Big news

Big news

" Doctor are you sure? " said Linda...

" yes Doctor Linda my diagnosis cannot be wrong! " said the Doctor handing her the report..

" thank you Doctor for telling me... I'll do the further investigation. " said Linda..

" it's ok Doctor.. I thought it would be better to tell you. "

" thank you very much Doctor. " said Linda.. and shook her hands with the Doctor.

[ After getting out of the cabin ]

Linda did not went to meet Mrs Lee or Julia.. she straight headed to her cabin... after working for a day she went to eat with Sylvia in a cafe and told her about the matter...

" Linda.. I feel pity for your adoptive dad.. but do you think... that his own biological daughter can hurt him like this.. " said Sylvia.. holding the coffee in her hand.

" I guess... the person who did it will show the true colors in few days.. just wait and watch. " said Linda..