
Krain's POV

"This will be your room."

She pushed the door open and went inside. She scanned the room and look back at me.

"You cleaned it?" I nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I answered. "Your uniforms will be in your closet. The gown that you'll be wearing for the acquaintance party will be there too."

She nodded twice so I excused myself to prepare for the party. I wore the gown that Ashinaida brought for me. I went out to Ember who is awkwardly bringing up the edges of her yellow gown.

"Ember, is there a problem?" I asked. She looks at me in surprise and let go of her gown.

"No, it's nothing." My eyes stopped at her slightly messed up hair. I closed the gap between us and reach for her hair but she stepped back in a fast manner.

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help with your hair."

"Oh, it's alright. I can do it myself," she said, touching her hair. "Shall we go?"

I silently lead the way to the academy. When we arrived at the main hall, a lot of gold dust floats in the air. I look at Ember and watch how her yellow gown became a sparkly white. A light make-up is also applied in her face. It looks magical.


Draceline greeted us upon entering the venue. She's with Fries who is waving at me, all smiles. Their gazes stopped at Ember who is busy looking around, ending up bumping at my back.P

"Hi! Chimsy's friend?" They asked Ember.

"She's my new housemate," I answered for her. "Ember Whittle of Kauma."

They exchanged names and greetings when the lights turned off. The spotlight in the center leads our attention to Ashinaida who instructed us to take our sits.

"Let's sit in the front, Ember, Chimsy."

Like what they said, we sit in the front row. The presentation of powers and ability takes place so I get to see their performances up close. When it is my turn, the hall was silent so I thought I messed up. But seeing Neym smiling at me makes me feel at ease. I decided to go outside when I felt an unusual presence, so I stood up and leave the venue.

"Where are you off to?" Neym asked, holding my arm.

"It is.." I stopped when I realized that there is a possibility that someone is listening to us. "I left something in my house. I'll just go retrieve it." I left him there to avoid his questions.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes when I step foot outside. The gold dust is still here, making the place look wonderful. I listened to the variety of sounds of nature while trying my best to detect the presence that I felt earlier. My eyes are wide-opened when a presence appeared out of nowhere.

"You have good sensory skills, I'll give you that," he complimented. "But you should have ignored my presence. Have fun there, the acquaintance party is for freshmen."

"Aren't you going inside?" I asked. "Your sister is there."

He shakes his head. "I will just ruin the party if I'll show up in front of everyone. You know I can't conceal my presence all the time. I might end up killing them unintentionally with my presence alone."

I felt sad for him. He intentionally isolates his self so that he wouldn't harm anyone. He must have a lonely life. He even wore a simple hoodie with pants. He really has no intention of showing up in the party.

I looked down and stared at my white bracelet. Based on what I know, this bracelet has the power to conceal the power of a person, so the strong presence of his or her power will not be detected. If only I could give him something like this..

"Go back now. They'll be looking for you," He ordered before leaving the main hall.

My impulsive self thinks otherwise so I followed him instead. I walk beside him silently. After a few moments, he stopped and faced me.

"I told you to go back."

"I find it boring to be in that party. Missions like the one that we had is more entertaining than the party," I reasoned out.

He shake his head before walking again. "There won't be any more missions for you."

I nodded with what he said. I just followed him despite not knowing where he is headed to. Minutes passed and we reached the park. He sat on one of the swings so I sat on the swing beside him.

"Can you.." he speaks first. I gave my full attention to him. "Can you tell me about Krain?"

I was taken aback but I covered it with a smile.

But why is he asking about me?

"About what kind of friend she is to you."

I maintained my smiled and look up in the night sky to avoid his gaze. N

"Krain.." I mumbled. "She's... average." I laughed with my remarks. It is weird to say things about myself.

"She cares a lot about her parents..." and sister. "She's not so kind. She often stands on what she believes in and firmly stick on it."

I am not quite sure but this is how I know myself. I haven't met a lot of people in the past and I am not so sure on how they see me as a person.

"Epiliar should have protected her."

I agreed. "It is not like the whole continent is being controlled by a single mind. Some may think of protecting her, and some may think otherwise."

Silence dominates but I could still hear the insects' sounds. I raised my hand and stretched it out to the moon when a hand grabs it. I transferred my questioning gaze to him.

"Nashin.." I called, waiting for an explanation. He looked at me as if trying to read my soul.

"Who are you?" He questioned in a serious tone.

My system was alarmed with the way he is asking. Why is he asking such question?

"Tell me, who are you?"

I stared back at him. His grip on my hand tightened when I give no answer. I look at his hand and look back at his eyes.

"Are you questioning my existence?"

"You escaped from the memory cloud that I made and even remembered my sister's name. No one has ever done that before. Chimsy Morgan is from Gelare, so you are supposed to be using water related skills only but you have sensory skills." His grip tightened even more and his gaze became more intense. "And.."

"And what?"

"I can't order you around nor control you. I can't even read your mind easily. My powers don't have any effect on you." He moved closer to me. "Are you.. are you not a Morgan?"

I was secretly in awe. He is indeed a good observer.

"And if I am not?" I said bravely. There's no point in denying when he already knew that I am not a Morgan. "If I am not a Morgan, will you kill me? Like what your people did to Chimsy?"

His eyes widened. He finally let go of my hand and stepped back. "They killed her?"

"You've seen her corpse. Your people did it."

All the sadness, despair, and madness I felt when Chimsy died came back to me. A part of me desperately wanted to vent all the things that happened which causes Chimsy her innocent life.

He spaced out for a second before throwing another question. "Then who are you? Why are you here, taking her identity?"

I didn't answer. He motioned is hand and the ground under me opened. I looked down at the hole and smiled sarcastically.

"You'll burry me alive?" I raised a brow. "No doubt, you are a Guerrerian. Killing people is normal for you, right?"

Vines crept from the hole to my feet. It pulled me down on the hole but before I landed on the surface, I use the air to land on my feet. I raised my hand and the trees from nearby bended down, extending it's branches and leaves to wrap me and bring me out of the hole.

The ground shake rapidly when I step foot on it. The sand appeared and covered half of my body. He clasps his hand together and the sand turned into stone. He walked towards my direction. Before reaching my spot, I managed to cut the stone with the air, freeing myself.

He's ruining the gown that his sister made.


I didn't move when a sharp object is pointed at my neck. I can feel his presence from my back so I didn't bother moving.

"You're a Dauthinian, aren't you?"

"Will you kill me if I am?"

Before he could answer, a hand took me away from him, followed by the voice of Draceline from afar.

"Chimsy! Chimsy!"

"Chimsy, are you alright?" Fries worriedly asked while checking my face. "Nashin! Why are you bullying her?"

"Chimsy, are you alright?" Draceline asked while catching her breath. "Nashin—"

"It wasn't his fault," I reasoned. "I followed him here."

"She asked me to train her. That was a friendly duel, right?"

I can't read what he is thinking but I nodded. Ashinaida arrived shortly and brought me back to the main hall where she left Ember.

"You should stick with Ember, Chimsy. She's new and she knows no one but you."

Before we could go, I looked back to Nashin who is also looking at me.

Now that he knows that I am not Chimsy, what will he do?

The party ended but the question is still in my mind. Until Ember and I arrived home, I was still thinking about it.

Is he going to report the fact that I am not Chimsy? Is he going to tell the whole Quintessence about my lies?


I forced myself to go out of bed when Ember knocked on my door. I opened the door and smiled at her with my sleepy eyes.

"Is something wrong?"

"I can't sleep. Can you go with me to the mall. I'll just buy some sleeping medicine."

To induce sleep?

I stepped forward and touch her forehead. I stepped back unintentionally when I felt how cold she is.

"What happened to you?"

The sides of her lips rose before her eyes closed momentarily. She leans on my direction so I held her shoulder. Her weight became heavier so but I managed to hold her on place.

"Ember? Ember!" I called, tapping her cheeks but to no avail, she remained unresponsive. I immediately pressed my ring to call for help and just a minute later, someone knocked on the door.

"Chimsy, what happened?"

"Fries!" I called. "Ember lost her consciousness!" I informed him. He kneels in front of me and checked Ember's pulse.

"I'll bring her to the hospital," he said, getting Ember from my arms. They disappeared so I hurriedly head for the door to follow them when Neym arrived.

"It's midnight. Where are going?"

"Ember is in the hospital!"

"Ember?" I nodded repeatedly. "Krain..." he whispered and hold my shoulders. "Krain, listen to me." I listened to him and held his arm. "Everything will be fine."

"I know," I nodded. "I know she's alright."

"Then calm down."


He looked at my hands so I followed his gaze and realized that my hands are trembling. I tried to control it but I only feel weak.

"I am not that worried but.. I.. I can't stop it from shaking."

My breathing became heavier as I feel my heart beating even faster. I hold my chest in pain and fall on my knees when it feels worst.

"Krain! Krain! What's happening?"

My eyelid feels heavy so I wasn't able to answer him.



"Poison?" I mumbled in a whisper. I woke up with the news that Ember and Chimsy were brought to the hospital.

"Could it be from the acquaintance party?" I looked at Xyra. She seriously looking at me.

"That's impossible," I shake my head. "If it is poisoning during the party, a lot more students should be here by now. But it is just the two of them."

"Shall we discuss this matter to the council?"

That would be too much. Also, we have to keep it a secret from other people. It may cause a commotion or doubt on the administration if people know that someone in Quintessence is poisoned.

"The higher ranks should discuss about it first. If it gets out of hand, we'll take it to the council."

They both nodded and went on their way to call the high ranking students of Quintessence while I head to my brother's house. When I arrived there, I saw him in his window, holding a teacup.

"Nashin," I called. He didn't move so I move closer. I tapped his shoulder, so I got his attention.

"You're here."

I didn't answer but I took the teacup from his hand and brought it to the kitchen sink. It is already cold.

He's obviously in deep thoughts.

"Something's bothering you. Tell me about it, Nash."

I sit beside him and he moved to give me more space. He faked a smile and sighed deeply.

"I have a scenario in mind, and I wanted to hear how you'll address it if you are in the situation." I nodded. "If I was killed by a lion, would you hate all lions too?"

I blinked thrice. "Why would I hate all the lions?"

"One of them killed me. I am sure you won't be happy if that happens."

"It won't happen, for sure. But if that will really happen, I'll hunt the lion who killed you. that lion alone since the other lions were not at fault."

He faced me with an expression that I can't read. It is the first time I am seeing him like this and this is really a serious matter.

"How can you.. say it like that?"

I smiled. "I mean it, Nash. I can say it easily and I'll do it if the situation is here."

"You'll kill for me?"

I was stunned. "No, I won't," I disagree. "I said I'll hunt the one who hurt you, but I won't kill it."

"You can do that?"

I smiled again. "Revenge will only give birth to hatred which will lead to another revenge agenda. If that cycle goes on, what kind of future will we see?"

He looks down at his hand and formed it into a fist. I held his hand so he looks at me.

"What is it, Nashin?" I asked. He hesitated for a bit but ended up speaking.

"The one who killed mom, their descendant is here."

I was stunned.

Mom was killed? I thought..

He is just staring at me, waiting for a reaction but I just smiled.

"The descendant has nothing to do with the crime of their elders."

I don't know how to feel. It's my first-time hearing about it. I thought.. she just died.

"Ashinaida, Nashin."

Draceline nodded at me. She must have gathered the high-ranking students.

"All the high-ranking students have a meeting, Nash. We'll be discussing about the poison that are found in Chimsy and Ember's body."

He stood up and run out of the house upon hearing what I said. We followed him outside but he is nowhere to be found.

"It seems like he cares more about Chimsy than you," Draceline commented. "I've seen him guarding Chimsy from afar, a lot of times."

Hear words make me smile.

"Chimsy is different."

When she stood up for the unfairness that happened to Chiena, I knew she'll be a Quintessence that is never seen before.

"She'll be greater than her brother."

I nodded. She's nothing like her name, I must say.



I could clearly hear the surrounding, but I can't move, not even a finger.

"What did you do to end up like this?" I heard Neym said as he arranged my blanket.

"Neym?" I heard the opening and closing of the door. Suddenly, the window slide open.

"Look at you." The owner of the voice move towards me. "All this after you bravely admit that you are not a Morgan."

I tried to move but I just can't.

"Guerrerians are after you.."

He knew now.

"Get it together and strive to become stronger. In the end, you'll only have yourself."

I know. That's why I don't trust you. I need to trust no one.

"That's right. You need to trust no one."

I stopped when I realized that he answered to my thoughts. He can hear me?

'I can't order you around nor control you. I can't even read your mind easily. My powers doesn't have any effect on you.'

And now it works on me?

"I know you heard me." His footsteps move away. "The higher ranks are doing their best to get rid of the poison in your body. You'll be able to move again in no time."

I wished to say something but I saved it to myself.

"And in no time, I'll be back to... settle things with you."

His presence disappeared as the door opened.

"She'll wake up in three days, so as Ember."

"We owe it to your sister for making the antidote."

"Yeah. And all that's left to do is look for the source of the poison."

