"I'm going to take a shower or I'll be late " I say and dash into the bathroom.

I hear the bedroom door open and close and I sigh out in relief, but why is my heart aching?

I scamper downstairs struggling with the zipper on my jacket and my backpack, the principal will have me for breakfast no doubt, oh lord.

I hit my head on the door as I struggle with the locks and the pain numb my senses for a while, I lock the door from the outside throw the keys into the flower pot and almost jump out of my skin when a hand touches my shoulder.

"Fuck" I swear as I see Zacharys inhumanly beautiful face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. What happened to you?"

He questions touching the spot on my forehead that had suffered the unfortunate fate some minutes ago.

I shrug and pull away from him.

"I thought you left" I say eyeing his car.

"Get in, we're late" he says holding the door open, I look around me contemplating my options, I have none so i get in.

Zachary is sitting in his place with his friends, his eyes move to me every now and then.

The whole school had gone wild this morning when we showed up In school together, zachary had gone to shower and change into new clothes that one of his friends had brought him and i went to class.

This is our first class together today and the distance is killing me, i want him within arms reach, i look at him and catch him staring, he winks and looks away.

Jessica walks into the class in her usual dramatic fashion swaying her hips dramatically from side to side, she stops at Zacharys desk and bends down to hug him kissing him on the lips.

Something within me begins to boil with rage at the sight of this, I watch her whisper something in his ears and they all laugh, her hands interlaced with his.

I jump up to my feet without thinking it through and march over to her pulling her away from him with so much force she loses her balance. Every pair of eye in the class turns to me in surprise.

"Is everything okay?" Zachary asks me looking worried

"I just don't want her close to you" I murmur.

Zacharys POV

I park my car in the parking lot with a big smile on my face, I look over at Savannah and notice she is a bit fidgety.

"You okay?" I ask her

She turns to me taking a deep breath in and nods her head in response opening the car door and stepping out.

I step out too and rushes over to her side, i notice all the students looking in our direction with confused expressions.

"Should we hold hands, make it a little entertaining for 'em" I say jokingly but she looks me dead in the eyes and responds "why would we do that?" Before stalking off.

Why does she make me so nervous?

I meet with Andre in the hallway and follow him towards the boys bathroom.

Savannah stops walking and turns back when she notices I am no longer following behind her, i see panic in her eyes.

This is a path of her she keeps hidden, the side of her that feels and cares but she can't fool me no matter how hard she tries.

She hurts me yes but she never fools me.

I run back to her, standing all lost in front of her locker and hug her whispering in her ears.

"I'm going to change my clothes, I'll see you in class".

I feel her beating heart against my chest and her soft flesh.

She pushes me off of her gently but firmly and just in time too before I had an erection (I giggle internally at how embarrassing it would have been).

I watch her as she walks towards the classroom and turn to go back to Ander who is waiting for me in the restroom.

"You look extremely happy" he comments as soon as I open the door, I shrug and stretch out my hands for my clothes.

He places an oversized denim jacket and a white shirt in my hand.

I pull off the shirt I have on and proceed to wear the new clothe.