
Krain's POV

"Are we ready?" Winha asked while playing with the fire in her hand. "If we get to choose our opponent, more chances of winning. But if it will be randomly picked-"

"Less to no chance of winning," Winton added and they both sighed.

"We need to win," Chiena mumbled. "We will go out of Quintessence. We'll win."

Chiena stood up and did some hand gestures. A strong blow of wind hit the tree from a distance, causing it to fall down. I looked at Chiena who is seriously looking at the tree.

"By any chance, are you upset? Because if you are, girl, you're scary," Winha said while looking at Chiena in awe.

She didn't answer. I move beside her and she didn't even glance at me.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked in a low voice.

"I need to go home even for a short time," she murmured. "This could be my last chance to see them."

Her parents...

"Chimsy," she said, facing me. "We need to win, Chimsy. Please? We must win," she pleaded.

Snyp and Winton approached us.

"We'll win, Chiena."

"We'll try to win," Snyp corrected. "Even though I'm seeing the opposite of it, we'll still try to win."



I looked at Ember who is in the kitchen. She holds a bowl in one hand and a paper in the other. She handed me the paper so I read what's in it.

"These are the details about the students who will partake in the battle. It is all freshmen. Do the other year level have no events like this?"

I scanned the names that are in the paper

"The year is coming to an end, so they are preparing for a year-end celebration, that's what Draceline said."

My eyes stopped at the last name in the list. It is Chimsy's name.

I'll make your name known in every corner of Quintessence.

"So there is a possibility for the two of us to fight each other," I commented as I returned the paper to her. She handed me the bowl of popcorn before taking the sit beside mine.

"Do you want to win in that battle?" She asked.

"Everyone wants to win."

Based on what I heard, the winner will receive other benefits like an exemption from the ranking exam and a chance to meet Miss Xhora. I need that chance so we have to win.

'Why would she talk to the headmistress?'

I looked at her intently when I heard her thoughts.


She looked at me while munching. She looks so innocent to be hiding something serious. But who is Krace? She can't be talking to someone in her head, right?

"You have a question?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Nothing. I just want to say good luck for the battle tomorrow."

She gave me back a big smile. "Goodluck to you too. Goodluck to all of us."


"Goodluck, my sister," Neym said before we enter the stadium.

"Thank you, Neym," I replied.

"Chimsy!" Chiena shouted while waving at me. She's seated with our teammates in the front row. There are names for every chair so I occupied mine.

This is it.

"A chance to show what you got, a chance to introduce yourself through your power..." A voice said in a thrilling way. I looked around but I can't see the owner of the voice.

"It's Sir Clinton," Winton whispered while looking at the center of the field. I followed what he's looking at and saw a man standing there.

"I am beyond grateful and honored to welcome you all to this year's class battle!"

Countless cheers filled the stadium.

'Does your sister feel unwell? She's not reacting, Neym.'

Ashinaida's comment automatically made my hands clap even though. it is a little bit late for a reaction. She wouldn't watch my every move all day, would she?

"Just a late reaction."

"Such an interloper. You're so quick to judge," Fries answered.

"Quintessence celebrates diversity, acknowledging the uniqueness of all individuals from all sides of our continent. This battle among the representatives is a showcase of everyone's ability that are developed and will be enhanced here in this institution."

I was listening intently to Sir Clinton when my eyes passed by Ember's vacant chair. She's not here yet? She's supposed to be here too.

"Representatives, you may drop your names on the box of your corresponding class."

Right now?

Despite the confusion, I stood up and followed Winha. She went to the center and took a paper from Sir Clinton so I did the same. I wrote the last name 'Morgan' before dropping it in the box.

"Chimsy, are you alright?" Winton asked from behind me. He went after Snyp so I just followed them.

"Are we starting right away?"

He raised his brow twice. I was about to ask again when Sir Clinton speaks.

"The names that I'll be calling are the first pair to compete."

He took the box and get a paper from there.

"One of us will go first," Winha mumbled.

"I'm the first one," Snyp said. "Against my fellow Heilsenian."

We waited for the names to be called and Snyp is right. He must have seen what will happen.

"Are you winning this match?" I asked.

He looked back at me and smiled. "I'm not being overconfident but yes, I'll win."

We were instructed to go back to our respective sits except for the first pair who were called. When everyone is seated, a water-like thing passed by in front of us.

"A protective barrier is activated. It will keep any external powers from intervening and protects the audience from any damage their attacks may bring."

"Snyp was never wrong about his visions, right? He'll win, right?"

Yes, the future that he sees never change. If he saw it happen, it will definitely happen.

The duel started and Sir Clinton disappeared. The whole stadium is dominated by silence. Everybody is waiting for any movement from the first pair.

"Will they stare at each other until the day is over?" Someone from the other class asked. "They've been staring at each other for like a minute or two," she said while looking at her watch.

I focused my eyes on the two who are inside the barrier. That's where I realized that their lips are moving.

"They're talking," I heard another freshman said. "So even the sound is blocked by the barrier. We could see them, but we can't hear, smell, nor feel them. Their presence is concealed."

"Snyp is moving," Winton said.

Snyp look back at our direction and our eyes met. The sides of his lips rose as he saw me looking at him.

"Why is he.. looking at you?" Winha asked while pointing Snyp.

I shake my head. He doesn't have any reason why he's looking at me. He's merely following the things that he did in his vision.

He raised his hand and started raising a finger after a finger. How arrogant.

"5.. 4.. 3-"

"Why are you counting-"

"2.. 1.."

Gasps in different tones can be heard in every corner of the stadium. I sighed when I saw the edge of Snyp's sword, pointing at his opponent's neck. It was followed by the sound of the buzzer and the disappearance of the barrier.

"That's it? It's over?" Winha said, surprised. "Snyp won?"

Snyp put down his sword and offered a hand to his opponent. They did a fist bump and smiled at each other. Right then, Sir Clinton appeared and announced Snyp's win.

"His visions are never wrong," Chiena whispered. "That means we're not gonna win, are we?"

I shrugged. "We never know. The future may change."

"It was cool but not thrilling. You should have prolonged the battle, Snyp," I heard a guy from the opposite side of the stadium said. I stared at his familiar face as I try to remember where I saw him.

"Why prolong a battle if you could end it right away?" I heard Snyp said before walking towards us with his hands in his pocket.

The guy shook his head and our eyes met. He looked at the other direction upon seeing me so I get to remember him.

That side profile..

"Is that your friend?" I asked when Snyp was close enough to hear me. Chiena gave way for him so he sits between us.

"No. I just happen to know him during the giving of ranking badge. He accidentally hurt you that day so I talked to him."

I'm right. He is the Guerrerian guy from that day.

"Second match.." Sir Clinton announced. "Ember Whittle and Kentak Coon."

"Air vs fire? Disadvantage for Ember, and to think that she is going against a guy."

Different reactions filled my ears when Fries appeared beside me.

"Sorry. Sorry hehe," he said before handing me a bag of popcorn. "Ash asked me to give it to you. You may end up sleeping because of this boring thing so, eat."

I accepted it and offered it to my teammates.

Meanwhile, Ember and her opponent walked together to the center of the stadium. When they stopped in the center, the barrier activated once again.

"I feel sorry for Ember," Fries sighed while chewing. "Her opponent, that's Xyra's younger brother. He is expected to be extra strong since he is a sibling of a thio. Like you."

"Me?" I asked, pointing at myself. Like me?

"Aren't you aware that you are the most anticipated contestant? Neym is in the second rank, like Xyra. The whole Quintessence is looking forward to seeing your abilities being used to its extent. Even some seniors are up there, sleeping," he explained, pointing at the upper bleachers.

"Why are they sleeping?"

"They just went here to witness your fight and Kentak's fight. You guys are the most anticipated representatives. The brother of the strongest Hatian and the sister of the strongest Gelarian of Quintessence."

I looked at Neym. He smiled at me and looked at Xyra who is beside him.

"Snyp, who will win?"

He saw a lot of us looking at him so he shook his head as a response to Winton's question.

"I don't want to spoil the moment."

I just shrugged it off and realized something.

"Where's Ashinaida?"

"Ash? She was called by the council."

Council. Those elders who look like judges.

"Why did they call"

"It's starting!" Fries excitedly exclaimed.

I looked at Ember. She seems calm, having her both hands at her back.

'You can do it, Ember. I'm rooting for you.'

She looks at my direction and smiled at me. She faced Kentak, together with the vibration og the barrier.

"The barrier is being weird." Fries commented.

Whispers dominated the stadium, questioning the unusual vibration of the barrier.

I was about to ask when I heard Ember's voice in my head.

"Thank you, Chimsy."

The vibration abruptly stops. Did it vibrate because Ember's thoughts made its way out of the barrier? I shouldn't hear her voice, right? Since she's already inside.

"Probably a minor defect," Fries concluded. He leans on his sit as he waited for the duel to start.

A fire broke out when Kentak kneels. The fire surrounded them. He stood up and walked towards Ember who is not moving.

"Why isn't she moving-"

"She's studying the situation," Snyp answered Winton's question. "The guy marked the whole place as his territory. One wrong move from the girl, it's over."

Ember is doing the right thing. It is very important to keep your calm in any situation and to think rationally. Especially that her opponent is not the ordinary type.

Kentak raised his hand and needles of fire came out from there. It was directed to Ember's direction but she managed to dodge it using her dagger. I can't almost see the dagger because of the speed of its movement. It lasted for a minute and not even a single needle touches her.

"Did.. that really happened?"

"She's so good."

"She gets rid of all the needles."

"How did she do that?"

Kentak dropped his hand and pulled out a dagger like the one Ember is holding. He runs towards Ember but the wind blows towards his direction, pushing him away.

"Ember is so good-"

"It was a wrong move," Snyp contradicted.

It was indeed a wrong move because it only made the fire stronger. She controlled the air movement upon realizing what she did. Kentak used this opportunity to charge towards Ember again. He raised his dagger and moved it in an X pattern, releasing blade fires from it.

Ember was busy running away but she still managed to avoid the dagger that Kentak throw. The second time he threw a dagger, Ember caught it but let go of it right away when fire flare from it.

"Ember.." I murmured. Her hands are trembling because of the burn. The injury looks bad and even if I am just looking at it, I could imagine the pain it brings. But her expression remained calm.

"He is not being considerate. He's just like Xyra. Maybe, the family Coon are like that. No considerations. It is a fight or die," Fries commented as he looks at Ember with pity.

Ember clenched her wounded hand and hold her dagger using her left hand. Right is her dominant hand so she'll surely have a hard time using her left hand.

They both run towards each other. Their daggers clashed and Kentak was thrown away, followed by the strong push of the wind. The fire grows stronger, causing a think white smoke inside the barrier. Nothing is visible so I started to worry about the two.

Fries stood up but the barrier disappeared. The smoke started rising but we can't see anything.

"It is over?" Winha whispered. "What happened?"

There was a sudden fall of rain in the middle part of the stadium and looked back to see Neym with his eyes in the sky. He extinguished the fire so the field became visible again.

I looked around the field and saw Ember, standing still in the middle while waving a white scarf.

"She surrendered?" Chiena gasped.

My eyes looked for Kentak and I saw him in the far end of the field, sitting in the grass while catching his breath. He was surprised when he saw Ember.

"She was so close to winning. Why did she surrender?"

Sir Clinton showed up and took the white scarf from Ember. He smiled and called Kentak in the center. They both shake each other's hand as a sign of truce.

"Why did you surrender, Ember?" Sir Clinton made us silent. We all wanted to hear her reason.

"The barrier won't disappear unless someone wins. We'll end up suffocating inside if we prolonged the battle so I decided to surrender and save our lives."

Her remarks make me smile. Ember will always be Ember.

"I lose," Kentak admitted. He looked up at the side where his sister is sited and smiled. "Right, big sis?"

They stared at each other before Xyra broke into a proud smile.

"It was obvious that I was losing the match. I admit my defeat," he added and bowed to Ember, earning a bow from her too.

"He is so cool," Winha said in awe. "Wrong. They are both so cool."

When I saw Ember walking back to her assigned seat, I tapped Snyp's shoulder.

"Can you heal Ember's wounds?"

He nodded without second thoughts and went to Ember. They talked for a moment before he sits beside her and start healing her hand. For sure she'll be fine.

"They're built different. I never thought that your housemate is that strong," Fries said, handing me his popcorn. "I'm not interested with the other duel. I'll come back once it is your turn," he said before disappearing.

A few more duels took place before I was finally called. Winha and Chiena hugged me before I went to the center of the stadium.

"Chimsy Morgan of Gelare.." Sir Clinton said when I stopped beside him. I bowed slightly to give respect. When I stood up straight, I met the eyes of my opponent.

The Guerrerian who accidentally hurt me during the giving of ranking badge.

"I would like to apologize for hurting you the first time we met," he said upon seeing my face.

"I know that it wasn't intentional. You're forgiven," I replied blankly.

"It is my first time to see Chimsy in an actual battle. I don't know if I should worry or be happy. I am so nervous."

My eyes automatically looked at Ashinaida when I heard her voice. She's now sitting next to Draceline who is holding her chest with both hands. They waved at me when they saw me looking at them.

"A protective barrier will be activated shortly. Good luck," Sir Clinton instructed before he disappeared from our vision. Just a moment later, our surrounding turns white and all the forms of sounds disappeared too.

So this is what it looks like inside the barrier.

"Shall we start?" He asked in an arrogant tone. He started walking around me so I just let him. "Chimsy Morgan," he whispered. "Wanna know a secret?"

I did the Indian sit and glanced at him.

"Spill the beans," I urged.

He looks like he doesn't have a plan to be offensive just yet so urged him to speak instead.

He walked towards me and stopped when he is just a meter away. I was forced to look up at him because of the distance.

"You, getting hurt at the giving of ranking badge wasn't an accident," he said with diction. "Someone ordered it."

My eyes widened upon the mention of the name. I suddenly felt disappointed and betrayed. For some reason, I believe him.

I tried to calm myself but my hands clenched on its own. I looked down as I control my emotions but the sadness and madness I feel are getting worst.

I held my chest as my vision turned black.



When the barrier activated, Chimsy's opponent started to make his move. He seems so ready to attack anytime.

Chimsy suddenly sit on the ground and calmly talk so Fries laughed his heart out.

"You should have given her a book, so she won't be bored inside," Draceline said, shaking her head. "Based on my observation, Chimsy is more on the defensive style. Just pure defense before knocking you down at one blow."

"Ashinaida, you can calm down. Don't you trust her?" Xyra said.

I trust her. But for some reason, my hands are cold.

"They're doing nothing. This might take us till tomorrow," some students complained.

They're doing nothing but everyone is all eyes on them. It is Chimsy, of course they'll look forward to it.

The Chimsy who is the younger sister of the strongest Gelarian.

The Chimsy who protects a student and fearlessly faced the council.

A newbie who can hang out with my brother without being hurt. It means they are equally strong.


Neym took all our attention when he suddenly stood up. He is worriedly looking at the center of the stadium so I did the same. The two are facing each other. Chimsy is on the floor while my fellow Guerrerian, Philip is in front of her.

"Why? What's the matter, Neym?" Fries asked but Neym didn't answer. He remained standing, not taking his eyes off Chimsy.

"She's been holding her chest. Is she running out of breath?" Xyra asked.

I stood up when the ground was divided into two and Chimsy fell into the hole. Philip clasps his hand together, making me gasp.

"He's burying her-"

I stopped what I was supposed to say when the ground didn't move. It was supposed to close when Philip put his hands together but it remained open. Confusion is evident in his face but he moved his hand, slowly clenching it but his feet were buried.

"A quicksand?"

"Chimsy managed to combine her water style with a medium?" I asked Neym in surprise but he didn't answer.

When the quicksand burried Philip up to his waist, the soil hardens. Philip holds the soil to control it but it suddenly turned into ice. He tried to move but he is frozen in place. That's when we saw Chimsy on the far side of the stadium, sitting in the ground.

"H-how did.. she.. end up there?" Draceline asked as she pointed to Chimsy in shock.

"Chimsy looks.. different," Xyra said, nearly a whisper.

Chimsy stood up slowly and positioned her hands, as if she is holding a bow and an arrow.

"Fries!" Neym shouted. Then I just found myself beside Sir Clinton with Fries and Neym.

"Thio," he said, acknowledging our presence.

"You need to open the barrier and end the battle right now or else, Philip will die."

Neym said in all seriousness which makes me feel goosebumps.

Chimsy has the intention to kill Philip?

"Now!" Neym shouted and the barrier disappeared. The crystal bow and arrow that Chimsy is holding became visible. My gasps when she released the arrow towards Philip who can't move.

No. Not one of my people.

