

[ Next day ]

Linda went to hospital.. early to avoid William... as many unexpected things happened the previous day...

Linda was sitting in her cabin and was reading a book... it was already afternoon..she was going to cafeteria for her lunch.. when Sylvia came rushing to her...

" LINDA!!!! DID YOU SEE THIS!!! " said Sylvia.. she was panting...

"what happened Sylvia?! " asked Linda and saw the phone in Sylvia's hand...

Linda's eye widened as she saw the news...

"what?! how can... it.. happen? " Linda was shocked to see...

She rushed to the garage and drove to ' Unit City Hospital ' .

" Julia?! what happened to dad?! " asked Linda.. she was huffing...

" can't you see... operation is going on!! " shouted Julia, and Ryan was standing beside her... he was quiet and not spoken a bit... and Mrs Lee was sitting on the chair.. calmly..