
Empire founding and establishment

It was said that sir Sedrick relocated from the southeast region of a very far country which was his original birth place as well as the entire Shedden family, and back then Astoria was nothing but a wasted land which he saw and through his self same revolution, he was filled with lots of aspirations towards his dreams of building an empire even if he saw a vast land which was clearly laid wasted.Slowly he began with what he thought was his first approach towards gaining what he thought was his goal, he built the first city which would mark he's beginning and he saw the beauty behind his first creation which was Jabe city and that first approach brought alots of adversaries who began gaining interest on what he had already set out to do, which made him; sir Sedrick left jabe city in order to conquer other vast lands which laid closer to jabe city.After moving on and conquering opposing forces all along the way; sir Sedrick saw the need to make an empire which was more united with a clear aristocratic power in place which made him allocate all powers into the Shedden family name after securing it's footing, the formidability of the Shedden family name spread wide all over the empire and all of sir Sedrick feats became a legend across several lands, combined with sir Sedrick owns ability of indestructibility which made him tougher and valiant towards all he's adversaries whilst he remained the only predominant force in the entire empire above all other powers.Much to the surprise of many; after the establishment of the empire they was a brutal battle which waged on for countless days which slowly turned into weeks as a result of conflict of interest between sir Sedrick and his brother Matthew, seeing the strange power display which his brother utilize during their battle which was far from what he could ever wield, sir Sedrick became more certain that he was under the influence of someone's devious addiction; a clear attempt of someone who wanted both of them to cancel each other out while who ever they are would reap all the benefits, even though he's brother's greed for power and wealth far exceed it's imagination still it was beyond his capabilities regarding the power which he displayed.Sir Sedrick fought with greater might and at the end defeated his brother; after which he exile him to a very far place while placing a restraining order on him from returning to Astoria along with those who stood with him all the way through he's madness, after the battle they was still an unsettling crisis which loom's over the empire even if it was at it's current state of peace it was still as clear as ever that the ultimate battle for Astoria still hasn't been fought yet, sir Sedrick was hundred percent certain that they would be more to what his brother demonstrated before him which made him reinforced the empires defence while he remained the monarch of the empire were he brought further advancements and development to the empire.

Soon after the battle which led to major destruction of some cities, mainly imperial city which happened to be the center battle field; there by leading to it's total annihilation were several people who were still residing there at the time to flee from the city, the after effect of the battle was felt by the residents of neighboring cities; while some even led to little earth quake all over it's neighboring cities as a result of two opposing forces which clashed repeatedly.

Repairs were made after the order of the destructive battle which made imperial city the core city of the empire cause it was the city which was rebuilt with grandure and style, and sir Sedrick left the entire empire in the name of the Shedden family while he left for an adventure into the known; what he was clearly in search for no one knew but it was very certain as ever that he would return back with much more burning ambition to see Astoria strive further, before he left he gave specified instructions to his kinderd regarding it's whereabouts and how long he would be away even if he didn't say where he would be in particularly or what he was in search of but one thing was for certain that he left very disturbed.

Slowly days became week's; week's became months and months became years, still they was no words about him from the royal family who dominated the empire whilst his first son Micheal became the current acting sovereign over the entire land even though much changes wasn't made by him regarding the structure or orders set by him, slowly rumors began spreading about the demise of sir Sedrick which they attributed to the battle which took place between him and his brother that he was left wounded extremly bad thus leading to his tragic demise whilst pointing accusing fingers at the royal family about keeping his death a secret.

Though it wasn't known where the news got it's footing from or who said it cause it was like the wind which blew to all corners of Astoria even after weeks no one could confront the royal family about it still the news began spreading like wide fire, noticing the wave of the news and the effect it held to the royal family as well as others who still had eyes on the empire and saw it as an open opportunity to threaten the royal families standing; a call was made to sir Sedrick at once requesting his return to the empire as soon as possible which he got and made a sudden return to restore the order back into the empire while shutting out people who thought he was already done for, after spending two years away from the empire which remained just the way he left it; he became more ambitious to finish what he started.

Couple of months after he built the royal Court which he described or rather named Astoria conference house were he explained that he would be discussing pressing issues with fellow patterns who held certain rights in Astoria, after which he began signing peace contract between others who had the intentions of trading or those with ideas which would help the empire strive further into betterment; there after he split the powers equally among all other individuals which he found worthy of various positions whilst he organized foreign trade between Astoria and other countries for further development, soon after he watched over all he's hard work slowly paying of which made him set is course for his last creation.