The land beyond them stretched far much longer than any yard put together, and very desolate. A quietness stuck to the landscape standing out like a silent grave yard with bone creeping stillness sipping into the soul, awaiting the harvest of souls. The thunder some ear piercing sound of the motorized bikes charged through the green earth shaking a dynamics into full awakening from its slumbering cacoon, welcoming an open ghost haunted park where a soul frost hill hanged in an icy cliffs paired to the green landscape like brothers.
A group clearly had ridden this far even after traveling a couple of meters from the camp, tracking the location of their target.
* What does the gps say? *
* Still within the underground hive! *
* Alright we would just go get that bloody bastard! *
Captain Adam charged ahead, stepping on the gas pedal, and accelerating enough to get ahead of his group into leaving them behind.