
Krain's POV


I stepped back in surprise when Fries shouted right into my face. He disappeared for a second and came back with Neym.

"Hey, hey," Neym called gently as he scanned my face. "You're back. Good thing you're back," he said, making my brow clash.

Why? What happened?

I let my eyes roam the place and realized that I am still in the middle of the stadium. Right, I was about to have a duel with a Guerrerian.

My eyes explored around to look for Philip. It feels like a thorn was taken out of my throat when I saw him. At least he's safe and sound.

'Ember Whittle. She fainted after stopping the time in order to save Philip.'

I throw my gaze on the other side of the stadium and saw Ember in a stretcher. The nurses are in a hurry and Ashinaida is following them.

"Ember," I called.

'It was her intension to kill Philip?'

'Philip could've died if Ember is not here.'

I felt weak after hearing it. I.. I did it again?

"Hey, everything is fine," Neym whispered as he hold my shoulders. "It wasn't intentional. You lost yourself. Philip must have said something that triggered it. I wasn't your fault," he said, convincing me.

His gaslighting scheme is not convincing enough.

My heart beats rapidly as guilt eats me. I remember what Philip said. And I nearly killed him, like what I did to the Guerrerian who were running after me.

And Ember...

"It's my fault," I mumbled. "It's my fault, Neym."

"No, calm down. It's not your fault."

The voices of people in the stadium filled my ears. I can't control what I am hearing so I covered my ears with my hand but it only became worst.

"No. I didn't want to kill him. I won't do that," I said, shaking my head.

"Chimsy," I felt a warm embrace that triggers my tears. "Shhh. It'll be alright. It is not your fault," Draceline whispered while caressing my back.

It is obviously my fault. I am turning into a monster. I am no different than the Guerrerians who were after me. We both have the intention to kill.

My knees became weak. My whole body lost its strength, and my eyelids are closing on its own.


I am a criminal. Having those thoughts of killing someone is a sin. And I did have those thoughts. I even tried to do it.

I.. I don't deserve to be here.

When the nurse left the room, I immediately got out of the bed. I carefully opened the window of the hospital room. I removed the window pieces individually before going out of it. I jumped from the second floor and landed in the thick grass.

I looked up and was greeted by Snyp who was standing there.

"Snyp," I mentioned his name.

He sighed. "I came here to help you escape," he said, giving me a hoodie. I put it on and let him lead the way.

He didn't say or ask anything. He just walked like he knows where to go without being noticed.

"I've seen this yesterday. I knew this will happen so I prepared everything beforehand," he confessed when we are almost at my house. "But what happened earlier is not the original future that was supposed to happen."

I stopped walking. Does he mean that the future he saw was changed?

"The terrain in the center of the stadium was supposed to be ruined and the barrier should have been broken. Snow was supposed to be all over the place, but it didn't happen. You changed it."

I stood agape. Does that mean that there is a possibility that the future will change?

Snyp took out an envelope from his pocket. He gave it to me and told me to open it. I was speechless after seeing what's inside.

"You are the first person who managed to change her fate. It means you could change the future." He put his hand in his chest, right above his heart and bowed down in front of me.

"I, Synp Tan of Heilsen, promise and swear to help you with everything and protect you with my life."

"Snyp," I said in shock.

He straighten his back and smiled at me.

"All the future seer of Heilsen are looking forward on your arrival in Quintessence. As I mentioned, we can see what will happen but not the face of the person involved. But we can tell who that person is based on the physical aspect that we barely see. And now that I found you, we are more than willing to protect you with our lives.. for the future of Epiliar."

Is this it? What mom talks about?

'You're the only hope of the future, Krain. If you die, there's no future to come.'

I feel burdened. Like I was given a responsibility that is more than what I could handle. If I am the hope of the future, it means I'll do something really great, right? And if I won't, there's a possibility that it will cost people their lives.

But why me? Why not mom, or Miss Xhora Chambers? They're Dauthinian too, they're surely stronger than me.

"Aren't you gonna ask why I am trying to run away when I am supposed to be doing something to fulfill the future that you saw?"

He shook his head. "The decision is yours to make. All I can do is to support your every move."

We both looked at the direction where we came from when we heard some noises. He motioned me to go as he walk back to meet the person who is coming. Its Xyra Coon.

I went inside my room and went straight to my closet. I took the envelope that mom gave. I must give it to Miss Xhora Chambers before I leave Quintessence. I also get my backpack and put two pairs of clothes inside. When I head for the door, Ember blocked my way.

"You're leaving?" She seriously asked, looking at my bag.

"Ember," I said in relief and pulled her into a hug. She's still in her hospital gown so I assume she came from there. "I'm glad you're safe."

She pulled back and look at me.

"Where are you going?"

"Please don't try to stop me. I don't want to hurt you, Ember," I pleaded.

"You know I can stop the time. Don't threaten me like that."

Right. Each one of us has this special ability except for the sensory or elemental abilities that we always use. It is our last hidden weapon.

"I must leave, Ember."


"Because.. I don't know. I just need to leave."

She look at me in the way like she's trying to know what's on my mind.

"Was it because of what happened earlier?" She asked. "Or it is because of that Prince from Guerreier?"

How is he even included in this issue?

"You are off to find him, aren't you?" No. "It was your mission, wasn't it?"

I didn't answer. I walked to the main door but she blocked my way again.


"Tell me honestly, Chimsy. What are you hiding?" She knows something? "You are the one who identified the corpse of the Dauthinian who was found near the district of Gelare. How do you know her?"

Instead of giving her an answer, I throw her a question.

"Why are you interested?" I asked. "And if you think I am hiding something, aren't you the same? We both have secrets we kept."

"I don't," she confidently said.

"Really? Then tell me who Krace is."

Her gaze became intense upon the mention of the name. "You'll have to die if I tell you about Krace."

"Then we are on the same page. I'll have to kill you if you know about my secret."

I won't kill anyone but I must threaten her too. I'm sorry, Ember.

I fought with her gaze until she sighed, giving up.

"Come back alive, that's all I ask for."

I hugged her one last time. "I will," I promised before leaving her.

I walked to the headquarters and gave the envelope to the secretary.

"Confidential papers. Miss Xhora Chambers instructed me to get these papers so please make sure she receives this."

Her face became dead serious upon the mention of the headmistress' name. I know lying is bad but if it is the only way to send the envelope to Miss Xhora's table, then I'll do it.

"Copied," she replied so I left.

For sure, some guards are in the main gate so my only way out is through the forest. I covered my feet with eyes to avoid stepping foot on some poisonous stuff. I learned from the last time.

"Krain, where are you?"

I stopped walking and look back. It's Neym.

"I know you're here somewhere. Xyra met Snyp and he told her that you are leaving. Where are you going?"

I don't know. All I know is that I should leave this place.

"If this is about what happened in the duel, Krain, you're not at fault. Let's talk this out. You can't just leave Quintessence."

I've heard enough.

I continued walking in the woods until I arrived in the lake that surrounds Quintessence. I saw a small boat so I went there. The first thing I saw was the note that says 'CHIMSY'.

"Thank you, Snyp," I whispered before pushing the small boat to the water. I ride the boat and controlled the current so I could take off.

I'm leaving for good, Quintessence.

I'll come back stronger and wiser. I promise.

It took me half an hour to arrive in the neighboring island. When I get off the boat, I used the water to destroy it. No one should know that I used this direction to escape. No one should know that someone escaped from Quintessence.

When the sun rises, I walked around the place and found out that I am in Hatian. District of people who can control fire. From there, I rode a taxi to Capitel. I didn't waste a minute and ride a boat to Lar river.

"Are you from Gelare?" The old man who owned the boat asked. He is standing on the opposite side of the boat to keep its balance.

"Yes," I lied. He'll a lot more questions if I'll say that I am not a Gelarian. Only Gelarian comes in this part of Epiliar.

"I advise you to bring company next time. This part of the river is dangerous."

When did Lar river became dangerous?

"Why is it dangerous?"

"A corpse was retrieved from this river. It happened earlier this year. And someone said that there is a monster living in the old district, Dauthi. No one wants to go there."

They believed that Dauthi is an abandoned place and now they are saying that there is a monster? They're staining the name of my home.

"No one reported it to Capitel?"

All these information must be reported to Capitel because they are responsible in letting the higher ups know about this.

The old man shook his head. "Only the king of Guerreier knows this."

Guerreier.. are they hiding something that the Capitel shouldn't know? Or they found our house and they are watching out for whoever goes there?

Danger could be waiting for me there.

"We are at the end of the river," he informed me while bringing the boat into a stop. He offered his hand to help me out of the boat but I walked on the water and made my way to the land. I thanked him and head to Dauthi when he shouted.

"You're taking the wrong road. Gelare is in the other direction. That one is leading to Dauth," he said with concern in his voice.

I looked at him and smiled.

"I am a researcher from Gelare. I'll come home after exploring here," I reasoned to give him a little peace of mind.

It has been months since the last time I was here. It may be dangerous but.. I'm coming home.

Nothing much changes so I managed to navigate the location of our house. When I saw it, my smile becomes wider. I'm home.

I spent months in Quintessence so I was expecting a lot of changes here. I know Guerrerians came here to capture mom so it is unusual to see our house with no changes at all.

I silently make my way to our main door and tried rotating the doorknob but it is locked. I went to the window of my room and used it to go inside.

I get deja vu. My room is still the same and my things are still arranged. I scanned the pictures in my wall and stopped in front of the biggest frame.

Our last family picture. It was taken on our last day together in this house. We were happily preparing a variety of food even though there is just the four of us who will eat. Then the next day, dad and Tera are off to Kauma. And worst, I needed to leave alone and be far from them.

I took the frame and looked at every detail of their faces. I wanted to memorize every angle of it so I will never forget them.

I jumped in surprise when something broke outside. I carefully returned the frame on the wall and walked to my door. I extended my arms and an eskrima that is made of ice appeared. I took a deep breath before opening the door but I unconsciously dropped my weapon.

"Nashin," I whispered his name.

For the first time, I saw him shocked. Like he didn't expect my presence here.

"You.. why are you here?" He asked.

"Why are you.." I looked at his get up. He is wearing a simple black shirt and black pants. He is also holding a cup and in the floor is a broken plate. "Here?" I said, finishing my question.

He ignored me and put down his cup in the table. He kneels and starts picking up the broken pieces.

"Hey, I'm asking you why you are here," I repeated. He finished cleaning the mess before facing me.

"I am the one who asked you first. Why are you here?" He asked back. His gaze went pass me and he walked towards my room. "You came from that room? How did you open it?"

Before he could walk pass me, I blocked him.

"What will you do inside?"

He looked down at me. "I can't disclose any information aside from the fact that I am here for a mission."

"Mission," I repeated. "You disappeared from Quintessence. Miss Beni sent me on a mission to find you and bring you back and now you're telling me that you are actually on a mission? Are you playing with me?"

He pushed me away from the door but I managed to hold the doorknob. I pulled it and closed it before he can enter my room.

"I'm not playing with you so move."

I let him went to the door but he can't open the door. He looked at me with creased forehead while trying to rotate the knob.

"What did you do?"

I scorn and go to Tera's room. Her pillows and blanket are the only things she left there. She must have brought all her things in Kauma. It is a good thing so that no one could trace her existence. No one will know that she exists. She's safe.

"This must be the room of your friend." I looked back at him. "The one who was named Krain."

It is my sister's.

I let my eyes freely roam the room. I used to sleep here too. Especially when mom and dad visits Capitel. Or whenever Tera is upset because dad forgot to buy her a bag of chips. And sometimes when she wants to talk to me until the sun rises.

I went next to my parent's room. Just like my sister's room, only pillows and blankets are there.

I kneel on the ground when I felt some vibration beneath. I took off one tile and saw Tera's doll there. Under it is a familiar small figure.


My eyes widened in surprise to see a Hura-look-alike figure. She has a grey hair but she has the same face and size as Hura.

I don't know her name but I'm sure I saw her before.

She looked at my eyes and run to me. Due to her size, she only stopped at my knees and hugged it. She burst out into tears.

"Thank you for coming back for me," she cried.

I looked at Nashin who is peeking at the small creature in front of me.

"Thank you for coming back. I thought I'll never see you again," she said and hugged my knees again. Her next words made me stunned at my very spot.

"Thank you for coming home, Krainarie."
