Into the cold we journeyed, shirtless we walked towards the direction of the car, everything still seemed normal on the street but we knew what we had seen. Finally, we got inside and started moving.
Immediately we entered into the vehicle, he stepped on the gas, like a getaway driver zooming off a heist scene. He gave the three of us blankets to cover our bodies, we still reeked of blood though. As if he was running away from something, he was moving at over a hundred kilometers per hour, what seemed more exciting wasn't the speed, but the fact that the road was free. I looked at the time shown on his dashboard, it was just couple of minutes past 11.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
At that moment, we all let our guard down, I heard from the front where I was,the clattering of the scalpel that Dave had carried earlier on as it landed on the car's base.
As if Dave had read my mind,
"jinja! (Really)? You speak English? Why didn't you do that back then? what was with the Korean and dems, Jesus we'd have found you less uncanny if you had spoken it to us back then"
For a moment there I wanted to talk but I just swallowed it, as if Daesang also read my mind he said to Dave: "when did being able to speak English become a prerequisite for being the good guy?"
"Oh! Mihanae(sorry), I heard you calling him Han Su Jin, so I thought you didn't know how to" the man said.
"Woah.. are you kidding me? This nigger right here is actually and literally a nigger, like N-I-G-G-E-R, he's dark skinned, what do you think he is? Korean? You gotta be kidding me" Dave said while touching my shoulders.
I removed his hands off my shoulders, and said to the man…
"Please don't mind him, he's probably still in shock. Han Su Jin, it's a name I adopted when I came to study in Korea. You know how it is, when you study abroad and the language is quite different from yours it's almost natural that you get a name of the local language for easier communication".
"Oh… now I get you…", the man said
I continued... "Like that rascal back there, That's Dave, he's English, but we call him Dong Hwa As in fairytale"
"With A Sad Ending" , Daesang added. The man laughed.
"South London represent!" Dave shouted.
I couldn't be anymore embarrassed, "Yeah disregard him, he's sick in the head. And back there, that is Daesang as in "Grand prize", well he is Korean, but, well.. I call him MANDU,
"As in dumplings?" The man asked as he chuckled.
"..Ye! (yes) As in dumplings, Nuguseyo (who are you)?" Daesang asked him
"Na(me)!?" The man questioned.
"Ne, Neo, geubakk-e nuga(yes, you, who else)? You're the only one here I don't know, so of course you. Who are you?
Daesang questioned
"Well...ummm…. Nan..eun dangsin-ui haendeulleoibnida (.... I am your handler)". The man said.
"Maenijeo(handler)!!?" We all shouted at the same time.
Before the man could complete his speech, Dave cut him off, "Handler? Tch... Do we look like we're some boy band to you? We literally just came out of a building filled with multiple dead bodies, isn't that enough shit for one day?"
"Look Ahjussi (sir), whoever you are, or rather whoever you work for or with, should know this isn't some joke okay?
You came in acting all superhero and whatnot, this sure is Su jin's folly, left to me I'd not have followed you, I cannot bank on the fact that you look harmless or cool to just follow you like that. Daesang blasted
The man scoffed, looked at me and said, "aren't you also going to lash out too?"
Apparently, I did want to express my thoughts on not understanding what he meant by being our handler. At the same time, I was trying to understand why Daesang was pinning it all on me, but I was too confused to even compose a sensible sentence so I just sat back and looking at all of them, perplexed.
The man put foot on the gas and the rate at which we were moving increased
"Ahjussi!" Daesang shouted
"Mwo(what)? Are you scared that we might crash?
You're blaming Su Jin for being the cause but here you are, still seated in the same vehicle with a person you don't seem to fully trust, don't you find that weird? The man said while looking at Daesang from the rear mirror.
"You'd understand it all very soon, yagseoghaeyo (I promise)" the man reassured
I didn't find it reassuring, no matter how much he tried to sound so. To me, it was all a means to an end. All I wanted to do was to get out of the lab we were, I didn't care if I was going with the devil himself.
We arrived at a very tall and wide building, we were approaching the southeastern part of the garage
"ID 002 approaching" an automated echoed form the building.
I heard buzzing and clanging of metal against each other as the garage door slowly began to open.
The whole garage was white, not even the slightest spec of stain could be spotted, I felt like I was in an action movie, it was hard to tell where the floor and the wall was, they were both white it felt like I was walking on the clouds.
"Woah, is this heaven?"Dave asked surprisingly.
"Anyio(no) this can't be heaven, wae(why)? Because you can't make it to heaven, so I'm sure this isn't heaven." I almost started laughing but that would cause another "thug of words" between them.
Dave was so amazed by the sight his eyes beheld that he even forgot to reply Daesang. I was happy that happened though, hearing them argue is really irritating.
As we entered, my body temperature began to regulate, the vehicle stopped and we came down. Machines started moving all around the place, it seem like a factory but what they were producing was unknown to any of the three of us, we didn't see any living being around the garage area
"This is probably a company, from the height and width of it. Surely, no one would be crazy enough to build this as their house, but why isn't there anyone around this area? No security guards, no workers, nothing, just a wide range of space". I pondered endlessly.
I started becoming suspicious. Just when I was about to ask where we were, the man turned back and commanded, "follow me"
As if we were bewitched, we all walked towards the elevator at our front and entered it. His phone rang, I took a quick peak at it from behind him, and I saw the name of the caller "ARIES". He picked up the phone and answered saying in Spanish