
Krain's Point of View

"Chims! Hey Chims!"

I look at him in confusion when he sits down and started shaking the girl that I took out of the river. He even slaps her cheeks.

I looked down at the girl who is no longer breathing. I can't hear any heartbeat and she's already pale. Can't this guy see that?

"Move aside."

I pushed him aside and looked for the girl's pulse. I can't even feel any pulse from her. "She's not breathing." I faced the guy who is looking at me intently. "Hey, she's not breathing."

His eyes widened. He immediately scooped her from the ground, but I stopped him. "Where are you taking her?"

"Capitel. The healers of Gelare are there.."

"You can't. It's ten kilometers away. You can't save her."

His forehead creases upon my words. "That is the only option I have so I could save my sister. I can't just sit and stare at her all day."

She's already dead.

I want to say that out loud, but I don't want to hurt his feelings. I closed my eyes and held the girl's hand. I felt a cold blow in my body when I tried to check all her vital signs. I sighed. There's water in her lungs. If I could take that out, maybe I could save her.

"Move!" I ordered. I put my hand in the girl's left chest. I felt a tingling sensation from the tips of my fingers, so I tried to calm myself. I move a finger and trace it up to her mouth. Water came out of her mouth so I pulled her to her side.

"What are you doing-"

I ignored him and closed my eyes once again. I've read this in a book. This is how the people of Liht perform basic aid in saving someone's life.

"What are you doing?"

I felt the tingling sensation again. This time, I released a current of electricity from my body to hers. She moves under my hand, being electrified.

"H-hey! What did you do- Chims?"

I was breathing deeply when I opened my eyes. The girl is breathing again so I feel relieved. Neym hugged her so I stood up to leave them. I've done my part.

I saved her. I did well.

"I told you she's dead!"

I gazed back at the direction where I came from. They are already in our house? I thought they are still ten miles away.

"Name. What's her name, Fena? And where is she?"

"She's dead! How many times do I have to tell you- Ahh!"



I let out a deep sigh before looking at them.

"Thank you." He helped his sister get up. She is smiling at me, probably being thankful.

"Thank you for saving me," she said. "What's your name? Are you also from Gelare?"


The noise of running horses, heavy footsteps and loud shouts dominated in my ears. 5 kilometers away. I started walking but it gets louder and louder, so I ended up sitting on the ground while covering my ears. I will never get used to these noises.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I tried to fight the noise and go back on my feet. I need to get going.

"I have to go." All I could do was to run away. Not even a few steps away, I stopped and look back at the two. "You have to come with me."

They gave me a questioning look. "Why would we go with you?"

"Because you'll die if you won't!"

Their expressions abruptly changed. He held his sister's hand and look around.


"Quit asking questions and just run!"

They followed me so I silently thank them for that. "Is someone hunting you? Why would they go after you?" Neym shouted.

"I don't know! All I know is that they are eager to kill me, and they will probably kill you too for killing one of them!" I shouted back, just enough for them to hear.

We run along the river. I tried my best to conceal the noise that I am hearing. We all know that Capitel is the only place that is safe for us.

I can't hear my mom's voice at this distance. I have no idea on what happened and as much as I want to go back, I can't. She clearly told me not to go back no matter what happens.

"There's a boat!"

I scanned the area and she's right, there's a boat in just a few meters away from us. Before we could even reach the boat, the noise completely disappeared. Like how it disappeared when mom hold my head. I can only hear our heartbeats and voices of people that seems like whispers.

"Hey, hurry!"

My feet stopped on its own. I was curious about what happened to the noise, so I looked around. Unexpectedly, black mist covers the place. I run pass the black mist as I feel my breathing became even heavier.

"Run! Faster!"

Neym is removing the rope that stops the boat from going with the current of the water while his sister is stomping her feet, telling me to run even faster. I was just a few meters away when the noise came back, now even louder. It feels like the sound is drumming in my head that I could barely open my eyes. I remained on the ground, covering my ears. I can't move because of this excessive noise.

Not again, Krain. You can't stop now!

"Faster! Don't stop!" said a frustrated voice.

With my trembling pair of legs, I managed to stand. I kept my eyes closed with my hands on both ears. I stepped forward but a sharp object grazed my left leg, causing me to fall on the ground. I opened my eyes and saw countless feet of horses, running towards my direction. They're coming for me.

"We have to leave!"

I felt a pair of hands on my back. It helped me stand up and guided me towards somewhere. I felt the pain on my leg, so I nearly fall on the ground, yet again.

"L-leave. Just leave me."

"No. Try your best to get on the boat. We'll be safe."

She guided me until we reach the boat. I kept my eyes opened but I kept wincing every now and then due to the loud noise that I am hearing. I looked back at the horses and saw a rain of snow that held back the horses and the warriors riding it.

"Chims, faster. Get on!"

Though it took as almost a minute, we successfully get on the boat. Neym controlled the water in the river, so our boat managed to take off right away.

"That was close." Neym looked at us. "Are you alright? Are you hurt, Chims?"

She shook her head. "I'm alright, Neym." She transferred her gaze at me. "Are you alright? By the way, what's your name?"

"Krain," I answered.

"I am Chimsy and this is my older brother, Neym. We are both from Gelare. How about you? From which district are you from?"

I saw a thing that is coming in our direction in a very fast manner. Due to my reflexes, I raised my hands, making the water rise too. An arrow came in contact with water and didn't make it to our boat.

"They are attacking us," I informed.

Neym give more focus in controlling the water in the river so the pace will increase. I also raised my hand to make a barrier out of water. Just then, another set of arrows were caught.

"4 kilometers before we arrive in the Capitel. Can you go faster?" I asked Neym.

"This is the fastest we can get."

Not fast enough to ensure our safety. When I made sure that there are no arrows pointing in our direction, I placed my hands near the end of the boat, helping Neym in controlling the water.

"I said this is the fastest- woah!"

I ignored him and gave my full attention to the current of the water.

"Those warriors are from Guerreier. Why are they going after you?"

"Quit asking questions. You won't understand it anyway," I coldly replied.

"Trespassing on their district? They never let go of their violators so you should prepare your self. They won't stop until they capture you."


After a minute, Neym stopped controlling the water, so our boat slowed down. I am controlling the water alone and I am not an expert in doing it. Also, the current of the water is going south while we are traveling towards north. We are going against the water current, so we are really slowing down without someone who controls its flow.

"You know how to control water. Have you attended school?" Chimsy curiously asked while looking at my hands.

"No. I just read it from the books."

"Really, Krain? You're good! I thought only those who studied in Quintessence are able to control their powers."

I thought so too. They never teach anything about controlling powers outside so everyone will be forced to go to Quintessence.

"What don't you go with us to Quintessence?"

"Chims, she's not interested in talking to you. Just save your words."

"It would be such a waste, don't you think? She'll learn a lot in Quintessence. Like how you turn water into ice or snow."

I am actually headed there.

I refused to answer their question, nor listen to their conversation. I tried to use my senses in checking the surrounding, but I can't hear anything unusual. Probably, my sense of hearing can't reach the location of our house. I can't hear my mom's voice anymore.

I just hope my dad and sister arrived safely in Kauma. I know mom will be able to go to Kauma too. I will meet her again. That's her promise.

I just need to make it to Quintessence. That's the only safe place for me.



Chimsy smiled at my reaction. "I said I wanted to see you in Quintessence. I'll start studying there tomorrow and I hope to see you there."

I turned my back and stared at the water. The noise is back again so I looked around. We were nearly thrown out of the boat when we passed by a hump.

"What was that, Neym?"

"They're here!"

Neym stood up and helped me speed up the boat while murmuring words that I can't comprehend.

"No one's following us," Chimsy said, looking back.

"Because they're already ahead of us."

I followed the direction that they are looking and there I saw the Guerrerians. Some of them are riding a boat, heading towards us.

"We have to get out of this boat!"

I'm already panicking. We need to get out of this boat but there are warriors in the riverside.

"Neym, we have to get out of the boat!"

"Or we can get them out of this river," he grinned. "Chims!"

"Aye, aye, Captain!"

Chimsy stood beside her brother, so I move on the other side of the boat to maintain its balance.

"Krain, can you count the number of warriors in the river," Neym commanded without looking at me.

I closed my eyes tightly. When I opened them, my vision feels like it zoomed in. "3 people for each native boat. 3 boats, making it 9 people on the river. They don't have any weapon but all of them are controlling the rocks and soil beneath the river."

Chimsy look up at me in awe. "For real? How did you know that? Have you read this on one of your books too?"

"Save your questions for later," Neym said. "Let's rise up at three. One... two... three!"

Chimsy raised her right hand and it formed a bridge that is made of water and our boat took that path. Neym touched the water with his left hand and it turned into ice, except for the water bridge that Chimsy made. He raised his right hand and motioned it down, causing a sudden fall of rain in the part of the river where the warriors are.

Astonished would be an understatement. I can't believe I get to see such thing in person but I immediately focus on controlling the speed of the boat.

"Nice, nice!"

They both laughed and even had a high five. Neym saw that we are still being followed so he gestured his hand in a circling manner and a big wave of water washed out the warriors. I thought it was effective, but they are still following us.

"Hate it!" He exclaimed, catching his breath. "I'm tired. I still have a performance in Quintessence tomorrow, I'm losing my strength."

I stopped myself from commenting. Instead, I closed my eyes and feel the air around us.

"Feel that air around you? Think that you can control that. Have the confidence that you'll be able to control it. Exhale calmly and let your hand do the work. You'll feel light and you'll be able to do it."

Step-by-step, I did what dad taught me. He is from Kauma, the district of calmness and air, so he is able to control the element.

The air blow stronger when I pushed it in the direction of the warriors. They are forced to halt because of the strong wind.

"I guess mother nature helped us with that one."

Tiredness is evident in Neym's face because of what he did. He told us that he'll need to rest so we let him sleep.

"Are you from Dauthi, Krain?"

My system stops when she asked. She sits beside me and lend a hand in speeding up the boat.

"So, I am right."

I don't know what to say. Mom told me that Quintessence is the only safe place for me, and I believed her. I don't want to trust anyone, but Chimsy knows now. There's no point in denying it but then what? What will happen now?

"If you need to keep it as a secret, don't worry. You could trust me," she smiled. "Your secret will be safe with me."

I silently thank her. After they saved my life, I think I could trust them.

"You know what, I've never met a person from Dauthi. You know, Dauthi is such a small district and I don't even know why the population is extremely low in your district." She takes a glimpse of her brother. "My brother said there's only one Dauthinian in Quintessence. It's Miss Xhora Chambers, the head mistress."

I didn't give a reaction upon the mention of that familiar name. That's the name that my mom mentioned, the one that I could trust in Quintessence. So, it is because she's also from Dauthi.

"May I ask you something? I'm just dead curious."

I nodded.

"Is it true that a person from Dauthi can control any elements? That's what I read from the books and even the elders in our district are saying that. It is the reason why I wanted to meet Miss Xhora. I want an answer from a primary source. So, is it true?"

I've also read that from a book. It is stated that people from Dauthi have the ability to control all the elements. They also have at least one enhanced sense. I thought it was false information since I am from Dauthi but I could only control air, water, and lightning. As for the enhanced sense, I just discovered that I have enhanced vision and sense of hearing.

"I'm not sure," I answered while staring at my hand.

"Oh, okey. Guess I'll have to ask Miss Xhora instead."

She just cleared her throat and asked again.

"Maybe the information in the book is not correct? I mean, I read a book that says Dauthinian are rare people who are protected by special law. That law states that it is required to protect people from Dauthi since they are capable of protecting all districts. If that so, why are they after you?"

I've also read that law and I remember being so happy about it. I felt so special but now, I doubt it. Why would they want to kill me when I am being protected by the law?

I came to recall what mom said.

She said that I am the hope of the future. Was it because I am a Dauthinian which makes me capable of protecting all the district in this continent? Will I be able to do that? I can't even save myself.

"Guerreier must've hidden agenda. Tsk tsk tsk. Don't worry. I'll protect you," she announced. "It is the job of a loyal Gelarian to follow the laws of our continent, the Epiliar. And protecting you is part of the law that I will abide."

I look at her eyes and I can see sincerity in it, so I smiled. "Thank you," I mumbled. She didn't say another word. She applied first aid on my grazed leg and little cut on my neck.

We went off the boat when we reached the edge of the river. We'll have to walk a kilometer before reaching the Capitel, the center of Epiliar. It is a place of commerce where all people from different districts come together in harmony.

On the way to Capitel, the two just argued about snacks.

"Just a small amount will do."

"No. Quintessence have everything you need, Chims. You can't bring anything inside."

"I can if you'll help me hide it."

"Chimsy, you'll go there to study, not to eat."

"Yes, I am studying there but that doesn't mean I am not eating anymore."

I sighed. Their argument is so easy to solve yet here they are, exchanging reasons.

"Krain, where are you going by the way?" Neym asked to stop his sister from talking. "We're almost in Capitel."

"Quintessence, Neym. She'll enroll with me," Chimsy answered confidently.

I don't remember telling her that I'll go to Quintessence. I frowned a bit, but she just smiled at me.

"Neym, you have to promise me that you'll help Krain when we arrived in Quintessence. You need to protect her."

Her words caught me off guard. I didn't remove my eyes off her, afraid that she might reveal something she shouldn't.

"What do you think of me? A bodyguard? Also, I'll be busy since I will also study there while taking care of you, silly." He rolled his eyes. "I know I'm handsome, but my handsomeness can't babysit two babies."

I shook my head in disbelief. This guy is not from Kauma but his remarks always sound so full of himself, as if flattering his self every time he has the chance.

"You don't have to take care of me. Just take care of Krain. You should prioritize her, because I'll be doing the same thing."

"Come on, Krain. What did you do to my sister?"

I was about to talk when I heard the loud noise in my head. I stopped walking and covered my ears. I can feel strong presence of people aside from the three of us. I tried to ignore it but the sound became louder, clearer, and more painful in the ears.

Horses... spears... the violent movement of the ground...

"Guerrerians.." I whispered. It is so loud that I can't even understand what Chimsy is saying in my face.

"Chimsy.. N-neym.. L-le... leave," I whispered between my breaths. I can feel that they stood still beside me. I moved back when a roaring sound hits my system. I can't even move anymore. The noise is overwhelming.



Instead of going away, I could feel Chimsy's footsteps running towards me. She hugged me so tight and I felt her heartbeat increasing its pace. I forced to open my eyes when her heartbeat slows down in an abnormal manner.

"C-chim.. sy."

"I told-you... I'll protect... you."

She gave me a small smile. She closed her eyes and her smile slowly disappeared. She loses her balance, so I held her into place.

"Chimsy, wake up," I begged. "Hey..."

I saw four arrows right in her back. My hands trembled when I held her back. I tried to stop the blood from flowing but I can't. It is too much for me to handle.

"Chimsy... no. Please... no."

I can't do anything but to hug her. When her heart stops beating, my tears make its way on my cheeks.

She's gone... forever. Because of me.

I don't know what to do. It is my first time witnessing a death of a person. And it happened in front of me... because of me.

I suddenly feel numb. I am crying but I feel empty. I feel... nothing.


I look up at Neym who is crying but his hands are raised in the air, forming a water barrier that protects us from external attacks.

"Y-you... you need to go! Save yourself, Krain!"

I subconsciously shake my head in disapproval. He closed his eyes tightly.

"Krain, p-please... for Chimsy."

His eyes are begging me. I don't want to leave but I need to.

I gently placed Chimsy on the cold ground before I stood up.

Thank you for saving me. Thank you for being true to your promise. And... I'm sorry, I couldn't save you. I'm sorry.


Neym moved backwards. He is holding the barrier despite the tiredness, sadness, and anger in his face.

"Leave, Krain!"

I run fast just as he said. I wasn't that far from him when he let go of the barrier. My eyes widened when he disappeared from my sight.

"Neym!" I called and run back to where I left him. The place is full of warriors who are riding horses and I can't find any trace of Neym.

I tried to look for his presence. I was so desperate to find him. I moved my fingers to control the stones and protect myself as I focus on finding Neym. I can't leave him behind.

"I said leave."

I had hope when I heard his voice. He is probably somewhere in that ocean of warriors.

I stopped. My hands formed into a fist. I just want everything to end.

'A Dauthinian has the ability to control all elements. But untrained Dauthinian can only control these if he felt too much anger, longing, happiness, or sadness. Too much emotion can make the untrained one sweep a city.'

You forced me to leave our home. You tried to kill me. You did something to my mom. You killed the person who tried to help me.

That crime is worth your lives.

I became sensitive with everything. I can feel even the slightest movement of the ground. I gritted my teeth while remembering what I've gone through today. Too much for a 17 year-old girl.

In a swift moment, the air stops moving, the ground violently shake, and a heavy rain falls down.

My eyes are wide open. The warriors stopped. They tried to control the land but I made sure I am in full control. I finally found Neym under a tree, sitting down while catching his breath. I pointed his direction, making the strong wind envelope around him. He floated in the air so I lower my hand gently to bring him beside me.


"Close your eyes. I know you won't like to see a massacre," I said coldly.
