coffee metal chairs, tia on her laptop and Mira on her sketchbook

"Tia look I'm so happy two designs in one gosh I'm so happy," Mira said overjoyed beyond belief

"She finally talks to me after two whole hours God be praised," Tia says sighing dramatically 

"I'm sorry my love," Mira said laughing "it's just that the beauty of the house left me mute and amazed I couldn't help but draw, I'm sorry" she said still laughing

"Well, you better be cause you were about to get yourself a new best friend and it would definitely not be me."Tia said haughtily

"Oh please, your so dramatic." Tia said to her friend, "you know you can't do without me,"  she said still laughing.

 "But wait," Mira said abruptly, eyeing tia  "how come you never told me about this mansion, come to think of it who are you really, what don't I know, what have you been hiding from me?"

Mira asked her friend in a frenzy, with a serious expression on her face 

"You better start talking now"