
Krain's POV

"M-massacre? A-are you a... killer?"

I didn't answer his nonsense question. I used all my might to raise my hand, lifting the land where the warriors are. I momentarily formed my hand into a fist, followed by the screaming of the warriors, begging for their lives.


I glanced at Neym who shook his head. But I refused to listen to him. He pulled my hand to stop me but I pushed him away.

"Krain, I know they did something wrong and it makes you upset. Your feeling is valid but don't let your anger consume you."

"They killed Chimsy," I mumbled monotonously. "We almost died too."

"We could solve the problem without being violent. We could report them—"

"They killed YOUR sister. Isn't that enough reason to get rid of them?"

He shook his head. "Not because they killed my sister, I'll kill them too. You are no different from them if you'll do what they did."

I faced the Guerrerians who are making loud noises of agony. Some of them have twisted limbs and bones, while some loss their consciousness.

Guerreier is the district that is home to people who controls land and nature but right now, their element will end them.

"Krain, Chimsy doesn't need this kind of revenge."

I glanced at his direction. I scanned his state and felt guilty about the different wounds in his body. His knees are slightly shaking but he is forcing his self to get up and convince me not to hurt our enemies.

Too bad, nothing convince me to avoid doing what I want to do.

I raised my hand again. Neym stepped towards me so I made a ring of fire around me. The fire intensified when he tried to come nearer. He weakly raised his hand and violently dropped it on his side, causing a huge drop of water in my area.

"Krain, stop it. I'm begging you. Please."

I felt a drastic change in my vision every time I blink. I completely faced Neym but stopped halfway when I felt the cold ice that covered my feet up to my knees, hindering me from any movement.

"It is my decision to make, not yours."

When I touched the ice on my feet, it melts down right away. I used the wind to keep Neym in his position before facing back the Guerrerians. I walked towards them and stopped in front of a warrior who is crying for help.

"Where is my mom?" I asked blankly. "Fenanie Rodrigo. Where is she?"

"W-we don't— ahhhh!!"

The screams became louder when I tightened my fist. I don't fell pity for them. There's only one thing in my mind.

I want all of them dead.

I dropped my hand. Subsequently, the land dropped in front of me. The impact made their screams louder. I closed my eyes and controlled the movement of the air around them. I shouted in anger when I took the air away from them.

"Killing is not acceptable, even if it is intentional or not."

"You won't do that, Krain, right?"

I felt a slap of consciousness that hit my system. Mom's voice in my head knock the heck out of me. I was literally stunned while staring at my hands, then to the warriors.

Did I just.. really thought of killing them?

I weakly fell on my knees with the realization. The noise became worse, so I covered my ears. I felt a heavy force that came to me, like the aftermath of having my adrenaline rush. Everything seems to be in slow motion and I could clearly see it.

That wasn't me... I don't harm anyone.

I felt my shoulder hitting the ground but I don't feel any pain. I can't even lift a finger. I just feel so tired. But one thing is on my mind...

I did lost myself.

"This continent was owned by my grandfather. Our family owned it. The original Dauthi is not this district but this whole continent."

"Then why did great grandpa make Dauthi this small and boring?"

She smiled. "It wasn't his fault, Krain. People just became selfish and ungrateful, making this a 'boring' place."

"You are great grandpa's legacy so you can make this place less boring, can't you?"

"I don't think I can, but maybe YOU can?"

"I can call for my private physician from Heilsen. Your sister's been sleeping for days. I think she needs to be checked by a professional physician."

I immediately stood up upon hearing that unfamiliar voice. A fair skinned teenager greeted me with a smile. Her dark green hair is braided in one side, but it looks like black from far away. Her smile widened when our eyes met.

"Finally, you're awake! We could go to Quintessence now!"

She looked at the opposite side of the room. From there, Neym walked towards us.

"Oh, I forgot!" She exclaimed before offering her hand. "I am Ashinaida Laurel, I'm your brother's best friend."

I transferred my gaze to Neym who is staring back at me.

My brother's best friend? What does she mean by that?

"Hello," I greeted and accepted her hand in a handshake.

"I'm so happy to meet you, Chimsy!"


"Ash, you ordered porridge for her, right?" Neym asked

"Right! I'll just get it"

She went out of the room so I sit up. I faced Neym worriedly.

"What happened... to them?"

He sat beside the bed and sighed.

"They're all alive."

I sighed in relief. It means I didn't kill anyone.

I was about to feel totally relieved when I realized something. I jump out of the bed and head for the door but the door was covered with thick ice.

"Neym, they saw my face. I can't risk it-"

"They can't speak anymore so I let them live," he explained. The ice disappeared when I went back to the bed. "You nearly killed yourself because of what you did."

I looked down. "I'm... sorry. About Chimsy. It was because of me—"

"Chimsy is here," he said. "I am talking to Chimsy right now, so we have no reason to talk about the person who is in front of me."

I didn't say a word. I wanted to apologize endlessly but he is preventing me from doing so.

He took out a necklace from his pocket and put it on me. It is a silver necklace with a snowflake pendant.

"My sister's last wish was my loyalty to you. I'll do it because it is her wish." He pointed his self. "I am Neym Morgan and you..." he pointed me. "You are Chimsy Morgan of Gelare, my only sibling."

I didn't react. I am not sure if this is right.

But if I were to analyze the situation, it will be the safest way for me to go to Quintessence.

"I am Chimsy Morgan of Gelare," I repeated what he said. "It was Krain who died in the forest. So she ceased to exist while Chimsy is still here, existing."

He nodded seriously.

"You are only capable of controlling water and nothing more aside from that. You grew up in the south part of Gelare so you don't know anyone else other than me. Do you understand?"

"I get it."

He took my hand placed the small backpack and envelope from mom. I put it in my pocket. I also checked the white bracelet if I am still wearing it.

"We'll go to Quintessence. We are already a week late."

"But they waited for us!" Ashinaida come inside with a bowl of hot porridge. "You should have checked her state instead of telling her what she missed. Brothers are really less affectionate."

She sits beside me before giving me the porridge. She gently pinched my cheeks. I stopped myself from moving away from her touch despite being uncomfortable with it.

"Know what, Chimsy, Quintessence is so beautiful. You'll surely enjoy your time there. Wait, how old are you?"


"I've entered Quintessence when I was 17, too! You'll only spend four years in Quintessence. I, myself have spent two years already."

I nodded and proceeded with the food. When I finished eating, they told me to get ready to go.

"This one, Chimsy! This suits you!" Ashinaida said while holding a dark blue long-sleeved dress.

"I—" I am Chimsy so... "I am not wearing clothes like that."

She gasps dramatically.


"You're so loud!" Neym complained when he entered the room.

"Chimsy is not wearing dresses?"

Neym shrugged. "I'm not sure but she only wore long sleeves and pants since she was a kid."


I nodded and turned my back. I scanned the room and my attention was caught by the books in a cabinet. It looks like a small library.

"Quintessence... Epiliar... Origo..." I stopped reading the title of the books when I saw the white book. I let my finger slide on the printed title of the book. "Dauthi."

"Do you like books?" Ashinaida asked. "You could borrow if you want."

I took the book out of the cabinet. She smiled at me and pulled me outside.

"They'll take us to Quintessence. Don't worry about anything. Everything is provided there."

A luxurious car stopped in front of us. I looked at name with a questioning look but I get no answer.

"Rolls-Royce..." Ashinaida sighed. "I'll take the van with them," she insisted but the old driver shook his head.

"My apologies, my lady. We are following your father's order."

She sighed deeply before looking at me. She even pouted.

"Chimsy, let's meet at the Quintessence." I nodded. "A different car will—"

"Are you forgetting that she's my sister? You don't have to be so dramatic in parting ways with her."

She faced Neym and grimaced. She's stomping her feet while walking towards the car. She waves her hand before the car takes off.

"See you, Chimsy!"

"You'll have to get used to it. She wouldn't stop pestering your life," Neym warned.

"I don't mind," I shrugged.

A van arrived shortly. We went inside and it strted running. The driver is not saying anything so I comfortably looked outside.


I glanced at Neym when he read the title of the book that I am holding.

"You know what's with Dauthi?" I curiously asked.

He looked at the driver who doesn't seem to care.

"That's being taught in Quintessence. Part of the history class. Dauthi, that's the original name of our whole continent."

"History?" he hummed. "Does it mean everything in the past about Epiliar will be taught?"

"Yes, it is a must learn lesson."

I need to learn that.

"Aside from that, there are battles between students. Winning means having a chance to talk to the headmistress."

Miss Xhora Chambers.

"Is it possible to talk with the headmistress?" He stared at my eyes so I looked at him innocently, as if questioning out of pure curiousity.

"She doesn't show herself in ordinary occasions."

"What if I have a question for her?"

"You need to go through her secretary."

So it is another challenge. I can't even request to see her with the reason that I am Fenanie Rodrigo's daughter. That may put me in danger.

Obviously, someone is still out there, hunting me down. Quintessence is a safe place for me, as long as I keep pretending to be a Gelarian.

"We're here," Neym seriously said. "Chimsy," he uttered meaningfully.

The van stopped in front of a wide bridge that is made of limestone blocks. Neym went out of the van first and offered his hand but I just make my way out on my own.

He walked across the bridge so I walked behind him. While we are nearing the center of the bridge, a white tall gate became visible. It is so elegant, especially the different gemstones that served as the frame of the gate.

"You need to go through the admission. I'll wait for you-"

"Neym," I cut his words. "I can do it." He's about to say another thing but I speak. "Let me do it alone."

He knows how stubborn I am so he just agreed to me. When we entered the gate, a wide white screen came into vision. He put his hand on the rectangular box on the lower side of the screen and it glowed. His face and name were flashed in the screen and a green door opened.

"Chimsy," he called. "I'll look for you later."

He went inside the door so I was left alone. I walked forward and stopped in front of the screen. The gate behind me opened but I didn't care looking back. I just stared at the screen.

What if... my real name will be flashed in the screen?

No, Krain. I was never here before so I have no record yet.

I inhaled and calmed myself. I put my hand in the rectangular box but immediately take it back when another hand came before me.

I didn't back out or move out. I stared at the owner of the hand. He stood firm while looking at me too. His slightly curled brown hair partially covers his eyes but I could see it clearly.

It is clearly looking at my orbs, as if trying to read my thoughts.

The screen glowed so he looked up at it before returning his gaze to me.

"Newbie," he whispered before going inside the green door.

I looked up at the screen to see our faces beside each other. His picture has a green border like Neym's while mine has blue border.

"Nashin Laurel," I murmured bitterly.

I looked at the path that he takes.

He left leaves behind so I looked back at the screen.

A Guerrerian.
