
Krain’s POV

“This is the map of Epiliar, the continent where our place belongs. It is composed of the districts where you came from.”

I stared at the chart where the map is. This is our first class in history and our first discussion is about the whole continent.

“District of Heilsen, the place for people who have the ability to heal and see either the future or the past,” Miss Kila said then he pointed to the district that is nearest to Quintessence. “They called their leader as Respected Heil,” she explained. She returned her gaze on the chart and continued.

“Kauma, the district of people who have the ability to control air or wind,” she pointed at the district beside Heilsen. “They called their leader ‘Respected Kaum’.”

That’s the district where my dad came from. He must be there right now, together with my sister. I hope they’re safe.

“Beside Kauma is Liht, the district of light and lightning. Next is Bizarro, district of people with enhanced senses.”

Bizarro. Based on what I’ve read from the book, Bizarronian have one enhanced sense. It could be enhanced hearing, enhanced sense of smell, or enhanced eyes.

“Miss Kila, is it possible for a Bizarronian to have two or more enhanced senses?” Chiena asked.

“So far, no Bizarronian is recorded or reported to have more than one enhanced sense.” She faced the chart again. “Prosaic, district of normal people, those who are powerless.”

Prosaic is a place of people who choose to have a normal life. Some of them lose their powers over time or due to some circumstances. Some are born powerless or came from the family who have no powers to begin with. They are labeled as ‘prosaic’, but they are given a lot of privileges and are treated equally despite having no powers.

“Why is there no Prosaician who studies here in Quintessence?”

“Actually, there is,” Miss Kila answered, making us more curious. There are Prosaician here in Quintessence?

“We saw no one, Miss Kila.”

“In the east side of Quintessence. Behind these high walls is the school for Prosaician.”

I haven’t read that information before.

“But a student with power, coming to their side is strictly prohibited. Same with them. Prosaician are not allowed in this side of Quintessence.”

That’s expected. It would be risky to put everyone together.

“Next is the district of fire, Hatian. Beside it is Gelare, the district of people who has the ability to control water. Followed by Guerreier, district of people who can control earth and nature.”

She smiled at us. She stopped talking so I stared at her. Is she intentionally leaving out Dauthi from the discussion?

I raised my hand to get her attention. “Morgan?”

“In the middle of Gelare and Guerreier is a district that is not a part of either districts. Could you please include it in the discussion?”

Her smile widened. “I was waiting for someone to say that. Well done, Morgan.” She pointed at the district I was pertaining to.

“Is that River Lar?” One of my classmates asked.

“It is a district, not a river,” Miss Kila corrected. “Dauthi.”

“It's my first-time hearing that. What powers do people of Dauthi have?”

She pointed to all the districts, one by one. “Healers, future or past, enhanced senses, air, land, nature, fire, lightning, water... you name it. People from the district of Dauthi could learn and use each one of those powers of every district.”

The room was filled with praises. Amid that, a guy raises his hand. He glanced at my direction so I saw his face.

Snyp Tan of Heilsen.

"It is my first-time hearing about it too. They didn't mention it in the grand opening ceremony."

Miss Kila's face became all serious. She sat down on the desk and stared at us one by one.

"Because it is becoming the 'Forgotten District' over time." She stood up and walks towards the door. "The only Dauthinian alive is Miss Xhora Chambers, the headmistress." She looked up the clouds that is starting to form into rain. "The Dauthinian who died..."

She means the corpse that I identified as 'Krain'.

"She should have been protected and arrived safely here in Quintessence. That is written in the first sentence of the law that Miss Xhora implemented.

‘Dauthinians are rare, strongest people. Anyone from Dauthi must be protected at all cost.’

It was clearly stated but they did the opposite. The audacity to go inside the district of Gelare just to kill me.

"Whoever ordered to kill the Dauthinian is obviously going against the law of Epiliar. It could lead to war at this point."

The headquarters didn't know that it was Guerreier who went after me. They just know that someone out there is threatening the administration.

For the next class, we were task to think of a weapon that we would like to use. Everyone is drawing their desired weapons aside fron me.

"Why aren't you writing anything, Chimsy?"

I stared at the paper I am holding. I’ve never tried using weapons. I usually use the different elements that I could control since those are the only things that I've learned using.

"Draceline suggested to have a long-ranged weapon since it is convenient."

Long ranged... Well, not bad.


I smiled. I didn't expect her to know this weapon since this is only known to a few. I just continued enhancing my drawing until the bell rang.

“Chimsy, hi!”

“Oh gosh! Fries!” Chiena said in surprise when Fries appeared beside her.

“Hi, Chiena!” He greeted before facing me. “Neym and Draceline asked me to take you.”

I faced Chiena. She smiled and waved goodbye. I looked back to Fries and saw him still looking at Chiena's back.

"Why?” I asked with creased forehead.

"Do you know that she's a criminal's daughter?" I looked at him intently before shaking my head. "I have a friend from Kauma and that's what he said, that Chiena's parents were captured by Guerrerian.”

Captured? “For what reason?”

His face became all serious. “Whistle blowing.”

“Her parents are Kaumanian so why would Guerreier...”

"I don't know. He said they were informed that the couple will never be coming back since they commit a grave sin against Guerreier." He sighed and smiled. “Let's go?”

I was about to ask more but he pulled me. I just closed my eyes when I felt the abrupt change in my surrounding. Not again.

“Do you feel like throwing up?”

I heard Draceline's concern voice, so I slowly opened my eyes and let my vision adjust. My stomach is definitely not at its best state but I feel better compared to last time.

“What's up?” I asked when I saw Neym beside Draceline, sitting on the chair across mine. Fries move beside them and look at me.

“Nashin took you outside of Quintessence? When he was tasked to know about the corpse in Lar river.”

I glanced at Neym, nodding my head. “The guy from the orientation... he gave us that mission."

“Sir Clinton...” Draceline said in a low voice. “Sir Clinton gave you that mission?” I nodded. “Impossible.”

“Why would she give a mission to a newbie? All he knows is that you are Neym's sister and that you are a Gelarian so why?" Fries asked, diving into deep thoughts.

"Is it because... Nashin's presence is nothing to you? What do you think, Neym?"

I look at Neym is also look back at me.

“Do you know something that we don't know?"

Despite having second thoughts, I shake my head. Aside from my real identity, I don't think I know something else that they don't know.

“The fact that Nashin brought her with him on a mission, it means he trusts her. Nashin always go on a mission alone. Even Ashinaida who is his sister never had the chance to go on a mission with him. Even us with higher rankings can't go on a mission with him.”

Should I feel honored to have experienced going on a mission with Nashin? Or should I be worried because he probably has other reasons as to why he took me in a mission that he can perform alone?

Missions will do me no good. I am not even aware that there are missions here in Quintessence. I thought we're just going to study.

“Chimsy, did something happened to you lately?”


“Your window,” Neym whispered. “The white gardenia that appeared in your house.”

"Why would a white gardenia appear in your house?"

Right. “I don't know. I just found it when I woke up.”

“And the window?” Fries asked. “What happened to your window?”

"A hole just appeared."

“Shall we report it, Neym?”

“I did,” he replied to Draceline. “But she's not harmed. We have no enough proof that she is in danger so for now, help me to look out for her,” he ordered to the two.

“Is my life on the line?”

“We can’t say yes or no. You'll just have to be careful.”

I just entered Quintessence and these weird stuffs already happened. Maybe I should tell Miss Xhora that I am alive, that I am here. Maybe she can do something to protect me.

I decided to go on the park that is near the admission office. I brought a book with me and sit on one of the swings there.

In all honesty, I don't know what to do. Everything is new to me. It feels like yesterday when I was happily making cookies with my sister and then I woke up with mom, telling me to leave. It feels like yesterday when I was running for my life. It seems like everything happened in a minute.

Now, what should I do? What’s next for me?

“A penny of your thoughts?”

I looked up at the monkey bar beside me and saw Nashin sitting there. He's looking up at the sky that is turning dark momentarily.

“Since when were you here?”

“Minutes ago,” he answered, looking down at me. “What were you thinking?”

I looked down and look at the book I am holding. “Krain...” I whispered. “I was thinking about Krain.” I was thinking about myself.

“I’m sorry about her.”

I stared at him blankly. “Save it. Your sorry wouldn’t bring her back to life.”

It wouldn’t change anything, too.

“So why were you avoiding me?” He asked. “I feel like you have hatred towards me.”

You and your people...

“I have no reason to do so," I denied.


I looked up at the sky and the cold wind blows. I raised my hand, trying to touch the setting sun. I can’t reach it, but I remain extending my hands.

“I just have no reason to stick with you. Nor did I trust you or anyone.” I dropped my hand and closed my eyes. “I quit trusting the world when it turned against me.”

I stood up and left him. I walked home alone but when I arrived at my house, he's there, right in front of my door. I stopped in front of him without saying anything. I just waited for him to leave.

“Do you hate me?”

“Do I need to hate or not hate you?”

I looked down at me. And for the first time, I saw his brown eyes up close. He just stood there, staring at me.

“Does it matter if I hate you or not? We are just mere neighbors anyway.” I sighed tirely. “Now, if you mind moving aside so I could go in already.”

“Sorry,” he whispered and moved sideward.

I immediately feel guilty upon seeing him staring at his feet but I left him outside. I may be mean but I have my reasons.

The next few days, I didn't saw even his shadow. I think it’s a good thing because my life became peaceful. No hidden missions, no sudden weird stuffs taking place.


I forced a smile when Draceline tapped my shoulder.

“The weapons that you draw will be given to you later. You were informed that you'll use it in the acquaintance, right?”

All of us nodded.

The acquaintance party that will take place will enable us to introduce our selves here in Quintessence. Family background, the district where we came from... it will be introduced. It includes the tricks and styles that our powers could pull off. Like showing off the extent of our abilities.

“As for your outfit, the headquarters prepared it. You can check it on your closets once you got home. If you dislike the style, you can buy your own. It would be available in the mall," Draceline instructed.

Everyone will surely attend the party. It means he'll be there.

On our way home, Draceline gave me a card.

“Ashinaida asked me to give it to you. She said she wanted to design your gown for the aquaintance party. Just visit the mall and show them this card, someone will guide you.”


“Nashin won’t be there,” she said out of nowhere. “We know that you are being so cautious. That's why you're trying hard not to see him.”

“I am just ensuring my own safety,” I answered.

“I know but he’s still a friend. Our friend. If I were him, I would be upset if my friend suddenly acts distant. Don't get me wrong, I understand your situation. I’m just... saying.”

She bid her goodbye when we walked pass her house so I walked alone. I played with a leaf and let it float by controlling the air around it. I focus my attention on it while in deep thoughts.

The acquaintance party is a big event and everyone will surely show up. Even Miss Xhora might show up.

Upon arriving at my house, I checked the closet first. Instead of a gown, a black cloak appears first. Am I supposed to wear the cloak with the gown?

A note is pinned in the cloak so I took it.

‘It is a tradition in Quintessence where everyone would welcome their new roommate by picking them up in the admission room.'

Your roommate will arrive hours before the acquaintance party.’

It is obviously from the headquarters.

That's where I'll use the cloak? Why would I need a cloak?

I shake my head. I have a week before it'll happen so I won't think about it for now.


I watched Neym as he knocked on my open door for three times.

“Have you received your weapon?” I nodded. “I’ll teach you what to do in the acquaintance.”

“I just needed to show them that I can control water.”

"You're Chimsy Morgan. You're my sister,” he reminded me. “I know you’ll do well on your own but I want us to have our signature move. To prove that we are siblings. You get my point, right?”

Siblings share at least one thing in common. We need to convince everyone that we are siblings. We have to.

“So what is your signature move?”

“I can’t do this,” I complained when the rain of ice that I made melted.

“Focus more in maintaining the state of your ice so it'll won't melt.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I raised my hand to transform the water vapor in the atmosphere into ice. When I successfully did, I brought my hand back, commanding the ice to fall down like rain. I readied my weapon but before the ice reached me, it melted into cold water.

I’ve repeated couple of times but I keep messing it up. I tiredly went on my knees while catching my breath.

“Krain,” Neym called. “Hey, Krain.”

“Did Chimsy succeeded in doing this move?” He motioned a 'no' so my forehead creases. “And you expect me to do this when your own sister can’t even perform this move?!”

He laughed at me. “Let’s change it then, in one condition.”


“What about a duel?”

I turned my back on him and tried doing the move that I was practicing.

Duel? No, thank you.

“See? You can’t do it.”

My hands formed into a fist as I try to prolong my patience, but I still messed up.

“You can’t do it.”

“Shut up, Neym.”

“Fine. I'll shut up,” he said, followed by the fall of rain right where I was standing.

Looking down at my wet uniform, I took a deep breath to calm myself.

“Oh, what happened to you?” He asked, teasing.

“Shut. Up. Neym.”

He laughed out loud, making me more upset. He did some hand signals and a weapon appeared in front of him.

It is a meteor hammer. I saw such weapon among my mom's collection. It has two heads that is connected by a chain. A long reach weapon, obviously.

“Fight me or I’ll fight you?”

I checked the surrounding. The sun already said so other students are more likely to be in their house. The field is too wide so there will be a low percentage of harming others if ever we resort into a fight.

“We don’t need to fight, Neym.”

I turned my back on him but looked back immediately when I felt the abnormal movement of the air around me. I ducked when I saw the tip of his meteor hammer. I still processing what he did when a huge wave pushed me away.

I glared at him while his smile is reaching his ears.

“That's all you've got?” He teased. “You want me to shut up, right? Then make me.”

What a bad snowman.

“You can talk if you want,” I said, giving up. I walked away so I could go home and change. I could feel his footsteps following me so I made a barrier out of water and imprisoned him inside.

“Hey!” He shouted, laughing. He tried destroying the barrier and after a few try, he successfully took it down. “Hey, wait!”

I stopped walking when I felt a strange change in the air. I closed my eyes and opened it to check the surroundings. I reached my range limit but I saw nothing strange.

“No one’s here so why...”

From afar, I heard a release of an arrow. I looked at the direction where the sound came from and saw the arrow coming into Neym who is running towards me with an innocent smile.

“Neym!” I shouted and opened my palm in his direction. He stopped running and looked at the water barrier in confusion.

“What is this for-“

He stepped back in shock when an arrow landed in the barrier. Someone’s attacking us? Inside Quintessence?

When I heard some whispers, I run immediately to follow the voices. I can’t see them but I can hear them.

“Krain! Krain!” Neym shouted, trying to destroy the barrier I made.

“Sorry, Neym.”

Instead of removing the barrier, I made it thicker by using air. They are probably after Neym since they attacked him so I can't just let him out.

“Someone’s chasing us!” I heard a voice say, together with some light footsteps.

I entered the woods near the arena. The voices disappeared but I go deep down the woods. They can't just disappear, can they? They must've some hideout here.

I carefully walk when I heard the silent whispers again. I followed the origin of the voices when I stepped on something sharp. I looked down on my foot but instead of bleeding, my foot turned black real quick.

What is this-

'Krain, look! I saw this flower in the border! I pick this up because it is beautiful like you!'

I smiled. 'Thank you.'

'Leave your sister alone, Tera. She's practicing her control on the wind.'

'Then I'll practice mine, too, dad!'

'Tera wants to learn how to use lightning. She probably saw you using it. You know your little sister, she copies what she sees.'

"She stepped on a poisonous cactus. Let's go!"

I closed my eyes when my right foot feel numb. I can't even move it! I opened my eyes but I could only see darkness. For some unknown reasons, I started catching my breath, as if I am being chased.


No... Take me away from here... Please... Not here. Not the darkness, please. Please...

'"Are you trembling? Is it because of the cold? Or me?"'

That girl..

"Snash.. snashi.." I said between my breath.

"Thank you for saying my name- hey! Hey, wake up! Why are you even here in the forest?! Damn!"

I could clearly hear her panicking, but I can't move. She held my hand and I could feel her trembling.


When I heard her frustrated voice, I want to laugh. She seems to care... so much.

"Snashi, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, brother, don't even ask me and just bring her back to Quintessence!"

"You scared the hell out of her last time and now-"

"Just take that newbie and have her cured!"

I can't hear anything right after. I smiled despite the situation as my breathing came back to normal.

To you two, thank you.
