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Krain's POV

"We're home."

I sighed happily as we get off the boat. It took us only a day since we helped controlling the speed of the boat. We did great in speeding it up so, we are here.

I'm back.

"What now?" Krace asked while collecting my bag. "Where are we going?"

I took a second to think. We can't go to Quintessence at this rate, can we?

"It would be best to bring Shandy to a comfortable place."

I look down at the baby in my arms. He is sleeping peacefully.

"We should go to Kauma. Dad must be waiting for us."

I agreed with Tera's suggestion. Kauma would be the safest place for Shandy.

"Its for Prince Nashin's wedding."

Both Krace and I looked at the nearest flower shop. Two Guerrerians are picking flowers from the shop.

"Let's go, Krace," I said.

I feel disheartened but I remain standing beside Krace. He isn't moving so I pulled the ends of his shirt.

"Krace, please," I asked.

Tera held my hand and smiled while looking up at me. Chiena did the same.

Right. I have them. I need to protect them.

Why am I even affected by what I heard?

At last, Krace faced me. He held my shoulders and lead me to the bus that is going to Kauma. We were about to step inside the bus but he pulled me back.

"What's wrong, Krace?"

"I.. I heard something."

I looked around discreetly.

"What did you hear?"

"That Guerreier is planning to kick Dauthi's administration out of Quintessence."


"The only Dauthinian in Quintessence is Miss Xhora. They want Miss Xhora out of Quintessence?"

Worry is evident in his eyes.

How could they?! The audacity to kick out Dauthi from ruling Quintessence when Dauthinians established this institution! After my great grandfather gave his property to these people, they have the audacity to kick us out?

I feel awfully disheartened. I feel the sudden heaviness in the atmosphere and the changes of my eye color.


"Tera, I need you to bring Chiena to Kauma. Can you do that for me?"

She stared at me for seconds before nodding without any questions. She pulled Chiena and rode the bus to Kauma.

"Let's go to Quintessence," I said to Krace.

From me, his eyes shifted to the baby in my arms. "What about Shandy?"

"We'll bring him with us." And it doesn't matter. What matters is our presence in Quintessence before it's too late.

I moved closer to him.

"Can you bring us to Quintessence in a minute?"

He slowly nodded after having second thoughts.

"I can but they've known me as Ember Whittle. Then I'll show up again as a guy?"

"We could care less about that. Think about your mother."

He nodded. He motioned me to move closer which I did. He hugged me so I hugged Shandy too before closing my eyes. I felt the movement of my surroundings. Not even a minute later, I heard the swooshing sound of a sword.

Due to my reflexes, I raised my hands and formed a stone barrier. I looked around and saw Miss Xhora behind us. Krace rushed towards his mom while I look at the other side of the office.

The Respected Elders and the rulers of different districts.

"You... Aren't you the sister of Neym Morgan of Gelare? The one who went missing."

They looked at the barrier I made with confusion. I looked at the old man who draw a sword. He was the one who hurt Chiena on my first day in Quintessence.

"What's happening here, Miss Xhora?" I asked seriously while looking at them.

'We are having a meeting, Krain. Please take Krace with you. You need to leave—'

"I've never seen a meeting with weapons," I said loudly. "Mind telling me why you visited the office of the headmistress."

The Respected Elders exchange looks. Some of them laughed at my words which fuels the insult and anger I am feeling.

"I don't think you are in the position to know it—"

"We are here to impeach the current headmistress," a man calmly said. He looks like Snashi. Is he... The King of Guerreier?

My forehead creases. "And why would you do that?"

Before others could say a word, he stood up.

"Dauthi has no power. Xhora is the only Dauthinian and she has no people," he said. "For more than a decade, no other Dauthinian exist. It means, Guerreier has to take over Quintessence."

"How obnoxious," Krace commented. Miss Xhora held his hand and shook her head.

That was the only reason? So that must be why he was trying to hunt and kill Dauthinians. So he could say that they'll take over legally.

I smirk at that. The sound of a recorder reached my ears. I secretly looked around and saw a blinking light in one of the corners of the room.

"Fenanie Rodrigo exist though," Krace said. "If there is anyone who has the right to decide on who will rule Quintessence and Epiliar as a whole, it must be the descendant of the Rodrigo Family."

The elders whispered within their selves. I remained staring at the King of Guerreier. If I could only kick him—

'You can't do that, Krain. Please leave this room this instance. Bring Krace with you,' Miss Xhora ordered. 'You're not supposed to be here in Quintessence.'

I'm not kicking him cause there's someone recording.

But we are not running away either.

I held on Shandy properly. Good thing he remained asleep despite all the noises.

"I heard Nashin Laurel is getting married," I said, changing the topic. "It is disappointing to know that he'll get married to another girl after he came to Meriandin, looking for his so called fiancee."

The Elders exchanged whispers once again.

"Where are you getting at?"

'Krain, stop it—'

"Let me correct your question," I said. "What am I trying to get?"

"Krainarie," Miss Xhora called with authority after I ignored her words in my head.

Shock can be seen in each of their faces upon hearing what Miss Xhora said.

Be surprised. It is my intention to surprise you anyway.

"Y-you are... Krainarie?"

"It is true that she exist?"

"Isn't she dead?"

I smiled. "Yes, I'm Krainarie Whittle," I introduced. "And I came back to get what was ours."

I felt so proud after saying that. As if my courage was build up from the past year that I stayed in Meriandin. Suddenly, I felt so ready in facing everything.

The old man who once hurt Chiena break the silence. He laughed out loud in a mocking manner.

"And you think you could claim that you are a Dauthinian —"

I flicked in the air and the window behind him breaks into pieces. He stood up so I raised my hand, releasing a number of ice knife which caused him to step back. He took one of the chairs and was about to strike it in my direction when it was eaten by fire. He run and hide behind the King of Guerreier so I looked at Krace.

'I know what you're thinking,' he said in my mind.

A second passed and we are standing behind him.

He went on his knees in surprise. All of them are obviously shocked with what they just saw.

Guess no one expected us to be this prepared.

"I think the claim is proven to be true."

Krace held my arm and we were back beside Miss Xhora.

"I'm sure the whole Epiliar is watching this right now, aren't they?" I asked. I looked at the video recorder.

"Listen, people of Epiliar," I started. "I am Krainarie Whittle, the daughter of Fenanie Rodrigo. The late headmistress which is my grandmother died when my mom was in such a young age. She refused to rule Quintessence and I think that was the safest decision for her that time."

I looked at Miss Xhora who is holding her tears. I don't know what she's thinking but I've decided. I'll stand by what is right, not by what is the safest for me.

"But as for me, I choose Quintessence over my safety." I smiled. "You've probably heard about how a friend protected me when I was on my way to Quintessence. She died for me. I could die too after this revelation but I don't care anymore. All I need is for you to know that Dauthi is still alive, and I am the living proof of it."

"Krainarie.." Miss Xhora whispered so I smiled to her reassuringly.

I thought they are going to shut up but another old man speaks. He is the one in the middle, the highest Respected Elder.

"You can't restore Dauthi alone."

"I was never alone."

Krace moved beside me. He held my shoulders so I looked at him and he smiled.

"I was always here."

"You're also a Dauthinian?" Another old man asked.

"Well, my mom here is a Dauthinian so that make me one," he answered, looking at Miss Xhora.

"All along, Xhora has a son?"

"And they already have a kid?"

Krace and I looked at each other upon hearing that.

"This child—"

"I think Dauthi is really restoring itself," the highest elder said, smiling as he stood up. "Dauthinians are here. We have no right to kick them out of their own place."

They all stood up and walked out of the room. The King of Guerreier was the last one to go out.

"Congratulations," he said to us. "I am thankful that you created your own family. At least, my son has no reason to protect you."

As much as I wanted to answer him, I stopped myself. I can't disrespect the King of Guerreier in front of the people of Epiliar who are watching.

When he finally left, Shandy woke up and started to cry.

"Is he... Your son?" Miss Xhora asked. Krace and I exchanged looks once again, not knowing what to say.

We didn't lie on the Respected Elders but we didn't tell them the truth either.

"If I were to count the days you were together in Meriandin, it makes sense."

It is so awkward. Does she really believe that something happened to Krace and I? Do we look like lovers?

Miss Xhora took Shandy from me. She smiled at Shandy before looking at me.

"Thank you, Krain. Thank you."

I forced a smile. I looked at Krace, waiting for him to say anything.

'You need to say something, Krace.'

"Did you get married in Meriandin?"

I was stunned in my place.

I covered the video recorder with water until it is completely destroyed. It was supposed to be a public impeachment but now, it turned into a public drama. And I can't find the answer to that question.

We were busy training and doing strategic planning on how to save the people of Epiliar from the future chaos that the war will bring that we even fail to think of ourselves and they would assume that this child is ours?

"We didn't," Krace answered. "Krainarie loves someone else."

My forehead creases. "What are you saying?"

"Why? Aren't you in love with Nashin?"

Miss Xhora looked at me. "Krain—"

"I wasn't," I denied. "Krace, what are you saying?"


I shook my head. What is he trying to say? He didn't deny the assumptions about Shandy but revealed the details about Nashin.

"It could be anyone but Nashin, Krain," Miss Xhora said calmly. "You have a son with Krace, that's all that matters now."

I looked at Krace and motioned him to explain but he didn't speak this time. What's wrong with him?!

Knocks took our attention. The door opened, revealing the secretary of Miss Xhora.

"Quintessence is waiting for you," she said.

She guided us outside. We were greeted by the students of Quintessence. Some of them are familiar so I smiled.

Krace stayed beside me, garnering gasps from students.

"He looks like...Ember? Ember Whittle?"

"Ember is a he?"

Miss Xhora moved forward while carrying Shandy. She smiled at me before looking at the students.

"Confusing it may get, but I want to formally announce the admission of two Dauthinians here in Quintessence. The first Dauthinians from this generation. My son, Krace Chambers," she said and Krace bowed slightly.

"And the daughter of Fenanie Rodrigo, Krainarie Whittle."

"All along she's alive?"

"She pretended to be Chimsy?"

"So, she's not Neym's sister."

My eyes stopped at Neym who is looking at me intently. He smiled upon seeing me looking at him.

"Welcome back," he whispered in the air.

"And as per the rules in Quintessence, they'll be labeled as rank Ena, the first rank."

Humarap si Miss Xhora sa amin ni Krace saka nawala ang matamis niyang ngiti.

Miss Xhora faced Krace and me. Her sweet smile disappeared, replaced by a worried look.

"And now, what's meant to happen will finally happen."

'Brace yourselves to go in a war.'
