Queen of Guerreier

Snashi's POV

"Today is the day," I whispered as I opened the door in front of me. "Father," I greeted formally before setting a foot inside a hall that is filled with our warriors.

Today is the day that we, the Guerrerians, will replace the long time reigning of Dauthinians. We'll change Epiliar. And today is the beginning of that movement.

Today is also the day where I'll be formally appointed as the Commander of this war. I'll lead my people to victory.

"I, the King of Guerreier, appoint my eldest daughter, your future Queen, to lead our warriors and throw Dauthinian from ruling our continent."

I am making the right decision. I'll be doing this for my sister. She'll understand my reasons, for sure. I needed to save her.

Our warriors cheered as my father hold his beloved sword. He was about to put it in my waiting hands when the doors swung open, getting the attention of everyone in this hall.

His cold eyes roamed around the hall and stopped when he saw us. He walked slowly and our people make way for him. He stopped in front of us before bowing his head.

"Father, I officially left Quintessence, following my early graduation." He raised his head and for some reason, his eyes look lifeless. "I am here to finally fulfill my duty as the Prince of Guerreier."

I controlled my reaction by keeping a blank face but deep inside, I was shocked. Why is he doing this so suddenly?


Ashinaida was catching her breath when she stood up beside Nashin. She tapped his shoulder lightly, as if letting him know her presence.

"You can't be doing this!" I heard her whispered. "No, he is not fulfilling his duty, dad. Not yet."

"That's not what he said," dad replied. "Are you really surrending your life for your people and Guerreier?"

"Yes, I am," he answered without any hesitation.

I look at Ashinaida, waiting for an explanation as to why Nashin is acting like this.

I am partly happy for he is siding with me and Guerreier but why would he?

"I'll take that answer and call for a celebration, I guess?"

All of us stood quiet and look at our father. Even our warriors are waiting for the next words he is about to say.

"I say we cancel the battle and celebrate the upcoming marriage of my only son!"

Once again, all the people cheered except for me and Ashinaida. We just stared at Nashin who doesn't seem to care about his surrounding.

"Let the news spread! And take the only daughter of Heilsen's Leader. He vowed to let his daughter marry Nashin one day and that day has come. Inform her family and bring her here!" He ordered.

Everyone became busy with the news and left the hall. I remained standing there until dad finally left me with my siblings.

"What happened?" The first thing I asked. "Nashin?"

"Shouldn't you be happy that I am on your side?"

"I guess I won't be unless I know why?"

Instead of answering my question, he put his hands on his pocket and make his way out. He didn't even bother looking back or waving good bye.

"What happened?" I passed the question to Ashinaida.

"Krainarie," she mumbled. "I'm still on her side no matter what," she whispered before leaving.

I was overthinking about what just happened. I just saw myself walking in a dark hallway, leading to a special cell that conceals all types of powers.

"Have you found her?" She asked when she saw me.

I frowned. "I never looked for her."

"Right. It was your siblings who were looking for her. Did they find her?"

I didn't answer. If I could only set her free and let her lead Epiliar like how she is supposed to be doing right now if she didn't choose to run away..

"So they found her. They didn't harm her, did they?"

I sighed. "I think it is the other way around," I confessed. "There is a very evident change in my brother. He must've learned something about Krainarie."

"He is no good to my daughter."

"Like how your daughter is no good for my brother," I replied. "Do you really have no idea where your daughter is? Its been a year since you were locked up in this cell which conceals your powers. Though the torture stopped, you're still locked up here."

She smiled at me. "Well, at least I'm alive."

I turned my back and started walking away when she speak again.

"Say it," she urged. "I know you have something to say."

I admit, she's too intimidating to talk to. She could even read my silence despite being held into a cell where she can't use her power.

"You know I'll lead my people in colonizing other districts, right?" She nodded. "Since you've known my mom for such a long time.." since you are the person that she trusted the most when she was alive. "What do you think would she say if she's seeing me right now?"

She stared at me as if I am nothing. I can't quite understand her facial expressions so I just gave up on waiting for her response. It was so stupid of me to ask her in the first place.

I turned my back and took a few more steps before I finally heard her speak.

"Whatever you do, I'm proud of you."

I was stunned for a moment. "You think.. you think she'll say that?"

She nodded. "As a mother, she'll understand that you don't have a lot of choices and what you're doing is the best choice you have."

She'll understand.

I turned my back and went back to our mansion when I stumbled upon the messenger of Guerreier. She's trembling with eyes that can't focus on one thing.

"Is there a problem?"

She step back and hid her trembling hands from me.

"The only daughter of Heilsen's leader... she's dead, Princess Snashi. This will make His Majesty furious."

She's dead? Why would she die?

I made my way to my dad's office just to see my brother kneeling in front of him.

"You saw her died? What were you even doing in Meriandin, Nashin?"

He looked up to my father with teary, sincere eyes.

"I was looking for Krainarie Whittle."

Did he just.. revealed his betrayal?

"Why would you look for her, Nashin? I already sent our people to get rid of her—"

"No. I must be the one to get rid of her."

"How could you get rid of someone you love, Nashin?" My father asked in a disbelieving tone. "You are my son and I know all your moves. I know you are trying to protect that girl!"

"I was never capable of loving, Father. You trained me to be as cold as ice for it is the greatest defense I could have as someone who'll rule my people."

He also trained me first, then he did the same thing to Nashin. If there is anyone in this house who have a pure heart, it would be Ashinaida and her alone.

"Let me lead the treason and prove that to you."

My dad is obviously in deep thoughts. Nashin is asking for my position. I would gladly give it to him in other cases but we are talking about Krainarie here. He can't be sent to kill the only girl he likes since forever. That would be cruel.

"What can you say, Snashi?"

I stepped forward and bowed my head.

"I don't agree with sending Nashin to the battle. Not any of my siblings."

I'm only doing this to save them. If they'll get into the battle, there's a possibility that they'll get hurt. I don't want that to happen.

"You should send me, Snashi."

"I am begging you," I heard him say in my head. He is giving me a blank look so I stared back.

I can't afford to lose my siblings in this battle.

"I will not die, Snashi. I promise," he said in my mind. This child and his mind reading ability.

"I could lead Guerreier to victory, Nash."

"This is my only way to save Krainarie and Ashinaida at the same time. Please.."

"But we could join hands or you give me a helping hand instead. Be my right hand. That's the only position I could offer you," I offered, changing my decision.

The thought that he hasn't given up on saving the two is is making me curious about what plans he has on his mind. He changed his way and this time, I am not sure what he'll do but I know we have the same goal.

To protect Ashinaida.

.. and Krainarie.

"I'll take it," he responded after a long silence.

Dad left us as he was occupied with what to do upon knowing that the only daughter of Heilsen's Leader already died.

"What's your plan?"

He faced me and sighed. "Same as yours. Saving Ashinaida.. and getting rid of Krainarie," he said in almost a whisper.

Getting rid of Krainarie?

"I thought you'll save her and Ashinaida?" I clarified. He clearly told me that he'll save her and now it is the opposite? "Get your facts straight, Nashin. What are you planning to do?"

"I don't know, Snashi. I don't know."

Something happened in Meriandin, that's my conclusion.

"Did you see her?"

As far as I know, the only person who could sway him is HER. He never think twice. He was so loyal to Guerreier, not until she came in the picture. My brother became soft and he started to care about anything.

She became his weakness.

He nodded. "And she's happy with someone else." He looked down and smiled sadly, as if remembering something. "And that happiness suits her."

He looked at me and smiled. "So I don't think she'll ever come back here in Epiliar. And I hope she wouldn't come back here too. Facing a dilemma on getting rid of her or protecting her is too hard for me."

"Then why did you want to be part of the battle?"

"To gain trust," he answered. "I'll gain the trust and power that I'll need in order to rule my people. If that happens, I'll be more capable of protecting Ashinaida.. " he trailed off. "And Krainarie, in case Guerreier pursue with the plan to kill her."

He did love her.

I feel pity for him. He doesn't deserve seeing Krainarie with someone else but he already did. It is his fault since he looked for her but.. it is his fault. He knows it is risky to fall. It is even more risky since he fall for a Dauthinian.

He make his way to the door when I stopped him.

"I heard you saw your supposed-to-be-wife died? How did she die?"

"It was a bus accident, but I don't think it was an accident. The bus exploded when she was the only one inside. As if she was purposely made to stay in the bus so she'll die alone."

I never heard of that girl before. She's the daughter of Heilsen's Leader but she never attended Quintessence. She must've been raised in Meriandin, hoping to have a normal life but she ended up dead at such a young age.

"Okey," I replied and motioned him to go.

When he left the room, I was embraced by silence.

Why would she die? Did someone kill her? Why would they kill her? Is it because she's the daughter of a district leader? What's in it for them? There must be a reason.

"But she's a Heilsenian. She must've the ability to see the past or see the future —"

I stopped talking when I realized something.

Could it be that she was killed because she has the ability to see the future?

Ashinaida mentioned that future seer disappeared unknowingly. Is there someone who hunts them?

I went back to my room. I found Hura reading a book about healers so I sit near her.

"Have you heard about healers who disappeared?"

"Healers who are future seer."

So I was right.


There's someone frantically knocking on my door while shouting my name. I opened the door for Ashinaida and she looked at me with a desperate look.

"Please stop them, Snashi," she begged. "You need to stop them!"

"What is happening, Ashinaida?"

"It's.. they are.. they'll kill Miss Xhora! We need to stop them!"

I frowned. I never gave an order so why would someone move on their own?

"Who ordered them to go?"

"It is.. it is dad." She shook her head. "He said Dauthinian must be the one who killed the supposed-to-be-wife of Nashin."

They can't be serious!

I run as fast as I could. I searched for the corridor but I didn't see father. I decided to go out but all the doors were highly guarded.

"What are you doing?" I asked coldly, side eyeing the one who blocks me with his spear.

"The King's order. None of his children is allowed to go out unless all Dauthinians alive are captured and imprisoned."

It means Nashin is still here.

I looked at Ashinaida and it seems like we have the same thoughts. She run back inside and head for Nashin's room while I follow her.

"He is off to kill Miss Xhora!" She announced when we opened his room.

"Where is he?" I asked when I saw no one. I looked around his room but the door opened and closed shortly. I saw Nashin with a familiar guy.

"Snyp!" Ashinaida called. "You disappeared from Quintessence a year ago."

"And I am back to warn you."

I remained silent as my curiosity went to its peak. Who is he?

"The future... the happenings were just delayed, but it will still happen."

Is he a future seer?

"Which part of the future are you pertaining to?"

He looked at me, then Nashin and his eyes stopped at Ashinaida.

"Your death."

I look at my sister in worry. We tried everything to save her but it is still going south. It will probably never change unless Krainarie die.

"Wasn't it you who said Krainarie could change the future?" Ashinaida carefully asked. "We can make her change it."

"She's not even here. How will she kill Ashinaida?"

Snyp's forehead creases. He gave a confused look to Nashin.

"I never said it was Krain who'll kill your sister."

My eyes widened. It means someone else will kill her? But the future seer on the basement said that—

"So that old seer lied to us?" I realized.

We have no reason to get rid of Krain in the first place.

"Tell us what you've seen, Snyp," Nashin ordered.

"There'll be a war, like what you all expected. Quintessence is bound to fall and rise again."

Yes, I expected that.

"Is there no way to stop that?"

"That.. I don't know."

An alarm beside me goes off, breaking our conversation.

"I need to go back to the cell," Snyp said.

"You were imprisoned here?"

He smiled. "Don't worry. Nashin has been taking care of me."

He turned his back and head for the door. Ashinaida left the room

first. Nashin went out a seconds later and Snyp followed. But he stepped back and look at me.

"Queen of Guerreier..." He said.

His last statement lingers in my mind like a riddle that I can't answer.

"Protecting could hurt and sometimes, not doing anything is the best thing to do. Just so you know."
