
Snashi's POV

"We are off to a bloody war."

I followed dad after he entered the main hall.

"They said you ordered people to get rid of Miss Xhora."

"I personally came to peacefully impeach her but it didn't succeed. It means the war has to happen."

I stopped walking.

'The war has to happen.'


"Why do it has to be a war?"

A war will cost us not only properties but also lives. And we'll be doing that to save my sister. Is there no other way? Do we really need to resort to war?

"The war will risk our lives, though."

I walked out of my room to sneak into the prison. I need to ask the Heilsenian guy about what will happen.


I leaped in surprise when dad appeared beside me.

"I'll show you something."

He lend his hand so I hold it. A flash of events showed up in front of me. I gasps in surprise and tears stream down my face.

She'll really kill Ashinaida. But why would she do that? She could kill me instead.

"Dauthinians could go off like a bomb without knowing what they are doing."

Just like what happens to Nashin everytime he losses his self.

"They could go rampage without knowing and your sister will be a victim of it. That's what the future shows."

That must be the reason why we must eliminate Krainarie. She has to disappear for good.

"But people are blind in this area. They were ordered to protect Dauthinians when we should be eliminating them. That is why future seers are disappearing. Dauthinians are getting rid of them to prevent any information from leaking. They are protecting their reputation by getting rid of everything that goes on their way."

They're... Shameless.

"Listen, Snashi," dad said in a whisper. "I am opening your eyes so you'll know what decisions to make. Now is not the time to shiver and falter, Snashi. Our people needs you to lead them to the real definition of peace and security."

And I will promise to do that.

"I'll lead our people to win this war," I assured. "Those who supports Dauthi are bound to fall."

He nodded. "We'll make a new Quintessence."

I immediately ordered to get my people ready. I declined to have an inauguration and instead, use the time to prepare our warriors.

It will be Guerreier against them all.

"Hatian and Heilsen agreed to join forces with us."

And that is a good decision. They will be a big help in conquering the Quintessence.


I raised my head and look at my brother. He gave me a blank look so I gave him the same gaze.

"If you are upset for not being able to lead the people to the war—"

"Why are you suddenly rushing things?"

"Have you heard about the broadcasted supposed to be impeachment of Miss Xhora?"

"I.. did."

I faced the drawing that I took from Ashinaida.

"Now that Krainarie Whittle is back in Quintessence, Ashinaida's life is on the line."

In normal days, he would be defending Krainarie but this time, he didn't say anything.

"She has this.. thing like the one you have," I shared. "Her power is stronger than her so she could.. could go rampage without knowing. The exact thing that happens to you every once in a while. Dad said she'll kill Ashinaida unintentionally, while she's not being herself."

He looked down at the drawing in front of me.

"And no one could stop her unless we get her killed?"

I... I don't know.

I can't tell what might happen that will lead to this ending.

"But Snyp said no one could ever change the foreseen future. It means we can't get rid of Krain even if we try to."

"We just need to do something, at least."

I assembled our people and instructed to do the attack when the sun shines the next day.

"Anyone who comes our way is an enemy. And all our enemies..." I trailed off. "Are meant to fall."

'Protecting could hurt...'

I could ignore that Heilsenian. He is a friend of Krainarie and he may have made up the things that he told us.


I looked at my sister who carefully went inside my room, trying not to make any unnecessary noise.

"You made orders to invade Quintessence?"

I nodded. "Yes, I did."

"And you ordered them to make me stay here tomorrow and until the war ends."

I sighed. I did. "I'm sorry, Ashinaida."

"Instead of imprisoning me here... Can you send me to Meriandin instead?"

Meriandin. That would be a safer place for her, a place away from here.

"Right. I am giving you the permission to go to Meriandin. I will assign people to accompany you."

She'll leave at midnight. When the war sparks at Quintessence, she'll be away from here. That's a good way to hide her.

She left right away and I spent the whole night, deciding on who to employ in a specific area of Quintessence.

As the sun rises, I lead my people to go to Quintessence. Nashin stays beside me as we move.

"Can I ask you a favor?"

I looked at him. "Spill it."

"Let me handle Krainarie."

That would be... Cruel.

"Tell me first about your plan."

"My plan..." For the first time in a while, he smiled. "Is to do the right thing."

Nothing is right though.


Krain's POV

"We'll be staying in our assigned house. No one replaced us, right?"

Miss Xhora agreed to let us stay in our assigned house in the village. She told us that she'll take Shandy in Kauma so that my dad could take care of him and we agreed with it.

"Deja vu," I whispered upon seeing the house where we used to stay.

"It didn't change at all," Krace commented.

I hope it'll never change.

He head in the house first but I stopped at the door to look back at the opposite house. The lights are off so he is probably not there.

I went inside my room and look around. Nothing changed, except for an unfamiliar book. I opened it and saw drawings.

It is the events that had happened.

I scanned the pages and ended up on the blank pages. I flipped the last page and saw that a page was torn. What could that page contain?

I lift the book and saw a card there. I picked it up and read what was written.


I've waited in the last station of ranking exam.

And I'm still waiting 'til now.

See me when you see this, Krain.

I'll come back for you right away.



I silently walked out of the house. I went to the other house but was stopped by a hand. It pulled me on the shadowed part of the house.


The familiar voice whispered, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're fine."

"Ashinaida.." I whispered.

"I'm just here to warn you. Guerreier is coming here, when the sun rises. They'll take Quintessence by force and my sister will lead them. I... I did my best to prevent it from happening but you, coming back here in Epiliar makes them move to get rid of you."

She held my hand tightly.

"The seer told us that you'll end up killing me. They're basically doing this to save me and at the same time, rule Quintessence. You know how much I respect Dauthinians. I am on your side but I can't show it to them. I don't want to be labeled as traitor, Krain."

I know she'll always be on my side.

"Please promise me one thing." A tear escaped from her eye. "Save the people of Epiliar from harming each other, please. And spare my brother and sister. They have no choice."

No choice...

Then I have no choice but to call them enemy.

I held her hand and nodded. "I'll save the people of Epiliar."

Because that's what I'm here for. To protect them.

"Thank you," she whispered after pulling me into a hug.

She immediately put on her cloak and made sure to cover her face. Before she could leave, I held her wrist.

"Will you be alright?" I asked worriedly. "This information could lead to Guerreier's downfall. Will you be alright?"

She forced a smile. "My mom will do the same if she's alive in this timeline. I'm just doing this in her behalf."

"Krainarie," Krace called so I looked back in the house. "What are you doing there?"

I looked back at Ashinaida but she's no longer there.

"Just... Looking around," I answered, walking back at the house.

"You're never moving on from him, aren't you?"

I sighed. "And you're never going to stop bringing it up everytime you have a chance, aren't you?"

I walked back to the house with him, following closely. When he shut the door closed I let some of my thoughts leak so he would know what just happened.

"They're attacking tomorrow?"

I nodded shortly. "And our only option is to protect our people. But we can't protect everyone. For now, the best thing to do is leave Quintessence and go to other districts, we should go to the people that we needed to protect."

Quintessence could be destroyed and that's fine. Students in Quintessence are capable of protecting their selves anyway, but not the people in Capitel and other districts. Guerreier prepared for this war. The first one they could be targeting are the people in the weaker districts.

"Let's assemble the students," I ordered and Krace nodded, agreeing.

We both went to the headquarters. Miss Xhora wasn't there so we ha no choice but to take advantage of our ranks to lead Quintessence.

"Krain, what's happening?" Neym asked upon seeing me in the center of the field.

It is almost midnight and we called everyone to gather here.

"Krainarie!" Draceline called and looked at me, worried. "What is this about?"

I looked around as students curiously moved towards me. This is it.

"I never wanted to cause trouble at this time but..." I took a deep breath. "Guerreier will make its move when the sun rises," I announced. "As the epitome of everything, Quintessence is expected to make a move too and protect the people of Epiliar. And now, the real question strikes."

I looked each one of them in the eye.

"Are you willing to protect Epiliar? If yes... To what extent?"

They exchanged unsure looks.

"I can't promise you anything in return but if you're up to it, I swear in the name of Rodrigos that we'll make Quintessence stand strong and tall."

The people here are those who are in their prime, probably in the right age where their powers could be used at its peak.

"Krace and I are Dauthinians but our powers will never be enough. We'll need you to protect our districts, our families and selves."

"Students from Hatian are with you, Krainarie Whittle," Xyra said, stepping out and bowing her head a little. Other students from the same district as her did the same.

"So as Gelare," Neym declared.

"Heilsen will help you as well," a friend of Snyp said.

The others whispered their declaration of support except for the Guerrerians who remained silent, observing the situation.

"Are you siding with Guerreier?" Draceline asked carefully.

Philip stepped forward hesitantly.

"I admit, Guerreier is doing an act of treason but we can't declare our support. We can't afford to totally betray our district."

I understand.

"But I am giving you the permission to do so."

From the far side of the field, Ashinaida appeared, removing her cloak. Her answer shocked her own people.

"The late Queen will surely do the same."

Philip smiled at me. "Then we are all with you."

"Thank y—"

My smile disappeared when an earthquake took place at the field. I touched the ground to detect who's doing it but I stopped upon locating the familiar presence.

"Send a student to each of the district and let them know about the situation. Send more students in Capitel and Prosaic to protect the ordinary people," I ordered and turned my back but Krace pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going? They're here!"

"I'll need to face the strongest one, needn't I?"

I harshly removed his hands and run towards the village. The students moved according to my instructions and Krace hesitantly followed them.

I knew this day will come. I'll eventually face him.

I arrived in the village silently. There is no other presence other than his. He's probably here to distract us before his people arrive.

I took a deep breath and opened the door of his house. When I stepped foot inside, the lights turned on consecutively and I saw him in the end of the hallway. He is standing with a knife in his hands.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"You came," he whispered.

For some reason, I wanted to cry. But now is not the time for that.

I looked at the knife in his hand.

"You're finally showing who you really are," I scoffed. "The spy of Guerreier."

He ignored my words. "You've seen the note I left in your room?" I didn't answer. "I put it there a year ago." He looked down at his knife. "And ridiculously," he looked at me again, his smile disappearing. "I've waited."

In a span of second, he disappeared and appeared in front of me. Before I could react, he closed the gap between us. I felt his warm lips on mine, making me close my eyes. I felt his left hand slipping on my back, pulling me closer.

He moved his face away from me. A tear escaped from his eyes as he looked at his shaking hand.

My gaze went down to his knife that is soaked with blood. I automatically held my left abdomen to stop the blood from dripping.

"A... A welcome... Gift."

He knew me so well. He knows that his presence could distract me this much and he took advantage of it.

He pulled me carefully into a warm hug. My vision became blurry but I clearly heard him whisper.

"I've missed you, Krainarie."

I smiled.

He can't kill me.

This is not how I'll die.

My death was determined and he can't change it.

With all my remaining strength, I formed a sickle out of the air. I raised my shaking hand and pierced it on his back. I felt him flinched and his hug tightened.

"It's.. my gift," I said, trying my best not to shiver. "We're even."

He pushed me back gently and flashed a smile. His hand raised to hold my cheeks. He then pulled me closer again, sealing my lips with his.

I closed my eyes as I felt it watering.

Can I.. feel no pain in this lifetime? Can't I just skip this part of my life?

And to make the pain I'm feeling even worst, I heard his voice in my head.

'I'm fine with dying in your arms if it means I could hold you like this, Krainarie.'
