The Truth

Ashinaida's POV

"Chimsy is missing?" I repeated what Draceline said. "She was admitted in the hospital —"

"She's not there."

I haven't talked to her since her duel. The duel... Is that why she left?

The door of the greenhouse opened. Neym and Xyra entered. I was about to ask about Chimsy when a freshman from Heilsen followed them inside.

"You are a Heilsenian. What brings him here?" I asked the two. They exchanged looks before sitting across me and Drace.

"Chimsy left," Neym opened up. "I tried to stop her but I was late."

"Where did she go? We should find her and sort things out—"

"That's why Snyp is here. We believe he's the last person that Chimsy talked to before she left Quintessence," Xyra explained.

I looke at Snyp. He got what I mean and started to speak.

"Please don't stop nor go after her."

My forehead creases upon hearing him. "What?"

"I can't tell you the details right now, but please trust her. She'll come back."

"She'll come back because she has to. She belongs here," I answered. "Neym, we'll find Chimsy. We'll bring back your sister here. No matter what."

He sighed and shook his head.

He doesn't agree with my idea?

"Neym, Chimsy is your sister. How could you be this calm when she just left Quintessence?" My tone rises so Draceline tapped my shoulder.

"Ashinaida," Xyra shook her head too.

"If someone should worry, that should be me, Ashinaida. As you said, she's my sister. I didn't know why she left, where she went, and what she's up to," he calmly replied. "But I know her too well and I trust her." He looked at Snyp. "If a Heilsenian that has the ability to see the future assures that this happens for a purpose, then the more reason to trust my sister."

I transferred my gaze to Snyp who nodded his head. He sees the future? Then why can't he tell us the details about what will happen?

"I need to hear the details of what will happen in the future before I fully give my trust," I said, gaining a shook of head from him. "Will it hurt you if you said anything about what you saw?"

He gives gazes to each one of us before shaking his head again.

"It wouldn't hurt me, but it could hurt YOU, and them."

It could hurt us? Why? What did he saw? Is it something dreadful? Inhumane?

"Say it," I forced him but he shook his head once more.

And now, I am even more curious to see what will happen. My mind keeps making scenarios and I hate it.

"Is someone going to die in your visions?" Drace asked nervously. She's looking attentively to Snyp.

"Yes," he answered, making the fear in me grow. "Countless."

I stood in protest. "Then the more reason to bring Chimsy back here! If something serious should happen, we should face it together." I looked at Neym. "Don't you think?"

He stared at me, diving in deep thoughts. Drace is also spacing out while Xyra is staring at her hand.

It is our first-time hearing about the future. We have no idea as to when his visions will take place but I can't help but worry. Someone will die. I can't sit still and wait for that to happen.

"She'll come back. I can't tell when, but she definitely will. I can't tell why she left but trust me when I say we need to trust her and do nothing but wait for her to come back."

"Are you sure that we could trust your words?" Xyra asked, seeking assurance. She's calmly waiting for an answer while her arms are crossed.

"Our family never make a mistake when it comes to the future that we see. I know I am not wrong," he confidently said.

The door slowly opened and Fries entered the greenhouse with Ember. They silently went to us before they stopped in front of Neym.

"Tell me how your sister met the Dauthinian girl under the name Krain," she said directly. "She identified the corpse and she claimed that they were friends. Do you know her too?"

Neym shook his head.

"I know nothing."

Ember looked at me next.

"Do you know where your brother went to?"

"Sorry?" I said, taken aback. "May I know first why you are asking?"

"I.. " she trailed off and took a deep breath. "I have to ask him something."

It felt weird. She just show up here to ask about our siblings.

"You could try asking me. I might know the answer," I said and urged her to speak.

"What were the Guerrerian warriors doing in the forest near the river of Lar? They were there the day before the corpse of Krain was found."


My eyes asked for explanations but they all faced me with the same look, except for Neym who is staring at his feet. I know nothing about it. All I know that the corpse was found by a Gelarian. I don't know that our people went there.

"Are you saying that Guerreier has something to do with the death of that Dauthinian?"

I wanted to defend my district but I don't know the details of that incident. But I am very sure that Guerrerian is innocent. I trust my people. They will never do such hideous thing.

"I know you'll say that," Ember said coldly before excusing herself. But before closing the door, she looks back.

"About Chimsy.." she throw us a glimpse. "She'll come back alive, she promised," she said.

Are we really doing nothing? I'm hell worried about her, especially that we have no idea where she's off to.

"What about the duel? She needs to be there."

The battle is scheduled for three days, she can't be absent.

"Our section forfeited from the battle. All of them are in the hospital. We can't possibly fight today and tomorrow," Snyp explained.

I guess we really have no choice. I just hope she's well outside Quintessence.

The bell rang, indicating the call time for the battle. They all left, leaving me behind since I need to lock the greenhouse. Snyp waited for me so I had the time to ask him.

"Can't you tell me anything about the future?"

I wanted to hear anything about the future. Even a single detail.

He looked up in the sky.

"Do you know that in every decade, there is only one person who has the capability of changing his fate?"

I nodded. "I've read that on the book. But they don't live long since people kill them after they were born. People feared that they may change the future and cause chaos if they happen to alter the flow of events that are meant to happen."

He nodded. "Let's say Chimsy went to find that type of person so that we could change the future."

So, she's looking for someone? But all districts get rid of the people who are fated to change the future. She can't possibly find one. They are all dead.

"Why would we need to change the future?" I asked. "What will happen in the future?"

He finally looked at me before saying the words that I never thought I'll hear.

"We'll die. All of us."



"Where's Fenanie? Is she safe? Tera and your dad, where are they?" She asked consecutively.

I didn't speak. Instead, I offered my hand. She climbed at it so Brought her to the kitchen and put her in the counter.

"I'll cook for you," I informed her. I opened the cabinets but only found expired instant noodles. I went to the pantry, inputting the code to unlock it. I took out some canned goods and went back to the kitchen.

"Are you Krainarie's friend?" I heard her ask so I look at her. She's looking at Nashin who is standing there. He is just following us around without saying anything. "Is he your friend, Krainarie?" She asked me instead.

I looked at Nashin who is looking intently at me, waiting for my answer. I know he has a lot to ask. I would be curious too if I were him.

"Schoolmate," I answered. "If you don't mind, may I know your name? I've seen you before but I don't know your name," I asked respectfully.

She smiled. "My name is Aru."

I nodded and faced the sink. I washed my hands before deciding on what to cook when a hand gave me a piece of onion and garlic.

"May I ask for some water?" Aru requested so I made a small cup made of ice. I put some water in it and gave it to her.

"You changed a lot. You can now turn your water into ice," she commented while drinking. "Your friend?" she asked again, pointing at Nashin.

"Schoolmate," I repeated. "He is from Quintessence."

I took the chopping board and knife. When I placed it in the table, I heard a glass breaking so I look at Aru in concern.

"Aru, are you alright?"

She stepped forward towards me. "Did someone from Quintessence hurt you? What about Xhora? Did you met her? Y-you need to hide Krainarie. They'll surely kill you!" Shed exclaimed.

"Aru, calm down," I ordered. She inhaled sharply and held her chest. "They don't know me, Aru. Don't worry."

My attention was transferred to Nashin when he took the knife from me. He started chopping the spices without saying anything. He continued cooking without even throwing glances at us.

"How did you enter Quintessence without being known?"

I forced myself to ignore Aru. I went close to Nashin to help him but he ignored me as if I wasn't there.

"Your sister, where is she? Is she with Fenanie?" Aru asked again. "Krainarie," she called so I sighed.

"Aru, please. I'll answer your questions later."

No one talks after that. Only the sizzling sound of Nashin's cooking filled the house. I excused myself to go to change my clothes so I left them.

I hold the doorknob of my room. It glowed upon contact with my hands and opened on its own. I entered my room but before I could close the door, Nashin's hand blocked the door.


I was forced to shut my mouth as he covered it with his hands, pulling me inside my room. He locked it before letting me go.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed with my eyebrows in a line. "You can't just enter someone's room without permission."

He stared at me before his eyes went pass me. His eyes darted at the wall where the picture frames are.

"That's the daughter of the former headmistress," he whispered while looking at my mom's picture. His eyes went down to the biggest picture frame so I blocked it with my body.

"Please take your leave while I'm asking you nicely," I said. He might find out about my family but it doesn't have concrete proof other than the things in my room. As long as he takes nothing from here, all the secrets are safe.

"You are her daughter," he pointed out.

"Leave, now," I ordered.

He stepped forward, closing the gap between us. He reached for the picture frame so I pointed an ice knife in his neck.

"Don't you dare," I warned. "I don't care if you're a prince of Guerreier. If you insist to do the opposite of what I am saying, I'll be forced to hurt you."

"If you can," he challenged and disappeared. It was followed by a sharp object, pointed at my neck.

"Don't test me, Nashin. You haven't seen even half of what I can do."

I controlled his weapon and it turned into sand. I took the chance to move away from him. I released a fire from my left hand but before I could fire it, my hands were covered with wet leaves. I calmly pointed at him, releasing a current of electricity but he disappeared completely.

"What a bummer," I murmured as I reach my study table but a strong blow of air pushed me.

The next thing I knew, I was pinned down on the bed with my both hands on each side of my head. I looked at him in annoyance as I try to get away from his grip.

"You are Fenanie Rodrigo's daughter. So I am right about you, being a Dauthinian," he said.

"So what?" I bravely answered. "Are you gonna kill me? Is that your mission? You are waiting for anyone from my family to come home and you'll get rid of us?"

I didn't expect his gaze to soften. As if I said something disappointing.

"Don't look at me like that, Nashin. Quit pretending to be someone you're not. It is not like it is hard for you to kill-"

"Is that how you see me?" He asked, almost a whisper. "If I am what you are thinking, do you think I'll have the time to talk to you and ask you questions? If I am here to kill you, do you.. do you think I'll really do that?"

His questions feel like a slap. Pain is evident in his eyes and I can't help but to feel guilty. Am I wrong?

"Do you know why I am here?" I didn't answer. "I am here to find traces about Fenanie's family as per the headmistress' order."

So that is his mission? Given directly by Miss Xhora Chambers that's why Sir Clinton and Miss Beni are not aware of it. He is looking for my family?

I judged him too quick. I shouldn't have said those words.

"Nashin, I'm sorry-"

"Was it because I hurt you when I was not in my right mind? That's why you're concluding that I can kill you."

What is he pertaining to?

"I just impulsively say whatever comes to mind, I'm sorry," I apologized.

He looked at me and shook his head. "Liar," he said before he got up. But before he could go, I held his hand to stop him.

"You can read minds, right? Try reading my mind to see if I am really lying." because I didn't. I don't lie but I keep secrets.

"You've been lying ever since you entered Quintessence," he said, making me speechless.

He is technically right. I did. That is the only way to protect myself.

"I had no choice." I looked straight into his eyes. "I would have died long ago if I entered Quintessence using my real identity." I let him go and turned my back on him.

My mind keeps replaying my memories from that day, when Chimsy gave her life to save me.

"Chimsy's sacrifice will be put to waste if I revealed myself as a Dauthinian."

The burden I had with me feels even more heavy. The future that I needed to save, the life of my people, the expectations of the future seer, so as the life of Chimsy. I can't disappoint anyone, because I shouldn't. I need to change the future for them.

I looked up when I felt my tears building up at the corner of my eyes. I quit. I wanted to stop thinking, to stop worrying. I want to live while worrying about simple things, like the clothes I should wear the next day, the food that I will, the things that I'll buy.. I want to live like that.

"If I knew that all of these will happen.." I shouldn't have come to Quintessence. I should have gone to Kauma instead. Things won't be this complicated if.. I was the one who disappeared for good. "I would have offered myself."


"I hate my great-grandfather for giving his land to his people, I hate his people for being greedy and turning against each other, I hate the heaven's for giving me such responsibility, and.. I hate myself for being so weak and uncapable of saving others."

Now, I just hate everything.

I stood up and wiped the tears from my face. I head for the door to go back to Aru when a pair of hands hugged me from behind. I could feel his fast heartbeat as he placed his head on my left shoulder.

"I also hate everything for putting you in this mess."

My tears take off so I bowed my head. His hug loosen as he walked in front of me. He wiped my tears away before hugging me again.

"I'm sorry, Krain."
