"Krain, we have no time. You have to run. Now!"

I shake my head repeatedly. I don't want to! I'm not leaving!

"Krain, baby. Please.."

"Mom, no. I.." I shook my head. "I won't leave."

She held my face with her trembling, cold hands.

"Everyone is on their way and they're after you. You have to leave now," she ordered. "Your dad and I will follow you, I promise."

She let go of me and went straight to my room. She started packing my clothes, so I held her hand and stopped her.

"Krain, please. You have to go."

"I don't want to," I protested.

"But you have to." She put her hands on my shoulder and squeeze it gently. "You're the only hope of the future, Krain. If you die, there's no future to come."

"I don't care! I don't care about them! I don't care about the future! I won't leave! I will not leave just for the future to exist!"

"Krain!" She shouted right to my face, triggering the tears that I was holding back since earlier. I look at her with anger in my eyes and tears in my face. "Listen. You're not doing it for others. You are doing this for me, for your dad, for your sister and for yourself."

"D-do I.. do I really have to do this? Do I really have to leave you?"

She smiled reassuringly. "Yes, you have to." She turned her back and continued packing my things. "Your father and your sister are on their way to Kauma. As for you.." she glanced at me while zipping the bag close. "You're going to Quintessence."

My eyes widened. "W-what? You said I don't belong there."

Quintessence is a place for people who surrendered their life for our continent.

"Now that the people from Guerreier are after you, you belong to Quintessence."

"It doesn't make sense!"

She ran towards the window and looked around. I did the same, but it was peaceful. I kept looking around when a strike of loud noise occupied my ears. I closed my eyes and covered my ears with both hands, but the noise is still there.

"They are ten miles away from here. You can still make it to the road leading to Capitel before they arrive."

I tried to put force in covering my ears but to no avail. The noise makes me feel dizzy, so I move back and ended up falling into my knees. "M-mom, what is t-this.."

"Krain!" She held my forehead and the noise completely disappeared. "Look at me." I look up at her while catching my breath. "I won't block it anymore. You have to use what you have in order to survive. Got it?"

"H-hearing those weird noises is a part of that?"

"You'll understand someday."

She took my bag and in just a second, it became as small as a ring. She placed it in my hand. She also takes off her white bracelet that is as thin as a rubber band. She put it in my wrist before getting a bonnet and a coat.

"No matter what you hear, don't come back here. Understood?" I nodded. I put the backpack in my pocket and look down at the bracelet in my wrist. "If anyone asks, tell them you're from Gelare and you need to go to Quintessence." I nodded repeatedly. "As much as possible, don't say a word unless its inside Quintessence. That's the only safe place for you."

"What about you, mom?"

She smiled. She gave me an envelope that is as small as the backpack. I also put it in my pocket and nodded at her instructions.

"Xhora Chambers. She's the only one you can trust there. Give this to her and she will help you."


I was pulled in a warm hug. I could feel her heartbeat that indicates her nervousness. I hugged her back, wishing it is not the last hug I could have with her.

"We'll meet again, right?" I asked. "Right?"

She forced a smile which breaks my heart. "Yes."

"Then I'll leave now."

Mom nodded and hugged me once again. "It may become hard for you. Please survive, Krain," she whispered. I stopped my tears from going off. It won't help in my situation.

"I'll look for you. I'll come for you, Krain."

I nodded and went out of the door. I looked back at mom, and she smiled at me. I saw how she slowly closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. When she opened her eyes, the noise that I've heard earlier came back. I tried to ignore it and just run into the woods. I know a shortcut that will bring me to Capitel in no time.

Lar River. This is the river that separates our district from Gelare, the district of people who have the ability to control water. There's a boat that could take me to Capitel in no time.

I arrived at the river, but no one was there. Not even a boat. The noise that I can hear in my head suddenly became louder. The sound of heavy footsteps and horses.

"I need to hurry," I told myself.

I continued running along the river. I tried to control the noises that I was hearing when I finally heard a voice of a girl.

"Help! H-help! Please— please! Help me!"

I closed my eyes while running. I tried to focus on the voice of the girl, trying to know its exact location, like what my mom used to do during our trainings.

"Half kilometer, North."

I run even faster when I get to her a faint heartbeat.

"No. You can't die. Not when I'm around," I whispered as I increase my pace. I need to save her.

"H-help.. P-please."

"No. Hold on. Don't give up just yet. I'm still going to save you."

Amid the different noises that I could hear, I can't find the girl's voice anymore. I was so sure that I am following the source of her voice. I stared at the far end of the river and forced myself to see what's there. I abruptly stopped when I saw a floating object in the river. It must be her.

I'm... too late?


I can't hear her heartbeat anymore.

I feel down on my knees, and the water in river stopped synchronously. I stared blankly at the water, feeling very disappointed with myself. Silence prevails and I subconsciously raised my hand. The water in the river followed my gesture so I did it again with both hands. The girl float in the air so I took the chance to bring her in the riverside where I was in.

"Hey! Hey!" I gently tap her shoulder, then her cheeks. "You are... so cold."

"You should feel cold too."

I automatically freeze on spot when I felt the cold edge of a knife in my neck, just below my jaw. I move a little so I could see the face of the man behind me when he pushed the knife unto my flesh, causing me to close my eyes in pain. He sure is killing me, isn't he?

"If you think your mom can fool us, then you're wrong."

The noise which disappears for a moment suddenly came back, even worse than before. I closed my eyes and tried to find a familiar voice. I successfully heard my mom voice, but it only builds up my fear and worry.

"I told you she's dead!"

"And if she's not?"

"Then kill me."

Mom... no.

"She's about to die, so are you."

I closed my eyes when he shoved the knife in my direction. I helplessly waited for the pain, but I was enveloped with cold air. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by a frozen statue of a man.

Ice? A Gelarian can do this?

"You're willing to die in that way? No fighting or anything? How cheap."

The frozen man fell down on the ground and breaks into ice pieces. That's where I saw a guy with grayish hair and arrogant posture. He tapped his shoulder to shake the dust off but instead, snowflakes fall from it.

"Cool, isn't it?" He said, grinning proudly. "Only those who studied in Quintessence are capable of doing that," he proudly said while his eyebrows go up and down playfully.

He killed the guy and now he acts like nothing happened.

"You are from Quintessence?"

He offered my hand into a handshake but I just stared at it.

"Neym Morgan of Gelare, a Tessera in Quintessence."
