Welcome to Quintessence

Krain's POV


From the screen, I blankly looked at the three ladies in their nurse's uniform. I guess they are nurses.

"I'm still for admission."

They looked at my arms and face while asking if I am alright.

"Are you really alright?" I nodded once. "Are you sure?" I nodded twice. "Thank goodness! Nashin's aura was in high level when he entered. I thought you'll faint!" The one with a fair skin explained.

"Why would I faint?"

My question made the three of them panicked. They didn't say a word as they guided me towards the said admission office.

I silently followed them. We went inside the door that is beside the door where Neym went into. It is a room that is full of mirrors in all sides.

"May I ask what is your name?"

"Kr— Chimsy. Chimsy Morgan of Gelare. I am Neym Morgan's sister."

She wrote down something. She told me to smile so I stared back at her. Why would I smile?

"It's for your card picture. Smile!" I didn't bother smiling so she walked towards me. "Smile like this," she said, pointing at her smile. "Smile!"

I stared at her so she gave up on making me smile. She gave me a blue card with a lanyard and blue snowflakes design.

"You're such a beauty. You didn't even smile but your picture looks good," she said while looking at the card. "May your studying journey in Quintessence became a happy and memorable one, Chimsy Morgan."

She opened another door that is an exit from the admission room.

"Your uniforms are already on your house," the other nurse said. She gave me a bronze ring that has a small blue gemstone in it. "You could ask questions and ask for assistance using that ring."

They smiled sweetly at me so I bowed a little, giving respect.

"Thank you," I said before going out of the door.

When I step foot outside, I saw no one. A wide park is all I can see and the surrounding is weirdly quiet. I closed my eyes and feel the breeze of the air when I heard a two consecutive release of a bow.

Left and right?

When I opened my eyes, I bend down on my knees. The two arrow strucked on the ground behind me. Another sound of bow dominates in my ears. I was about to control the air when I remembered what Neym said.

I am Chimsy Morgan of Gelare. I could only use water.

I raised my hand and made a thick barrier of water but a single arrow pierced through it, making its way to my face. I moved my head to dodge it but it made a graze on my cheek.

"Is this a part of the admission?" I asked monotonously before looking up at a Narra tree that is a few meters away from me.

"Gelarian?" I heard a girl said. She went out of her hiding place. She's wearing a yellow hoodie and blacke shorts that is just about her knee. She jumped from there and walked towards me, all smiles, as if nothing happened.

"Hi!" A guy appeared in front of me. I was surprised by that but I didn't give a reaction. "You're not even surprised?"

"You are Neym Morgan's sister?" I didn't answer. "I heard you said it when you were in the admission room."

"She eavesdrop- ouch! Why are you punching me?!" The guy complained.

"Don't mind him," the girl said. "Draceline Gomez of Bizarro," she introduced herself and offered a handshake.

Bizarro, the land of people who have enhanced senses.

I accepted her hand. "You can hear from afar," I concluded based on what she said earlier.

She smiled and nodded. "Neym is my friend. He mentioned that his sister is coming here in Quintessence so we looked forward to meet you."

"I'm also your brother's friend," the guy cut in. "Fries Fallon of Liht," he said.

Liht, land of speed and lightning.

Neym is acquainted with people from different districts. And them, thinking that I am Neym's sister could give me a spotlight. That shouldn't happen.

"Do you know that your brother is one of the strongest here in Quintessence? That's why majority of the students are looking forward to your arrival. They are excited to see the girl version of Neym. Isn't that cool?"

"Fries, stop it," Draceline said. "Everyone is in the stadium for the grand opening ceremony. Let's go?"

Fries disappeared so Draceline shook her head.

"Do you easily get seasickness?" I looked at her with questioning eyes. "We'll be in the stadium in three seconds."

I frown in confusion. "Three seconds?"

I felt a hand that pulled me without any warning. I nearly fell on my face when another hand pulled me on a chair. Wait, a chair?

"Are you dizzy?"

I looked at Draceline who looks so concerned about me state. My eyes went pass her and that's where I realized that I am already in the stadium.

I kept my eyes closed to calm my body but my head is spinning. I covered my mouth when I felt like throwing up. I stood up to excuse myself but Draceline's hand stopped me.

"Fries, she'll throw up."

Before I could even make a step, another hand pulled me. When I opened my eyes, I am standing in front of a comfort room.

"My bad. It is for male. Let's go on the other side, Chimsy-"

Instead of listening to him, I went inside the comfort room. The cubicle doors have different colors and only the brown one is open so I went inside.

I must've thrown up all the food I ate but my vision is still turning around so I stayed inside the cubicle.

"Chimsy?" Fries called. "Are you good?"

"I think I need some water," I said while resting my head in the wall.

"I'll get it for you. I'll be back."

After a few minutes, I felt better so I stood up. I went out of the cubicle but was pushed back inside.

"What are you—"

He locked the door and covered my mouth, telling me to stay silent. I wearily looked at his face but my vision is not at it's best. I can't even see his features. I was about to protest when a couple pairs of feet made noise outside.

"Have you seen him?"

"He disappeared. He's probably inside."

It was followed by a loud knock on the door of all cubicles. They opened the other doors while still knocking on my cubicle.

"Nash, you need to give it to us. Nash!"

My stomach growled again so I tried my best to remove his hand from my mouth.

"I'm throwing up," I whispered. He let me go so I go straight to the toilet basin.


"He's not here!" I shouted while puking. "I used the male cubicle, sorry, but the person you are looking for is not here."

They were silenced. Seconds later, their footsteps went outside.

"What a bummer," I murmured after cleaning myself. I went out of the cubicle, minding my own business. I may look like a drunkard now.

"I think you should have some carbonated drink or cold water."

"I think so too," I answered while my eyes are close. I sit in front of the door, waiting for Fries to return. I opened my eyes slightly when my nose smelled a citrus scent. I felt a hand putting something on my palm.

"The scent of the fruit could at least help."

Based on its scent, I could tell it is lemon.

"Hmm, thank you."

I heard his footstep going away from me. Before his sound disappears, I heard him whispered, making me recall something.


I think I heard that earlier.

"Chimsy." I raised my hand when I recognized his voice. He helped me up and guided me to where Draceline is.

"Are you alright?" She asked when I sit beside her. "Where did you get that?" She asked, pointing at the lemon in my hand.

"Just from someone."

"From Gelare!"

My attention transferred to the middle of the stadium. The people clapped and cheered loudly.

"Good timing. This is the best part of grand opening ceremony," Draceline shouted so that I could hear her. "It's your brother!"

The rain falls in the center of the stadium. The raindrops stopped in the air and moved upwards. It looked like a fountain then it suddenly turned into ice crystals. It momentarily melt down and the water spread in the field. Neym run in the water and the water turned into ice again. It spreads even wider so the center of the stadium became like an ice rink.

The crowd's noise fills my ears. I tried my best to conceal it but it is just impossible. I could clearly hear people's voice from afar.

"No doubt! You're the best, bro!" Fries shouted proudly. He received a death glare from Draceline so he shut his mouth.

When Neym left the center of the stadium, a big map flashed. It looks like a hologram.

"You could see that map in your ring. Just press the gemstone and it will alert the nearest higher rank around you. They'll help you with your concerns," Draceline explained.

There are other students who performed. It is my first time witnessing the power from different districts. Their power is not news to me since I've read about it from the book but seeing it in real life hits different.

"I'll accompany you to your house," Draceline offered when the program concludes. She asked for my ID so I gave it to her. She started walking out so I followed her.

"I think I'll just go ahead. I'll tell Neym that we've met you, Chimsy."

Before I could even answer, he disappeared.

"You'll get used to it. He'll just pop out of nowhere and disappear into the air," she said before giving back my ID. "Let's go. We'll look for your assigned house."

I memorize the outside of the stadium. Not far from it stands tall buildings. It is all in white with uniform designs.

"So, this is the heart of the academy." She pointed at the buildings. "It is the academy itself. This is where all the learning sessions happen while the stadium is like an arena. There's a mall in that area and beside it is a hospital."

We walked pass the center of the buildings and I could feel gazes that are directed towards us.

"I'm sorry if those stares make you feel uncomfortable. New face means new potential rival. New face worthy of their curiosity."

We walked for a while and I finally saw the hospital and mall. She continued walking so I just walk beside her.

"And these are the houses in Quintessence," she said, stopping at the wide field. In its opposite end stands the houses that looks like a village.

"Everyone lives here?"

"Yes. To promote unity among the people who will be the quintessence of everything." She walked again. "You don't need to worry since this is the safest place in Epiliar."

While walking, I kept on reading the signage beside every house.

"Euxilla. I didn't know that such name of a house exist," she whispered to herself. "That house," she pointed the orange house not far away from us. "I live there together with my friend, Xyra."

I read the signage and it says 'Aufilla'.

"In every house, two people occupy. We can't choose our housemates since the headquarters are responsible for the assigning of houses."


"Yes, those who works directly under Miss headmistress." She stopped walking and pressed her ring. "Where can we find Euxilla? I am accompanying Chimsy Morgan to her assigned house but we can't find it."

I remained silent while waiting for someone to answer her question.

("The oldest house beside Ouricia.")

Draceline was stunned. Her forehead slightly creases. She smiled at me and moved away. I could still hear it though.

"Ouricia belongs to the son of Laurel. Are you sure with this? Are you planning to kill Chimsy?"

("That's the decision of headquarters-")

"Is there no other house? You know how many people nearly died because of living there. Please, don't make the same mistake."

("That decision is final. We can't do anything-")

"Will you take responsibility if anything happens to Chimsy?"

She glanced at me and smiled.

("The headquarters will take responsibility.")

I pretend to know nothing. I just waited for her to say something but she didn't.

"This won't do," she whispered before pulling me back to the path we took. "I'll call your brother. For now, stay in Aufilla."

"Can't I go to Euxilla?"

She shook her head. "I won't allow it."

She left me in Aufilla. I just sit there and waited patiently while listening to different voices from afar.

"Neym," I whispered, trying to search for his voice. "Is he out of my hearing radius?"

"Did you report it to the admission office?"

"I did. They said they will take responsibility if ever something happens."

I looked around and saw Neym and Draceline who are twenty-five meters away from me.

Is that my hearing radius? But the day I left Dauthi, I could hear even a few miles away. What is happening?

"Chimsy," Neym called. "Drace, can you give us a minute?"

"Oh, sure. I'll just grab us some food," Draceline said before leaving us. She took out her phone and make a call. "Fries, bring me to the mall. I'm in front of Aufilla."

I stared at her back when she stopped. Then, she just disappeared. Fries probably took her.


"Wait," I stopped him. I raised my left hand and made a barrier made of vacuum.


"Done," I said, keeping my hand in the air. "Sound waves can't travel in a vacuum, unlike light. I'm just making sure nobody could hear us."

He looked around, looking for the barrier I was talking about.

"I mean, I make a barrier that won't allow sound to pass. You'll never see it with your own eyes so don't try to look for it."

"You talk a lot," he commented. "Euxilla is your house's name?" I nodded. "Did something happened during your admission?" I shook my head. "Are you sure?"

"Why? Is Euxilla deadly? I heard Draceline worrying over my assigned house."

He sighed and nodded. "The strongest student of Quintessence is living in Ouricia, the one beside your assigned house. There are instances where his aura became strong so only those with strong presence r power could come close to him without getting hurt," he explained. "It is possible to faint when he is around."

So that person must be like a walking source of radiation. Getting close to him will be a risk.

"What now?"

"Are you certain that nothing happened in admission?"

"I'm certain."

"I'll talk to the representative of admin office. I'll ask them to transfer you to a different house."

He walked away so I dropped my hand, removing the barrier.

"Where is he headed to?" Draceline asked when she came back, carrying a bag of fruits.

"Admin office," I informed her and helped her with the fruits.

We waited for Neym to return so I just sit in the sofa, finally realizing that I left the white book that I borrowed from Ashinaida.

"Chimsy, what's wrong?" Draceline asked when I stood up.

"I lost a book."

She looked at her right, recalling something. "You didn't bring any book when you arrived."

I was holding it when I went out of the van. When I entered the gate, I was holding it too.

"I must've left it in the admission room."

"Fries, go with her-"

"No," I refused. "I'll practice using the map," I said, showing them my ring. "I'll be back shortly."

I followed the directions in the map. I was silently walking when I felt a presence. Then, the air starts blowing backwards and a giggling voice of a girl rings in my ears. I stopped walking and tied my hair in one side before walking again.

I peacefully reached the admission office but it was locked. I peek at the window and saw no one inside.

"Just press the gemstone and it will alert the nearest higher rank around you. They'll help you with your concerns."

"The gemstone," I mumbled before pressing it. "I need a hand in the admission room. I am looking for something."

After I said that, the trees behind me moved. The nearest tree fell into my direction so I jump away. I immediately made a water barrier to protect myself from the debris and branches of the tree.

"Are you alright?"

When I ensured that it is safe, I let go of the barrier.

"It wasn't intentional," he reasoned out. He looked at me from head to toe and slightly tilted his head. "Newbie, we meet again."

"Dark-brown-haired guy from the gate earlier," I said, nodding. "I need to find the book that I left in the admission room but no one is here. I would really much appreciate it if you could give me a hand."

He went to the door and hold the knob. Small vines crawl out of his hands and went straight to the keyhole. It made a click sound and he opened the door widely.

'A Guerrerian.'

He went inside first. My eyes automatically went to the only book in the table. I reached for it but another hand was faster than me.

"Dauthi," he read. "It is rare to see people who are interested in reading about that vanishing district."

I don't know if I should be insulted about his words toward my district. He is stating a fact but it sounded like an insult for me. Maybe because he is a Guerrerian, the very people who tried to end my life.

He faced me with a serious look, raising the book in my face.

"Dauthi... are you from there?"
