
Snashi's POV

"I graduated in Quintessence, but they wouldn't allow me to come and visit? Ha! Ridiculous!"

I slammed the door of my room. I opened the window and scream my frustrations.

"Because what? I harassed a student? Ha! I am just curious about the person who can freely stay with my younger brother without fainting! And I just needed the pass card so I could watch the ranking event! But now I am banned from going there?!"

"Miss Snashi.."

"Do I look like a villain, Hura?" I asked the thumb-sized girl that my mom gave me as a present for my seventh birthday.

She smiled. "You went inside her room without her permission-"

"So I really look like a villain?!"

"It seems like that."

I sit on the floor and stare at it. "But I am still fascinated at how that Chimsy girl manage to stay with my brother without being harmed. It means she's strong too, right?"

I heard a lot about that newbie. It was said that she first encountered my brother in the main gate, right before she went to the admission. Normally, people would faint. But that girl... she's someone special.

"I know she's Neym's sister but she can't be that strong at that young age."

"Do you know how old is she?"

I looked at Hura and smiled sarcastically. "Thanks for reminding me that I didn't."

She's about to say some words when I suddenly stood up when I heard someone mentioning my name.

"I've been summoned by someone..." The side of my lips rose when I recognized the voice. "It's her!"

I snapped my finger and closed my eyes. I counted three seconds and happily step foot on the place where my name was mentioned only to see a girl that is in the verge of death.

"Thank you for saying my name- hey! Hey, wake up! Why are you even here in the forest?! Damn!"

It is already dark and she's here! Why would she come here when this forest is supposed to be closed and abandoned!

"P-poison.." I muttered. Her foot is slowly being eaten by the poison and it is turning to black! I immediately look for anything to use to ask for help. She'll die if she'll stay like this for another hour!

I saw her ring so I pressed it to call for help.


It glowed and my brother showed up behind me with a puzzled look. "Snashi, what are you doing here?"

In normal days, I would scold him for dropping the honorific, but this girl is dying!

"Oh, brother, don't even ask me and just bring her back to Quintessence!"

This forest is off-limits. It has special border so no one would reach here but she managed to come here all by herself. That's a suicidal attempt!

"You scared the hell out of her last time and now-"

"Just take that newbie and have her cured!" I shouted.

He looked at her foot and was stunned for a few second.

"Is that.."

"We didn't save mom that time so we must save her no matter what. Do whatever it takes to save her, Nash."

He gave back the same serious gaze and nodded. He carried her in a bridal way and immediately gone out of my vision. I stared at my feet when I remember the first time I saw the effect of a poisonous cactus.

'"Snashi, where is your sister?"

"Picking up flowers," I replied as I flip another page of the book I am reading. I heard a soft sigh, so I move my eyes and saw mom staring back at me with a sad smile. "Is something wrong?"

"I've met my friend from Heilsen," she said. "She told me that you will grow into someone that people will look up to. Someone who'll wholeheartedly do everything for her siblings."

"I will?"

She nodded. "You would take care of Nashin and Ashinaida even if I won't I ask you to do it, wouldn't you?" I nodded which makes her smile. "It's time. Now go and call both of them. I have presents for you."

"Mom has presents for us?" Ashinaida asked excitedly and went to Nashin's room to spread the news.

I was just standing in the hallway, waiting for my siblings when I heard something broke from mom's room. Ashinaida and Nashin went out of the room and looked at me with their questioning eyes.

"What's that sound?"

Nashin and I exchanged looks and for some reason, I felt uneasy and nervous. We run back to mom's room only to see her covered with a vine that have unusual thorns.

"She's... black. Why?" Ashinaida whispered. She's about to touch mom when a hand stopped her and pulled us away from mom.


He looked me in the eye and right then I knew. I am not stupid not tell what is happening right before my eye. I know Nashin understands the situation as well. Unlike Ashinaida.

"Why is mom covered with vines? And it has the thorns of cactus. That is poisonous, dad. It will hurt mom," I heard her whisper. "Mom, take that off. You'll get hurt. Mom. Mommy."

"Let's go outside," dad said and brought us to the garden. He gave us boxes saying that it is from mom.

"Isn't she going to watch our reaction? Mom loves to see us opening her presents."

No one answered Ashinaida. I just reached for the box that has my name on it. I opened it only to see a tiny girl, crying.

"Hey," I called. "Don't cry," I whispered but I, myself started to cry.

Ashinaida have this confused look on her face while Nashin just stared blankly on the box he has.

"Who did it, dad?" I asked boldly. "Who killed her?"

"A Dauthinian."'

Their existence should be erased from this world. Like how their district was erased from the map.

I didn't witness how Dauthi crumbled since I was so young back then but I can't understand why they killed mom a few years after the district was wiped out.

One of the survivors of the said wipe out of Dauthi is the person who killed mom. I have grudge against Dauthinians, all of them.

And seeing Chimsy just now, brings back all those memories I have. I wish she wouldn't end up like mom. She can't have the same ending as her. She's my brother and sister's friend. They can't lose someone the same way we lose mom.

"Miss Snashi.."

I closed my eyes and when I opened it, I am back at my room. Hura is standing in my desk, waiting for me.

"She's in danger, Hura," I said. "But I won't let her be. My siblings can't lose her."

Hura bowed a little. "What do you want me to do, Miss Snashi?"

"Go to Quintessence and tend to her on my behalf."

Krain's POV

"You need to forget everything."

My forehead creases. "Why?"

"That's the only way to keep you safe, Krain."

I looked at him intently. I woke up with him beside me, reading a book. He asked if I could remember what happened. I nodded and now he is telling me to forget everything.

"That wouldn't keep me safe especially if you wouldn't explain it to me."

Instead of answering, he handed me a bowl of sliced apple. I didn't take it as I was waiting for his answer.

"If it is for my well-being, you shouldn't keep it from me, Neym."

Before he could say anything, Ashinaida went in.

"Finally, you're awake! Do you know that you've slept for three days?" Three days? "No one knows the cure for that kind of poison but for some unknown reasons, you became well. The darkness in your leg disappeared."

"Quit talking, Ash. Chimsy needs to rest."

They left together so I was left in silence. That's where I get to look around and realize that I am in the hospital.

I heard a sigh so I looked around again. Someone else is here except me.

I closed my eyes and feel the room. When I confirmed the presence, I raised my hand but was stopped when a tiny voice dominated.


I lifted myself to sit when a small creature appear in the table. I saw her on her knees with head that is slightly bowed down.

"I am Hura. Miss Snashi sent me here to tend on you."

Snashi.. "She saved me, I remember it."

"She can't appear here in Quintessence so she sent me instead." She offered her hand and she gave me a bottle. "I apologize if this is all I could offer."

I smiled at her. "How did you manage to bring this when you are just in the same size as this?" She laughed a little. "Thank you so much, Hura."

"Don't forget to take that tonight, it'll help remove the poison from your system."

Poison. Ashinaida said no one knows how to cure it. "It means you are the reason..."

"I should take my leave, Miss," she said. "I already stayed here for days. I must leave before anyone else found out about me."

"Thank you, Hura." And to you, Snashi.

The following days went well. They strictly implemented an order to not allow anyone near the forest because of what happened to me. No reasons, no explanations. We are just told not to go there.

"You want to try fitting it, Chimsy?"

I scanned every detail of the gown that Ashinaida is holding when she entered my house. It is a white off shoulder gown with dark blue design on it's ends. It is sparkling when in contact with light. She also brought a pair of glass stilettos.

"Do you mind if we cut your hair? Shoulder length. This gown is a tube type so..."

She explained even more. I took the gown and went to my room to fit it. When I went out of my room, she's still explaining why I should cut my hair short.

"Oh, it's perfect!" She exclaimed, clapping. "We'll just cut your hair short. How about tomorrow noon? Are you free?"

I nodded. She immediately left since she said she'll have some things to prepare for tomorrow's party.

"It is happening tomorrow."

So I'll be meeting my new housemate tomorrow.

I decided to clean my room. Upon finishing, I head to the field to practice my performance for the acquaintance party.

"Don't force yourself if you can't do it."

"No, I have to do it."


"I am Chimsy. I should be capable of doing what MY BROTHER can do."

I raised my hand and pulled it down, together with the rain of pointed ice. But unlike my previous attempts, the ice didn't melt, and it is directed towards me. I pointed my palm at it but I accidentally controlled the air instead. When I realized my mistake, I immediately released my control on the air to prevent Neym from seeing it. But it was too late to dudge my own attack so I closed my eyes.

"You are capable of doing it but it would be dangerous for you. Don't force it, Krain."

I released a deep breath when I saw a thick wall made of ice. I glanced at Neym who is slowly putting down his hand while looking at me seriously.

"Just be yourself tomorrow. Do what you can but not this one."

I just need to do good. Right, Krain. Just make them believe that you are a Gelarian. That you are Chimsy Morgan.

"I can do it, so I'll do it."

I turned my back but a water barrier appeared. I was about to go through it when it turned into ice.

"Krain, listen."

"I'm not in the mood to hear whatever you'll say."

He sighed. "Then just go to your house and rest," he suggested. "You have to prepare for the acquaintance party.

I nodded. I walked home and found Chiena at my door.



The sides of her lips raised. She showed me the box she is holding and handed it to me.

"These are accessories you could use for tomorrow's acquaintance party."

I invited her inside the house. I placed the box in my table and looked at her in confusion when she smiled.

"I made it personally for you. You'll wear that, right?"

I nodded. She left right away, saying that she'll prepare for tomorrow's event. Maybe this acquaintance party is something grand. All of them are making preparations for it.

What will they prepare aside from the clothes?

With a cup of warm water, I went outside my house. The moon is peaking from the back of the clouds, giving light despite the night. I looked up at the sky while feeling the cold blow of the air.

"Can't sleep?"

My gaze transferred to the house beside mine. In front of it is a bench that is made of wood and leaves. Nashin is sitting there while looking up at the moon.

"You don't need to say anything if you are not comfortable to talk to me. It is not your obligation to do so."

I can't quite tell if he's mad or sad. Is there a reason for him to him either of the two?

I silently walk towards him and sit on the space beside him. I also looked up at the moon that is almost covered by the clouds.

"I don't hate you," I said, answering his question last time.

"About Krain.." he trailed off. He sighed silently, looking at me. "She's killed by the people from my district." I know. "I just learned it recently and I don't know anything about it before. I'm sorry."

He didn't know about the things that his district did. Like Ashinaida, he is not connected with Guerreier's crime. I shouldn't hate them for the things that they didn't do. That would be unfair.

"Do you hate Guerreierians?"

Yes, I did. And I'll never forgive them.

"Everyone hate Guerreier since it is the strongest district, I understand that. But I hope you wouldn't hate all the people from Guerreier. Not everyone is evil, like how not everyone is good."

I closed my eyes as I listen to the sound of crickets. The clouds momentarily moved, unblocking the moon.

It is the same night I encountered Snashi for the first time. She was a nightmare, but actually she's not. I must be gone by now if she didn't help me in the forest.

"That night on the forest, thank you," I said. "Please say those words to her, too. I owe her."

"How did you remember her?" He asked in a gentle tone.

How did I forget her, that's the real question.

"She was sorry for scaring you that night."

I didn't answer. I controlled the water from my cup and let it float in the air. I was focusing on it when the wind blows. The leaves where we are sitting suddenly becomes thick. It spreads up to my shoulders, acting like a sweater.

"You're coming to the acquaintance party, you shouldn't get sick."

I returned the water in my cup. I controlled the air to pick a flower from the nearest white jasmine tree. It landed on my hand so I covered it with transparent ice.

"It is not much but I worked hard in forming ice that will never melt unless I use my ability to melt it."

I gave it to him as a token for saving me last time. He took it and for the first time, he smiled at me sincerely.

"Thank you." He said while looking at the flower. "This is the first gift I had after my mom died."

I didn't say anything since I am never good in comforting people. I just noted what he said.

"It is funny how you coincidentally give me a present without knowing that today's my birthday."

I suddenly felt ashamed of my present. No one told me that today is his birthday. I should have bought a decent gift.

"I didn't know. I should have bought something for you if I only knew. Sorry."

An extension appeared on the end of the bench. He lay down and look at stars. I can see the moon from his eyes.

"Then, can I request something?" He asked.

"Let's hear it before I decide whether to fulfill the request or not."

He sighed. He remained silent then proceed to shaking his head.

"It is better not to say it. Forget about it."

I faced him. He had his eyes closed, both hands on his stomach. He didn't say anything until his breathing becomes more relaxed. I stayed beside him until small drops of water dropped. I controlled the nearest tree to bend down on our direction so the rain won't penetrate through. The rain lasted so I had my hands in the air for a few minutes.

I haven't mastered using land or plants so I can't control it without hand gestures.

"Mom, I'm scared."

I saw Nashin crying. He is repeatedly calling his mom while saying that he is scared.

He must have experienced something that keeps haunting him even in his dreams.

What scares him?

The rain stops so I put my hands down. Nashin is still sobbing so I caress his hair.

"Why are you scared?" I asked sweetly.

"I'm scared to lose anything. I barely.. have someone and I don't want to lose them."

Why would you lose them?

"You won't lose them. They'll stay with you, no matter what."

His sobs are put into cease so I stood up and made a roof that is covered with vines.

"That'll.. do," I said while catching my breath.

It is a hard task for me but I managed to make it look like a shelter. I made sure that he'll have a good sleep there before I went back to my house and rest.

The next day, I woke up around afternoon. If Draceline didn't come to my house to ask me to grab some ice cream with her, maybe I'll be asleep until night.

"You had a very long beauty rest right there. Who is your lucky partner that makes you prepare like this?"

Prepare? I just slept and that is considered a preparation?

"I just crave for some sleep and I did. If that is considered a preparation, then I need more preparation to do."

"Don't sleep more," Draceline stopped me. "We need to eat so we could change for the event later."

I took a glimpse at the wall clock and saw that it is only two in the afternoon. The acquaintance party will begin at seven in the evening. Why is she so excited?

"No complains, please?" I remained silent. "Good. Now, who's your partner for later?"

"Partner for what?"

She blinked thrice. "You are not aware that you'll need a partner for the acquaintance party? You have a lot of boxes outside your door so I thought you already chose a partner."

I went outside and saw that she's right. There is a tower of gift boxes with names.

"The owner of the gift box that you'll like could be your partner. Just depend on the foods inside those boxes."

I tried counting the boxes but stopped when I failed to count it all. I just leave it there and head for the kitchen. I opened the ice cream that Draceline brought and started eating.

"Chose a partner," she urged while eating.

"I don't need a partner. Or I could have Neym—" I stopped and looked at Draceline who is busy with her food. "I could be partnered with Neym."

I only know a few people. It would be safer if I will go with Neym. I prefer not to have a partner, actually.

"That would be boring," she protested. "And according to what I heard, Neym will be partnered by Ashinaida. Just look for someone else." She thinks of something. "That guy who healed you in the field. The one from Heilsen."

Heilsen.. Snyp Tan.

"No, thank you."

She shrugged. "Your choice. What matters is your happiness. The acquaintance party is meant for newbies like you."

My happiness. Who will be happy with this when the preparation is this stressful?

"You want me to color the edges, Chimsy?" Ashinaida asked after cutting my hair short. "But I prefer that."

I didn't complain. I don't really mind about how I would look.

The night arrived and I was left alone in the house. The bell of the village rang, indicating that is already six in the evening. I took the cloak from my closet and left.

I quietly walked on the field. Everyone must be preparing for the party. I immediately arrived at the admission room but no one is there.

Aren't there supposed to be staffs that'll cater the new student?

I knocked and went inside the dark admission room. Upon stepping foot at the room, the room lit up. A lady is in the floor, probably doing yoga? She looked at me and stared at me before smiling.

"Chimsy Morgan?" She asked and offered a handshake. "I am Ember Whittle from Kauma."

Whittle? Is she a relative? She's from Kauma and her last name is Whittle, like mine.

"Ember," I mentioned her name and shake hands with her. "Welcome to Quintessence."

She laughed. "You don't need to pretend to be happy with my arrival. You could be honest around me, I don't mind."

I smiled apologetically. "I'll—"

"My baggage is not that heavy, I can carry it."

I nodded when she refused my offer.

"Let's go," I said. I held the door for her. We both stopped when the wind blows in a rotating manner, making me hold my cloak.

"What's that?" She asked while holding her hair.

We stayed at the door until the wind calmed down. I can't feel any other presence aside from ours so I shrugged it off.

"Just a welcome blow of wind for you, I guess," I said while arranging my cloak. "Let's go."

'That wasn't a normal wind.'

I look back at Ember and she's looking at the night sky. When she felt my gaze, she look at me.

'Why is she looking at me like that?'

I could hear her voice but she's not speaking. Are these her thoughts?

"Why?" She asked so I shook my head.


Ember Whittle..

She's something else.
