Back For Good

Krain's POV

"She knows me," I concluded. "How?"

Krace answered me with a tap on my shoulder. We went with the police after the explosion so we are here at the police station.

"The explosion just came out of nowhere. We checked all the CCTV footage but it was under repair that time so we have nothing." The police officer looked at the baby I am holding. "I heard the only casualty has a son."

I looked down at Shandy who is sleeping peacefully in my arms. "This is her son."

"Good thing he was saved," he commented. "We'll take the baby into custody since we can't identify the mother—"

"We'll take him," Krace said. "It is her wish." He handed the note to the police officer.

"You are Krainarie?" He asked to which I nodded. "Krainarie Whittle," he nodded, getting my full attention. I felt how Krace look at him and how Tera looked at us from outside the police station.

"How did you know that name?" I asked coldly. Ordinary people from Meriandin would never know my name.

The officer stood up so Krace did the same. He blocked the officer from going near me.

"How could I not know when your name was reported missing almost a year ago?"

Krace and I looked at each other. I was reported missing?

"Aren't you the fiancee of Prince Nashin Laurel?"


"He made the report, saying that you disappeared from Epiliar. He visits Meriandin every month to ask for updates about you."

My forehead creased. Is he that desperate to find me?

"So you have a connection with Laurel?"

"I am his mother's cousin," he confessed, shocking us completely. He knows Queen Nathalie. Maybe he knows mom or Miss Xhora too.

He walked back to his table and opened his drawer. He took out a small paper and handed it to me. Krace took it on my behalf and showed me the writings on it.

"Call him. He's waiting for you."

I just stared at the paper. Krace let go of it when it turned into ashes so I looked at him in confusion. I looked up at him and saw that he too is confused on what just happened. It means...

"Tera," I called upon seeing her hand in the air.

"No one's calling a traitor."

I forced a smile as I face the police officer.

"I know this will happen," he said, shaking his head. "You could actually call him if you wanted to," he told me. "I'll register that child's adoption. That's the least I can do for you."

The baby started crying so I stood up. Krace excused his self to go first and talk to Chiena and Tera.

"You wouldn't tell him that you saw me, right?" I asked hopefully.

"I would if he asks. He's my nephew, after all," he reasoned. "But I don't think he'll ask. He probably knew where you are. And he chose to protect you from afar."

Protect me from afar? How?

Until we arrived home, the question still lingers in my head. Why would he protect me? I'm his enemy, aren't I?


I looked at them and realized that I am the only one left outside the house. I walked fast and went straight to my room where I placed the sleeping baby.

"He lost his mom. He didn't even had the chance to know her," Tera whispered sadly before walking to her room, together with Chiena. Krace was left in my room.

"His mom knows what will happen to her. She also knows that we'll be in that bus. That's why she left her son to us."

But the question is, "How did she know me?"

He nodded. "I'm positive that she's someone from Epiliar."

I stared at the baby. Could it be...

"Maybe it is the sign for us to go back to Quintessence."

It's been a year since we left without telling anyone. We received no new from Epiliar and there is a possibility that something serious happened there while we were away. Something that we'll never imagine to happen.

I stared at Krace for seconds, hoping that he will say the words that I longed to hear.

"Do you think we're ready?"


"Are YOU ready?"

Silence embraced us. Instead of asking myself, I smiled at him.

"Heroes don't get ready. They are born ready."

We used the whole night to get ready for our departure. We agreed to ride on a public transportation to the pier and from there, we'll ride a boat that will go to Epiliar.

"Wristband, Tera," I reminded her.

She raised her hand and pointed her white wrist band. Krace did the same. We carried one backpack each and an extra back for Shandy's belongings.

"We'll go to the store?" Chiena asked.

"Yes. We need to buy Shandy's things."

We nodded at each other before going out of the mansion.

We'll be going out of our fortress. We'll be facing the world once again and this time, there's no running away. There's no turning back.


"I know, Krace. I know."

I followed them as we walked on the trail the will lead us to the highway. We rode a bus and successfully arrived at Mecca. We bought necessary things for Shandy and went to the ticketing station.

While waiting in line to buy a ticket, Shandy cried. I looked at him in surprise since it is the first time that he cried this loud.

"Shh, baby. I'm here, I'm here," I whispered, gently tapping his back. His feet are kicking in the air and his cries became louder. I shyly say sorry to the people around. Krace took him from me and swayed gently while humming.

'Is he hungry?' I asked in his mind. 'Or is it the call of nature?'

"Look at his eyes, Krain."

I followed what he said and immediately closed my eyes after meeting his.

Nashin.. he.. he will..

"What did you see?"

My heart beats loudly as I opened my eyes again to see . "My death."

"I also saw mine."

Shandy suddenly stopped crying and fall asleep in his arms.

"He has the power of the future teller."

I took him from Krace so he could get our tickets. I stared at Shandy who is in my arms.

Are you meant to be with us? So that we'll see how we'll die?

I slowly put him in my shoulder, hugging him. His eyes must've hurt earlier. Upon contact with other people, the pain will go away. But that'll hurt the person who saw how he'll die. It is like a curse.

"It may be a curse, but your existence is a blessing. I'm sure of it, Shandy."

"Let's go," Krace said so we followed him closely. I tried listening to his thoughts but no information is leaking.

When we are finally in the boat, I nudge his shoulder to get his attention.

"What did you see?" He raised a brow. "Your death, I mean," I clarified. "How will you die?"

He stared at my eyes and the sides of his lips raised momentarily. Is he happy upon knowing his death?

"It is an honorable death, Krain. Something I could be proud of."

I forced a smile. He tried to think of it's positive side instead of being worried about it.

But I can't act cool about it. I can never act cool about it.

For hours, I just stared blankly at the waves, not forgetting what I saw.

He'll kill me.

He went as far as claiming to be my fiance and going to Meriandin to look for me... It was all because he wants to kill me?

I laughed sarcastically at my own thoughts.

What would I expect? That he'll save me with his life? Silly me.

If he's meant to kill me, then I have one thing to do. Kill him before he could kill me.

"It'll take us three days to arrive at Epiliar."

"I know, Krace."

That's enough time for me to prepare myself.

To prepare my self to kill him.


Ashinaida's POV

"Guerreier is preparing for a war," I confessed to Miss Xhora.

She remained facing the field of Quintessence.

"I'm against it but I can't do anything to stop Guerreier. Miss Xhora, please, we need to do something," I asked.

Her swivel chair rotated, facing me. "We can't do anything about it, Ashinaida. What's meant to happen will happen."

"No," I disagree. "We could try doing other things. We could prevent the war from happening."

"It has been a year," she said, facing the window again. "I've tried to change it, but nothing changed for the past year. What's meant to happen still happens."

Anger starts to build up inside me but I remained my calm. I am obviously betraying Guerreier and telling her the plan of my district but she's not even reacting that much. It seems like she just surrendered without a fight.

"Si Krain," I started. "I know she's capable of changing the future. Let her do her part. Let her change the future!"

"I won't allow that," she replied firmly.

"Then you'll just watch the fall of Quintessence? The fall of other districts? You'll just watch the whole Epiliar falling into a new ruler?"

"Why are doing this, Ashinaida? Shouldn't you be on their side?"

I'm out of words. I can't believe I'm hearing this from her.

"You, why are you doing this? You hid Krainarie, didn't you? She's our only hope in changing the future and preventing the war but you're gate keeping her!" I shouted. "Nashin and I have spent our year looking for Krainarie, hoping we could help her in ensuring peace in Epiliar. Guerreier's preparation for the war ended and yet, you're still gatekeeping Krainarie!"

"Because I am protecting you," Miss Xhora said coldly. "Your mom's dying wish was to protect you, your brother and your sister. Fenanie has been suffering and her sole wish was to protect her daughter. I-i.. I wish to do the same. I wish to protect my son."

H-her son? Miss Xhora has a son?

"I'm being selfish, I know. But calling Krainarie out would risk her life. My son will surely follow Krain. It means danger for you too," she explained. "I am trying to save you. Even if it means sacrificing myself."

I was taken aback. She wanted to protect us.

"Even if it means sacrificing Quintessence?"

She faced me again. Tears started falling into her cheeks. She stared at me and nod once.

"Yes. Even if it means sacrificing Quintessence."

Despite understanding her reasons, I shook my head. I took a step back, away from her.

"I always looked up to you, Miss Xhora. And it is the first time that I felt disappointed with your decision." I walked to the door and held the knob. "My mom would do better if she's here."

"But she's not here," she answered. "She did the same choice years ago that's why she didn't make it until today. And I willingly follow her choice. And even if I'll end up like her, I will never regret choosing my son, Krainarie and you over myself and Epiliar."

My hand on the door knob tightened.

"Tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the evening. Guerreier's force will be here. Kicking you out of Quintessence is their first goal."

I left her office after saying those things.

The past year has been peaceful. I took some missions outside of Quintessence in hopes of finding Krainarie but I failed. Neym helped me in doing so but we still failed. I even took the risk and told Draceline, Xyra and Fries about Chimsy being the real Krainarie Whittle. We joined forces to look for her but to no avail. We never find her.

I took the road that leads to the village. I stopped in front of Nashin's house. The door is open so I walked towards it. I heard a glass breaking so I run inside.

"Nashin!" I called upon seeing him spacing out. Broken vases are scattered around him so I approached him carefully. "Nashin..."

"I'm going back to Guerreier, Ashinaida."

My forehead creases. I hold his shoulder and looked at his face.

"Why would you go back to Guerreier? You extended your stay despite graduating early—"

"I've decided to fulfill my duty as the Prince of Guerreier.'

My hand automatically dropped because of his remarks.

"What happened in Meriandin, Nashin?" I asked seriously.

He was so eager to find Krainarie and marry her. It was the only way we find in order to avoid going into war. If they get married, it is like a promise between Guerreier and Dauthi. They would be the reason for a truce.

And now, he is saying that he is returning to Guerreier without finding Krainarie?

It only means he's finally leaving Quintessence and marrying someone from Guerreier. That's how he'll fulfill his duty as a Prince.

"Tell me what happened in Meriandin, Nashin."

He smiled sadly.

"Someone already took the responsibility of taking care of her."
