His Secret

Krain's POV

"It is good to see you again, Morgan," Sir Clinton said upon seeing me in the hallway. "Martial arts class," he assumed while looking at my uniform for the class.

I bowed to give respect and walk past him when he speaks again, making me stop.

"Laurel stopped doing missions. Did something happen between the two of you?"

My forehead creases but I didn't bother looking at him. "I have nothing to do with his choice of stopping doing missions."

"You have nothing to do but you are the reason?"

His remarks make me face him. He is smiling sadly.

"We don't know each other that well so we'll never reach a point where we'll stop doing things that we normal do. Aside from the name, I don't know anything about him and I never plan to know more about him."

NUpon hearing my answer, the side of his lips rose. A satisfied smile, it is.

"Strange. Too much words of explanation. I thought you only speaks when you asks a question. But your answer would pass as an essay."

He turned his back and disappear from my sight. I shrugged his comments and took my way to my martial arts class. When I opened the door, Kaina landed right in front of me.


"Snyp," Miss Beni called while writing in her record book. "Heal Kaina."

"Yes, ma'am," Snyp answered and went to Kaina. He helped her sit and started healing her back.

"Morgan, on the left side," Miss Beni instructed when she saw me in the door. "Ortega, go to the right."

I sent a concern look to Chiena. She'll be my opponent so I am worried about hurting her. I trained for years since mom told me that I should be able to protect myself. I focused in martial arts more than my powers.

"Remember our lessons these past few weeks." She took out her timer. "Five minutes. You'll both fail if you both fail to get your enemy on her knees."

"Chimsy, goodluck," she mouthed while tightening her hair tie.

The timer starts and she didn't waste any minute to close the gap between us. She aggressively run towards me as her face got all serious. She's so serious as if I did a grave sin to her and she's eager to kill me.


I ducked when her fist nearly landed on my face. I glanced at Snyp who shouted and look at Chiena who is going in for a kick. I managed to dudge it, so as the next few kicks. But the more dudge I make, the more impatient she gets. Her moves became faster.

"Last minute."

I took a glimpse at Miss Beni. Chiena appeared on my left side and released a strong punch on my stomach. I move back but she appeared there and kicked my spinal cord.

She's so fast.

I was on my knees. I feel the color of my eyes changing and I felt her presence beside me so I moved sideways. Her foot landed near my hand so I took the chance to pull it as I stood up. She immediately stood up but I managed to hit her nape, causing her to fall on her face.

"Time's up!"

I went to Chiena as I catch my breath. She's facing the ground and after a countless attempt of waking her up, she remains in the same position.


"She's alright, don't worry," Snyp said. He carried Chiena to a side. He put his hand on her back and his hands started to glow.

The martial arts class continued until everyone are able to participate in the duel. Others already left but I remained beside Chiena. I am worrying but curiosity dominates more.

She's a newbie so how could she be that good? Did someone train her before she came here in Quintessence?

If I were to compare her to our batchmates who are literally newbie, she's one of the best.


I looked up at Kaina, my classmate. There are bandages in her arms and leg. She smiled at me before sitting down on the floor.

"Are you worrying about Chiena?"

I didn't answer. I just look at Chiena who is peacefully sleeping.

"Chiena is strong so don't worry. She's practicing everyday. She's also diligent with her studies on fighting stunts."


I stood up when Miss Beni called.

"You are good."

"Thank you, Miss," I replied.

She placed her hand on my shoulder and lean in to whisper. "Come to the admission office. We have another mission for you."

This time, I disregarded what she said. I went home and sent a message that I am not feeling well. I also included that I won't be taking any missions for the mean time.

Nashin is not doing any missions so they're passing it to me? Why me though?

I stared blankly at nothingness as I rested my head on the headrest of my sofa. I was brought back to my senses when I heard some noises from the kitchen. I run out of my room to see what happened to Ember since she mentioned that she'll be cleaning the kitchen.

"Ember, are you alright?"

"Good thing it is not burnt."

"Burnt?" She jumped a little with my presence. "What are you doing?"

"Chimsy," she said, acknowledging my presence. "I tried making a cake. I forgot to use the potholder," she explained while blowing her finger.

I pulled her to the living room before taking the first aid kit. I carefully applied some ointment so the pain will subside.

"You should have told me that you'll be cooking. I could have helped you out."

"I'm not used to it. I never asked for help."


I put a band aid in her hand. I also returned the first aid kit while listening to her.

"I was a kid when my father died and my mom has always been so busy with her work. But I learned how to cook."

I stopped when I realized something. I look at her intently.

"You know what, your voice sounds cool. It sounds like a man." She cleared her throat. "If you happen to be a man, I'm sure a lot of people will be head over heels for you."

"Thank you," she answered before walking back to the kitchen. I go after her and watch her moves.

"I didn't know that you are talkative," she commented.

Am I? Probably because I feel safe around her. I felt like I knew her. Maybe because she's a Whittle from Kauma. We may be relatives.

We eat the cake together. I volunteered to wash the dishes since she cooked the food.

"I'll bring some to our neighbor."


"He must be away, don't bother."

"I saw him entering his house a while ago."

"He doesn't like sweet stuffs."

"This isn't sweet," she countered while pointing at the cake she's holding. "I'll bring this—"

"I'll do it! I'll bring it to him!"

She might faint upon meeting Nashin up close. It would be risky.

"I'll do it, Ember."

The line that her eyebrows make tells me that she finds me weird. But in the end, she handed me the cake and went to the main door to open it for me.

Bringing the three slices of cake, I went to Nashin's house and think of what to say when his main door opened. He looked at me in surprise.

"Ember baked some. She wants to give some of it to you but I can't just let her walk to your doorstep so I'm here on her behalf."

I stretched out my hand so he could reach the cake without moving closer. When he raised his hand, I hide the cake to my side.

"It is made out of someone's effort. Please don't vent your anger to this food, at least not in front of the person who prepared it," I said as I glanced at Ember who is standing on our maindoor, looking at us.

"I was going to accept it."

He took it from me. He looks at Ember and nodded at her before going inside his house. Not even a thank you?

Well, at least he takes it.

"Is he your enemy?" Ember asked as I walk inside our house.

"Maybe," I answered. I went straight to my room and sleep.

I woke up when I felt a push in my cheeks.

"Chimsy... Chimsy."

The face of a small creature greeted me.


I searched for the wall clock and saw that it is only two o'clock in the midnight. "What are you doing here?"

"I apologize for bothering you but I need your help," she said, making me stood up.

"What can I do to help?"

She pointed at the door. "Nash needs your help. Please Miss Chimsy. You're the only one I could ask help from at this time."

I walked out of bed and grabbed a sweater. I put Hura in my shoulder and head out quietly. I was in the main door when I asked Hura.

"Did Nashin ordered you to ask for help from me?"

"No, he didn't. I came from the palace of Guerreier and I am only here to visit the prince and the princess of Guerreier. But I saw..."

"Saw what?"

I pushed the main door and good thing, it wasn't locked. Hura pointed at a door. It is slightly open so I just push it a little and saw Nashin, sitting in the corner of his room with trembling hands.


I dash towards him and hold his shoulders but vines crept out with my contact. It is wrapped in my hands and forcefully pulled me away from him. My head hit the edge of the table so my vision became blurry.

"Miss Chimsy!" Hura called, panicking. She's standing in the table with both hands in her chest.

"Stay away, Hura," I instructed.

"Miss Chimsy, your cheeks."

I took a glimpse at the mirror and saw my face.

"It is a small cut. Don't worry." I move close to Nashin while being attentive to whatever he'll do. "Hey," I called. I raised my hand and sprinkle some water in his direction. Upon contact with water, the vines grow thicker, moving in a protective manner.

"This is one of Guerreier's greatest fear. Whenever he loses his self, he would go wild, hurting everyone."

"So it happened before," I concluded. "How did you turn him back to his normal state?"

"He was held in a prison for a week. No food, no water, not anything. His body will become weak so he'll go back to normal."

That's cruel.

I stepped forward again and pulled his shoulder but pointed rocks were set off in my direction. I managed to make a water barrier which I turned into ice.

"Miss Chimsy!"

Two pointed object merely touched my neck and leg. I was surprised by the pain so the barrier disappeared, causing a stone to hit my arm.

"We'll just imprison the prince here."

No. He'll starve. I won't let him stay in this state. That would be so inhumane.

"Nashin," I called while holding my arm. I could barely walk but I tried hard to go to him. "Nashin, you can hear me, can't you?"

"Miss Chimsy, don't put yourself into danger," Hura said, convincing me to stop but I didn't.

"Are you confused? Or maybe upset? Are you lonely?" He didn't respond. "Because if you are, well me too. I feel the same way. I understand your pain, your problems. I understand it all." I kneel in front of him. "Nashin, tell me about it. I'll listen."

He slowly lifted his gaze. I was stunned for a moment when I saw his green eyes, like that of the leaves. His eyebrows are in one line while tears are running down his face.

"Nashin," I whispered.

In a swift move, he choked me with his tight grip. My breathing was hindered but I gathered all my strength to speak.

"Nashin, this is not you. Don't let any factors shadow the real you."

"Do you even know me?"

I closed my eyes when I heard his voice in my head. My thoughts are leaking, and he can hear it right now.

"I don't. But I know that this is not you."

"This is who I am," he insisted.

"N..no," I countered. I held his hand that is choking me and covered it with ice. He let go of me so I covered the floor with ice when I landed on it. The ice spread and make it's way to his feet, preventing him from any movement.

"I'd rather die."

My eyes widened when I hear him say that. The windows were thrown away and the leaves outside dance frantically. It moved and eventually formed into needle that is pointed at him.

"Don't do it, Nashin."

When it moved, I closed the gap between us and hugged him tightly to protect him from the needles.

"S-snashi!" I shouted as I closed my eyes, accepting my fate of being hurt but I felt nothing.

"That was a close call."

I opened my eyes and look back only to see a woman. In front of her is a very thick barrier that is made out of stones.


She looks down at me but her eyes transferred to the person in my arms. She helped me transfer Nashin in his bed before speaking.

"Chimsy, right?" I nodded. "Thank you for saving my brother. And my apologies to our first meeting." She stood up and faced me. "And I'm sorry but I have a favor to ask."

Hura moves close to me. She put her tiny hands in my arms and it glowed. She's a healer.

"I can't stay long. Please be on his side until he wakes up. I hope that is not too much to ask."

I smiled. "You saved my life the last time. I wouldn't mind doing you a favor."

She answered with a smile and disappeared.

Hura attended on my wounds before bidding goodbye. I stayed on Nashin's side, like what Snashi said. I saw a book about the history of Quintessence so I read it until I doze off to sleep. I woke up when I felt a warm blanket on- wait what?

I immediately get up when I saw Nashin the moment I opened my eyes. I bump on his forehead so we are both groaning.

"You're awake. I didn't notice." I stood up to go home. "I'll... go."

Before I could touch the door knob, it was covered with soil so I look back at him with a questioning look.

He raised his fist and opened his palm. A blue butterfly flew out of it. Like the last time.

"Thank you for saving me," he said as the butterfly landed on my shoulder. "And I'm sorry but you need to forget what happened."

I was about to ask when the butterfly glowed. I closed my eyes and when I opened it, my sight became blurry. I can see Nashin beside me, holding my shoulders.

How can... I not see him clearly?

"I'm sorry," he whispered before I completely doze off to sleep again.
